15: Law Don't Mean that It's fair

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Winter was busy so much that it took forever for Weiss to get ahold of her again long enough to talk.

In fact, it took two whole days.

Weiss and Pyrrha were disappointed that they couldn't talk to her the same day as the discussion, but Winter refused because Weiss said it wasn't an emergency, though it was important, and that it would take longer than 5 minutes.

"I guess this is on me," she said.

In other news, over those few days the team heard more about Robyn Hill from Ironwood, and he elected not to inform her about the Amity Tower's real purpose.

More importantly, the election was this day, as luck would have it. Which was partly why Winter had more time off. The Ace Ops and part of the kids would be attending the election victory party Robyn was having, rather prematurely, while the others had the night off.

Winter always had work to do, but seeing as how Weiss would be free, she said she'd squeeze her in.

Jaune was actually going to the movies again with Oscar, while Yang and Blake were going to hit up some clubs--Blake didn't really want to do this, but Yang was hankering for some partying in questionable company, and the others wouldn't let her go alone, nor would anyone else be talked into going... Also Qrow said a hard no on letting Ruby anywhere near a dance club.

Blake supposed she'd just end up reading a book...which sounded pretty nice actually...but she could do that later, right? She should probably make it up to Yang for missing so much...right?

[Still not a ship.]

Nora and Ren were going with Ruby to the party.

Jaune offered for Pyrrha and Weiss to join him and Oscar but was surprised when both of them declined.

"Maybe next time." Pyrrha put her hands together nervously.

Weiss wished Pyrrha wasn't such a terrible liar.

"Is something wrong?" Jaune was suddenly on guard, because the last time this happened Pyrrha was planning to turn herself into the Fall Maiden.

"No, I just--" Pyrrha began.

"We have plans already." Weiss grabbed her arm. "Just us two. I mean, we haven't trained together in ages!"

"But I thought we had the night off," Jaune said.

"It'll be fun," Weiss said.

"You train too much," Yang scoffed. "It's almost like Pyrrha never left, jeez."

Pyrrha should probably have been more appalled at Yang mentioning that, but was actually more relieved that Yang was starting to make jokes about it. Maybe even she was getting used to her.

Oscar would have liked to be part of the conversation, but he was afraid Winter would ask him questions he was not at liberty to answer about Ozpin.

Jaune was pretty sure Weiss was hiding something also, but he knew she wasn't going to tell him.

Pyrrha worried though.

"I feel bad lying to him," she said as they left the dorms.

"We couldn't exactly tell him," Weiss said.

"Why not?" Pyrrha asked.

"Because I don't want anyone else to blame Winter," Weiss said. "It's better if just those of us who are more understanding handle this."

"Jaune is understanding."

"Maybe to you." Weiss shrugged. "I think he'd lose it for sure."

"Well...I'm surprised you consider Shine and Wally to be understanding," Pyrrha said.

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