Day 1 : Games and Fear

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The girl had woken up after a night of little, to no sleep at all, and when she did manage to drift into the inky darkness of slumber, it was filled with terror and disembodiment. That wicked, wicked cackle and the smile that stretched ear to ear, it caused her to jerk awake rapidly. It was then the actual realisation slapped her.

This was real.

She was chained up here, with a madman that she had the stupidity to mix up as her childhood friend, how dumb had she been to have done this to herself, what about her guardian? Had she noted that it was far past the time that she should of been home by?

This was all that asshole of a friend's fault, he betrayed her and now she was gonna die at the bloodied hands of some knife weilding maniac. What a shitty life to have lived. She stopped her breath as the door began to creak open , a dim light shone in and the bloodied , shaking hand of her captor had appeared.

'If I am gonna die, I am gonna die with a bang'

She thought determinedly. Watching, the girl noted the bat and the bag in his hand , it was moving . It terrified her to think of what he was going to do with the poor soul that had been captured in his grasp.

"Ok , Krysta."

He setter as he stood on the mouth of the large burlap sack, the movement ceased as he placed a blade on the center, his eyes never leaving the girl for the slightest twitch. The knife dug into the sack softly and red seeped out little by little.

"Oh my god..."

She felt like she was going to throw up at any moment, should he continue. This caused him to smile wider than what was possible. The mans motive of today was to find out her weakness, and exploit it for his own sick amusement.

"We are gonna play a game, you guess what I have in this bag, I let it go"

He explained, she slowly nodded with her eyes on his own the whole time only stopping to look at the now bloodied sack.

"However, should you get 3 wrong, I will let it out and I will kill it , all as you watch , and you can't do a thing as you are tied up. Okay?"

The insane man stare at her face, such a lovely shade of white it had turned from the lack of sun that she had and the amount of fear rushing through her veins, he tied up his sack tightly and went to get a drink.

Now that he was busy, Krysta had to think, the life of another was at stake , any wrong guess and whoever in there would end up hurt or worse, dead . It could be an animal, yes, she'd try that.

Jeff had taken a few swings of his voddy and belched as he walked into the room with his captive. She looked determined that the answer she had was the right one, so he listened to her.

"An animal, it has to be, you can't be serious that it's a human in there!?"

She all but screamed as he stabbed the bag a few times. The screams that had came out, were definitely human, and it was a woman. Her eyes widened in shock and horror, this was unreal.

"No stop, she doesn't have to die!? PLEASE STOP!"

She cried as he brought the blade down one last time, the woman in the sack was sobbing gently . The knife was stained a bloodied red now , it dripped down the tip. Jeff looked at the girl who was by now shaking in terror.

"You didn't answer right. Accept your penalty."

He said in a somewhat condescending tone, like the one you'd use against a child that broke your vase or spoke out of line to you. The fear flooding through her body was making her hyperventilate, a cold sweat broke out on her brow.

"So, let's try again, what is in my sack. I don't think our friend here can last much longer."

Jeff stared at her, a whimsical gleam in his eyes , it was the smile of a madman but he knew this little game would be fun in the end, especially when the person was revealed.

"Tick tock, tick, tock"

He stated giving her more pressure , the girl bit her lip and looked up her eyes welled up with tears now, her limit was nearing and breaking point was closing in on her. This was proving more fun than he had imagined it .

"I..I don't know... Please...stop it..."

Jeff felt his eyes widen ever so slightly, this.. This scene, he'd seen this happen before, memories of a young girl on the top of a roof and the wind blowing wildly. The eyes that stared up were wild with terror and her cheeks puffed from crying.


The breath was knocked out him as he staggered back, his vodka spilled and he had lost all sense of stability, the girl crying before him had long since gone silent, the back seeping red had been slashed open, inside was a woman with curled hair.

Krysta had just about lost it, in the slashed bag, was a woman that very distinctly looked like the mother who had abandoned her years and years ago, she was gagged and she was crying.

"What..what is this"

She whimpered out, the male was in a dazed trance, voices of everyone were distorted and the walls were moving, he had drank far too much this time, his eyes fixated on the crying girl.

"Stop crying, silly cat"

He laughed, the girl didn't understand. What was he doing , was he messing with her head and trying to fool her.

"Come over here and hug ol'Jeffery"

He smiled, she by now had just about wet herself, this guy was insane, he nearly killed her, he murdered her friend and he kidnapped her birth mother, what the fuck was his game.

Jeff felt his world becoming dizzy again as he stared at his captive and frowned harshly, why was she trying to come over to him now.

"What are you doing, who the fuck told you that you can move !?"

He yelled as he brought his blade down into the other woman's abdomen, this caused a lot of blood to seep out, Krysta cried out , through a veil of tears , she answered him.

"Why are you playing with me"

She choked out, but he didn't understand what she had meant, his brows creased as he walked over to her and held the blade to her jugular .

"What the hell do you mean, playing"

He sneered at her, she looked up at him with terror in her eyes and began to shake violently at the coldness of the blade.

"Why are you pretending to be Jefferey one moment, then snap back and hate me , I don't fucking understand. WHAT HAVE YOU BECAME JEFFERY!?"

She screamed at him and it was at that instance that the male stood there , he knew who this girl was now, it was her, the girl that he let go years back when he was still a kid, he couldn't believe this.

Jeff began to laugh insanely as he he looked at her then grabbed her hair again, this time, he was not going to lose her, she'd be dead by the time the week was done.

"So, we finally meet after all these years, Krystal."

He said not taking his eye off her, his smile never faltering in the slightest, het face contorted to horror.

"Let's put a smile on that face!"


Updated wahoo !!!

I'm in mac Donald's!

I hope you enjoy!

Yay for crazy Jeff

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