⤠ chapter II

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⊱ T H E  M A N D A L O R I A N ⊰

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ARANI HAD COME TO MOS PELGO almost five years ago, and she never wished to return to her old job of playing dirty for other merchants. She left her life flying behind and now opted to pilot a speeder bike instead. Taanti had offered her a job at his saloon until she was back on her feet, but soon got used to her presence and help that he let her stay full time and often allowed her to stay in one of the rooms upstairs. Other times, she would live with Vanth as housing was scarce to nothing in the town - not that Vanth minded, he was happy to have company - and eventually she stopped switching between housing units and landed on staying with the Marshal.

Arani woke in her own bed, it was a wonderful feeling, to have something that was hers. She had also gathered a good-sized wardrobe throughout the months, anytime she had enough money, she would go to the closest town (Mos Eisley) and buy a new clothing item. She adored the light cotton and silks that were oddly abundant in Tatooine and opted for lighter, monotone colours that deeply contrasted with the dark browns and reds that the other townsfolk wore.

Throwing on a white head scarf, Arani walked into the sitting room to find the place empty. Some days it was like that when Vanth was called to fix something or catch a runaway bantha, and Arani would be left to go to work in silence.

She hated those mornings. The brunette woke up every morning expecting to hear a sarcastic remark from her friend and then be greeted with a kiss on the head. But the day would start out alone. At least she had an excuse for Taanti as to why she was stealing his breakfast.

Vanth's home was across from Taanti's making the commute there quick and simple. Arani stepped through the doorway and came to the bar where her boss stood, drying and putting away glasses.

"Morning, Taan," she said, leaning against the counter.

Taanti huffed in response, picking up another glass.

"Oh, come on, Taanti, it can't be that bad. Did the missus give you a hard time again?"

"That's none of your concern."

Arani hoisted herself over the top and grabbed a glass and bottle of cider. "I understand that, but you're my friend. I worry."

"You shouldn't."

Arani shook her head and sighed, knowing she'd get nowhere with him. "Fine. What do you need me to do for you today?"

"I need you to go to Mos Eisley to pick up supplies and while you're there take the time to go get your droid fixed."

A brow shot up and Arani placed her drink down. "Really."

Taanti nodded. "Take the day off after, I think you need it."

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