17: Don't Believe the System's On Your Side

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Pyrrha had gotten a coat and scarf out of her room and then left while they were talking to Winter.

Winter took no notice of her.

Pyrrha waited till Winter had walked away and then slipped into Wally and Oscar's room, opening the bathroom and finding the door into her and Shine's room was unlocked.

Winter had not known that Pyrrha and Shine shared the room, not Shine and Wally, and hadn't thought to lock the other doors--or she considered it pointless since they were cooperative, but that seemed unlikely to Pyrrha.

"What are you two doing?" Pyrrha hissed, coming in.

Oscar rushed in right after her. "Wow, you guys could just leave?"

"Yes, but I don't intend to go out the doors of this room," Shine said loudly, just in case anyone was still listening.

"But you are planning something." Pyrrha lowered her voice. "Aren't you?"

"Your plan was way better," Oscar said. "I mean, it minimized the risk, and it would have let the people do more, which makes a lot of sense if we want to unite them... But Ironwood didn't want to listen."

"We threatened his authority," Shine said. "It was worth a shot, I suppose, but, as usual, we'll have to act around it."

"We can't just go out there and do whatever we want," Wally said. "Even if I want to, that'll get us on their list of people to arrest. I don't want to get tossed in jail again."

"Again?" Pyrrha said.

"Long story," Wally said. "But it was something kind of like this--my friends and my approach was way different, though."

[Sick of it--Skillet]

"I think I have a better idea," Shine said.

"Okay, let's hear it," Wally said.

"We've been acting as teammates this whole time," Shine said. "But perhaps it's time for acting like DJs... Our job does come with a few perks. And that means it's time to fill you two in on the rest of what we do."

"Really?" Pyrrha said.

"But quietly. I still don't trust this place," Shine said. She spoke very low.

"Wally and I aren't just from other worlds. We're actually part of a very small group of people, most of whom never meet each other--we just hear stories of each other. I call them Dimension Jumpers. Ozpin called it something else, World Walking... I like that term. It's a fitting description. Simply put, we walk through worlds and bring them help--answers...miracles...sometimes just support. I've been doing it for many years now. Wally just started officially but has done it a few times sort of by accident, only, as Oogway would say, 'there are no accidents.'"

"Love that movie," Wally said. "Even if it is from the future and technically I shouldn't have seen it."

[Kung Fu Panda for those who didn't know.]

"This is your job?" Pyrrha's eyes were huge.

"I got some of this from hearing you talk to Ozpin," Oscar said. "But I wasn't sure exactly why you were here."

"To help," Shine said. "Your world is in danger... Not every mission is because the world itself is in jeopardy. It can just be a person who needs help, and I never know beforehand which it really is. Only finishing the mission would really answer that question. But I have noticed over time that I tend to be sent to people who are at some turning point in their world's history--or their country's. Sometimes major changes. Once it was a kingdom's fate, once it was a whole world's way of doing things, once it was just the idea the villain can redeem themself...and the world did come into it. In Wally's world the world is in danger every other month, it feels like, so it was more interpersonal."

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