142: Don't Look Back

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Oscar, Ruby, and Theo left Argus before midnight. It was still going to take them a lot longer to  catch up. They just hoped this ship was fast enough.

They didn't know that the others had left for Beacon already, or they would have figured they'd never catch them in time.

They also didn't know their ship had gone down, because Winter did not hear that update till she and the other two teens were at the train station and the base notified her that the ship had completely lost contact with them--which, with the arena up, it should have still had.

It could have been a fluke with the tower still being only just launched, but it seemed unlikely.

"But they could have survived, right?" Emerald said.

Winter wasn't sure... They needed to get to Haven and find out. If they had just lost connection, the others would be fine, or they might have gotten off of it in time--there were parachutes... But they'd be closer to Haven than Beacon if that was the case, so better to look for them there.

She tried not to think about the alternative.

"Welp, they're doomed." Mercury was not open to optimism. "I knew this idea would never work."

"Do you have to say the worst thing?" Emerald said.

"I call it as I see it," Mercury said.

"Through grey tinted glasses," Emerald muttered.

Funny, that sounded like the Silver Eyes.

Mercury wondered why Ruby had given him such a weird look before they'd left earlier, like she wanted to say something but then wouldn't say it. And then she'd looked in a mirror at her own reflection, like she was wondering if she had something crooked.

Girls were weird.

Oscar had actually asked Emerald aside if she knew anything about Salem's knowledge of Silver-Eyed warriors.

"No, that's Hazel's thing. I don't know," she said. 

"And...this might sound weird, but did anyone ever say anything about Mercury's eyes being ...you know, grey?" Oscar asked.

"No," Emerald said. "It's kind of weird, huh? Since it's such a big deal. But I guess maybe it's not the right shade of grey?"

"I don't know about that," Oscar said. "I saw the Hound... That person's eyes weren't the same shade as Ruby's, but they were grey."

"You mean it's not that easy to tell?" Emerald said. "S---, Mercury could have--but no way, Salem would have killed him or...worse."

"Yeah...unless she just didn't care as long as they weren't activated," Oscar said. "It's just a thought. It just seems weird--we don't know anyone else with grey eyes."

[As a side note, I noticed Winter's eyes were a lot greyer in Volume 3 and much lighter in Volume 7, like they purposefully changed it to make it less confusing. I think hers were supposed to be just greyish blue anyway, not actually grey, but they've cracked down on making it less confusing. I think Watts' eyes initially were a more greyish-tinted green and then also changed to be more clearly green. But Mercury's have stayed grey. Actually, comparing how they looked in Vol. 2-3 and now, his are closer to Ruby's shade than before.

Apparently there was some BS way to tell by how much light reflected in them, but that's not a very reliable source, since, depending on the animated shot, it wouldn't be visible all the time. The color is the easiest way to tell. I think they just wanted people to stop speculating--too late though. Kind of did this one to yourselves.]

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