20: So Counterfeit

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Of course Ironwood had no idea Shine and Wally even knew about the Maiden, or he'd never have assigned Winter to check on her while she was watching them.

As it was, Winter didn't realize that they knew where she was, so when she told them to wait by the elevator, she was surprised when Shine said,

"It's right below us, isn't it?"

"What is?" Winter frowned.

"The Vault," Shine said. "Just like Beacon."

"What...? How do you know that?" Winter shot Qrow a look. "Can't you keep anything classified?"

"He didn't say a word," Shine said, before Qrow could answer. "Don't blame him. He's been keeping this a secret for years more than you knew about it. And Ironwood did not get permission to let you in on it from Ozpin. Be grateful that you know at all."

"Who gave you permission?" Winter asked.

"Uh, we know Ozpin," Shine said.

Since Winter had no knowledge of Ozpin's absence from before to prove this wrong, it was a good comeback--then Oscar had okay-ed it anyway--and you could tell it really frosted her that that was a good answer even from a military perspective.

"Well, you should be close-mouthed about it," she huffed.

"I think it's funny that James assumes we don't know," Shine said. "Did he miss the part where we're tight with Oscar?"

"Shut up," Winter said.

"But why is Qrow here?" Wally asked.

[Anyone else find it odd Qrow was never shown the Maiden...? Like, it's his job to protect the Maidens, and Ironwood never bothers to let him know where she is in case he needs to protect her?

He couldn't have thought Qrow would object morally to it since he went along with it in Pyrrha's case, and James did not know he had doubts after hearing about Ozpin's lies, so...it's just a plot hole, right? One of many.]

"Regrettably, he's involved," Winter said with the flattest voice imaginable.

"It's almost weird that it's taken this long for me to find this out," Qrow frowned. "There aren't some trust issues with Jimmy, are there?"

"General," Winter corrected.

"You know, he doesn't care," Shine remarked. "Why do you?"

"It's on principle," Winter said. "Now you two stay put, or I'll kill you when I get back."

"Kill us?" Shine said.

"You wouldn't be planning to sneak off again and fight more Grimm?" Winter said in almost a falsely sweet voice--somehow that was scarier than her usual tone.

"Mommy, I'm scared." Wally made a squeamish face.

"So it's a test," Shine said. "Fine...we'll stay here...unless there's an emergency."

Winter rolled her eyes and opened the elevator, muttering, "If only."

"She sure hates sharing," Wally whispered, making Shine almost burst out laughing.

"You two are asking for it," Qrow said. "You think you'd survive that fight?"

"You did," Shine said.

"I'm a huntsman," Qrow said. "And I was drunk."

"Nevermind about us, Qrow. You really need to do something about this." Shine motioned at the ground pointedly. "Please, we're running out of time, I have a feeling."

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