198: We Collide

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"Something bad is here," Oscar said, looking around at the rocks and strange-looking mold stuff.

"Yeah..." Ruby said slowly.

"Whatever it is, we can handle it." Yang made a fist.

"Can we?" Oscar said. "We haven't done such a great job so far."

"We got through everything until now," Yang said. "Try having some confidence, Oscar."

"My confidence is shot," Oscar said. "I've lost control so many times, I think it's a miracle we came this far."

"That's what I like about you, Oscar," Neptune said. "You're so humble. Most guys, if they were able to do what you do, they'd brag about it."

"You wouldn't brag about this, Neptune," Oscar said somberly.

"I think we lost Qrow and Winter," Ruby said, "and your mom and Hazel."

"They all can take care of themselves," Yang said. "Maybe we should just go ahead, meet up outside this... weird... field of volcanic rock we're in."

"You think there's a volcano in it?" Neptune asked.

"I don't know, maybe," Yang said.

"There is a mountain over there." Ruby noticed one in the weird lighting, as she'd just thought it was part of the skyline. "It could be a volcano."

"I don't remember Hazel mentioning a volcano near Salem. Do you think we went off course again?" Oscar asked.

"If we went up there, we could already see her creepy lair from here," Yang said. "We're supposed to be close. I say it's worth a shot."

"Oh, good idea." Oscar was sarcastic. "There definitely won't be Grimm waiting to welcome us in the Grimm lands--probably a dragon, knowing Salem's flair for poetic accuracy."

"We can handle a dragon. Ruby turned one into stone before," Yang said.

"Wyvern, but still..." Ruby said.

"It's better than being lost," Neptune said.

"I want to go back for the others first," Oscar said. "See what they say. I don't like being separated again."

"You worry too much," Yang said. "There was nothing in those rocks. They'll find their way out."

"Just because we found nothing doesn't mean they won't find anything," Oscar said. "I'm not going anywhere without them."

He hit his spear into the ground forcefully.

Yang snickered. "You look like an old man."

Oscar cast her an annoyed look that was pretty childish.

"Okay... maybe..." Ruby said. "Oscar is probably right. He usually is, so... you think I should try to use the Silver Eyes? Something about this weird field makes me feel like Grimm are watching us."

"Would it be possible if you can't see them?" Neptune said.

"I don't know. What are these things...?" Ruby used her scythe to tap one of the bumps.

It snapped open without much warning and revealed another of the weird plants that Winter and Qrow had found already, though this was a different section of them.

"Ahh!" Ruby jumped back and the plant shot after her.

The inside of it was blood red and sticky looking, with something that was oddly like a tongue but way bigger and more sharp, like a plant's pollen stalks would be, but the end was barbed.

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