⤠ Chapter VIII

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⊱ T H E   C R A S H ⊰

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The Mandalorian was already inside with the frog lady, prepping the Razor Crest for take-off when Arani finally joined them. She dropped her bag on the floor and silently sat in the second passenger seat, ready for a new chapter to begin. On her lap, BD beeped in excitement and danced around, taking in his new home.

That was when Mando asked her what she was holding. He wasn't looking for an answer, the question was purely rhetorical, but that didn't stop Ari. She huffed and bit her lip, gearing up for an argument.

"Listen, I know you don't like droids, but BD is . . . he's like what the child is to you." She held up the droid, hiding her face. "There's no good way of describing it-" She peeked around the mechanical creature, smiling nervously. "-but he's my emotional support droid."

The innocent spark in her dark eyes had moved the bounty hunter. He cursed himself under his breath, how many times will he break his rules for this girl? Turning around to compose himself, he muttered an answer. "Alright."

She didn't say 'thank you,' she didn't need to. The warmth Mando felt from her smile was enough gratitude. He pushed a few buttons and switches and they shot off into the vast sky, the dark abyss overtaking their vision.

"Now, I'm gonna ask you to stay strapped in whenever you're seated," Mando informed the two women, but it was directed mainly towards Ari. "Traveling sublight is a bit dicey these days. Whether it's pirates or warlords, someone either ends up with a nice chunk of change or your ship."

The lady spoke something in Frog, but it was a lost cause.

"We don't speak whatever language that is. You speak Huttese?" Mando tried to say something to her but she just stared, her head tilted. The lady glanced over at Ari and the brunette shrugged, not knowing the language either.

The bounty hunter sighed, flipping one last switch. "I'm gonna hit the rack. I've set the nav for our course. It's gonna take a while. I recommend you get some rest." He walked out of the cockpit and headed down the ladder.

An annoying beeping and flashing of red lights awoke Ari. It was nothing new to her, she heard the blaring many times before and on her body's own accord, she got up. She stared at the switchboard finally coming to terms that this wasn't her ship and she had no clue what button to press to make the beeping stop.

Arani began to panic. Her hands waved over the controls but she dared not press any. What the hell was she even doing? "BD, do you understand any of this?" The droid just beeped and tilted his head. Ari groaned and pinched the bridge of her nose.  Where the hell was Mando?

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