18: Blood Sky

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Finally the teams regrouped for the night and discussed what happened.

Pyrrha was noticeably quiet, and so was Oscar. The others wondered what was eating them.

"I...guess you guys weren't too happy with Shine and Wally getting put under house arrest," Jaune said.

"They didn't do anything wrong," Weiss surprisingly spoke up. "So what if they had an opinion?"

'The General is concerned because they refused to take orders," Ren defensed him. "He's taking precautions, what if they had warned Robyn? They would be abetting a wanted criminal then. They don't listen to any of us."

Qrow was there, though mostly quiet, and he sighed. "I knew they'd be trouble."

"Really? They are the trouble?" Pyrrha said oddly. "Are we so sure they are the ones we should be worried about warning anyone?"

Yang and Blake shot her glares.

"Who did you have in mind then?" Qrow asked.

"Nevermind," Pyrrha hugged her knees. "I'm getting a little tired of the secrets, as Nora said earlier."

"Yeah," Nora said.

"Look, it's just not a good time yet," Ruby said. "We'll only make it worse now."

"You sound just like him," Pyrrha said quietly. "I used to think General Ironwood was a good man. But this? This doesn't feel good to me."

"I'm worried Pyrrha may be right," Oscar said. "I want to  trust the General, and I do believe in his intentions..but he was saying some weird stuff earlier too, like he wonders if not being human is Salem's greatest advantage...and I wondered if he's trying to put all emotion aside and just use pure logic...and can we afford to do that?"

"Well, acting on impulse wasn't getting us very far either," Qrow said. "This whole thing is a mess, but it's better to do something than nothing."

"Speaking of those two Fruit Loops, where are they?" Yang said, "They pick now to start respecting our privacy?"

Pyrrha and Oscar exchanged a look. "Well they were supposed to stay in their room," Pyrrha said.

They were all in team RWBY's room at the time.

"Leave 'em there," Qrow thankfully said. "Better that they don't spout off any more."

"Did you really think they were wrong earlier?" Pyrrha looked at him intently. "They're plan would have spared a lot of effort."

"Whether it would've worked or not, they're fighting with Ironwood was not what we needed," Qrow said. "They have a lousy method."

"I still thought locking them in was harsh, they didn't say they'd warn anyone," Weiss frowned. She had personal feelings about this, since she'd been given the same treatment by her father...and that reminded her. "And what about this party?"

"I doubt they'll be invited," Qrow said.

"I'm going to check on them," Pyrrha said.

She got up and went out into the hall, then into Oscar/ Wally's room and into the adjoining room.

No one was there...shouldn't they have been back by now?

* * *

In fact, the whole thing had taken Shine and Wally longer than they thought.

They'd started with Gira Belladonna, Blake's dad, because they thought that would be the easiest one, and so it was. While he found their sudden arrival odd, once they realized what was going on, he was quite willing to say he'd help out his daughter and her friends, and that the White Fang would be happy to help any fellow Faunus out also. He said, however, that they couldn't promise a huge array of fighters would be ready, protecting Haven and the surrounding area was taking a lot of effort.

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