Chain Of Hearts

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Krysta ran, she knew she had to run from him. Why did she listen to that mime?! Why didn't she obey Jeff. Why didn't she listen to SmileDog and most important...what the hell compelled her to stab Jeff with that needle in the start?! Of course that other guy wouldn't take her back home.

"I've did it, I set off Jeff and now, he's gonna kill me for sure!"

It was not until she'd stopped to take a breath that she had realised, she was in a forest that had trees surrounding them that seemed to stretch up to the sky. Krysta slumped down behind one and hugged her knees. Tears leaked from her eyes and she shook from the terror fuelling her veins.

"I'm pathetic....I couldn't save Mila...I couldn't even protect myself from Kaleb...I didn't even have the smarts to listen when Smile was warning I've set Jeff off..just once...why can't i do something...right..."

Krysta pushed her body up a bit to look at the dark forests around her. Nothing seemed to make sense right now, she couldn't even tell left from right in here and she hated to admit it, but...

"I miss Jeff telling me off..."


Jeff stopped at the entrance of the woods, his eyes ablaze with anger he'd never felt before and all directed at the fleeing bitch.

"She'll pay...oh yes she fucking will...she'll pay for abandoning me TWICE"

The scorned male said as he stalked on forwards after his fleeing prey, if she thought that his moods had been horrible before, then she'd been clearly mislead. No. Those moods were mere scrapes compared to the reality of his temperament. It was high time that he let out much needed stress and she was the prime target for that.

"I'll make her wish she never moved from was all her fault...she just had to stay still and it would have been fine...but she ran...she fucking ran...just like everybody else that I had taken here...they all just fled and they never tried to understand...why did I think she'd understand... Cause she was an old old...special friend...."

Jeff halted in his step and felt his mind reeling. His brain was screaming from the inside, it made him think of a song that he'd heard from a teenager he murdered.

The lies you, succumb to
Blissfully, unaware
I don't know, how you can't
See through my, facade

I don't want you
I don't need you
I'll forget you
It doesn't matter

I'll play along
Writing our song
We are perfect
I love you

No, this all wrong
Why aren't you gone?
I know you're not that strong
Don't listen to me
We'll always be so perfectly

Looking up at the darkness of the forest, he gripped his blade and watched as the rain cascaded down. Now it would be easy to catch her, she'd be stuck in the mud if she never watched her step and that's when he'd get her like the pig she was acting like.

"Old friend or not, she's not getting let off and it's time I show her who's the boss here...if I hurry, I should get her at the bypass."


From inside the mirror , Candy Pop was ramming his fists against the glass and felt like his world was being torn apart. This couldn't be happening, how on earth had he let that dark mime over take his being and trap him here. How could he let the rage over come him so much...

The mime looked at the content on the table and was shocked to see three balloons on the table. One looked like that new girl and the other two, Jeff and SmileDog. What was that maniac planning. Speaking of which...

"Awh, don't frown, clown..don't you know we are meant to make kiddies smile?"

He grinned a very inhuman grin with all his razor teeth, Pop turned and refused to look at him, he couldn't see that horrible rage fuelled side of himself.

"Horrible , isn't it to be stuck and not help the ones you hold dear...kind of like how you trapped me inside it's my turn to live and your turn to suffer in silence but don't threat.... I won't kill, what reasons would I have for, I have so much bigger plans..."

'Bigger Plans?' What could he mean? What plans could he have for that girl. For Jeff and the others? Also why would he want to do this?

"I'm sick of being the one laughed at...the one mocked while the others are all...praised..I'm sick of being the punchline to a I'll deliver to them a real, rib tickler... One that not even Slenderman sees coming....using that human girl, I will host the rebirth of Zalgo."

Candy Pop felt his eyes go wide , why..why would he want that?! Zalgo would turn everyone dark, he'd cause everyone to get enraged and attack each other...what reason would there be?!

"Easy, I want to plunge not only our world to chaos, but the humans too...and who better to do that, than Zalgo...the lord and master of darkness....this time...not even Slenderman or the deadly seven can stop him..after'd not dare kill a mortal in this realm. Isn't that the rule Slenderman set? Kill only in your hunting ground?..not your own domain."

NightTerror grinned again and began to fade away.

"After all, if she should die, her body will be consumed by the rage I hold here...and then, she will no longer be her...she will be nothing but master Zalgo... Ahahaha....MAWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAAH!!!!"

Candy Pop resumed to bashing his body onto the mirror, he had to get out and tell Slenderman about this or they'd be all doomed, that girl too.


Jeff walked up to the clearing and spotted Krysta desperately trying to climb and fail miserably. This was where it ended. She would know never to run again after he punished her here.

Krysta halted as she heard the sound of branches crack and braced herself for the worst. But all that came out was the disappointed voice of Jeff.

"You forced me to do this...."

Walking forward, he raised up his blade and stared with no emotion.


The knife swung down.


Krysta opened her eyes but she was not dead, no but she did see Jeff was holding her to him with the blade at her eye sockets. Her eyes were incredibly wide.

"Even after I try...try and still ran..."

Jeff said with anguish in his voice. The sound made the girl feel undoubtedly guilty and like total shit.

"But what'd I expect...from someone who ran and hid from their life...even their supposed friends.....pathetic"

The coldness of the blade traced her skin and lightly cut her, she winced at the pain as it trailed down her neck. Her pulse rose in terror.

"One more fuck up....and I'll cut your throat like a more fooling around..."

He said into her hair as he proceeded to drag her back the way home. The girl made no more plan to escape in her head. This had cost her nearly her life...all that mime had said was a lie...he just wanted Jeff to get pissed off and now it was her who'd pay the price.

After they arrived home, Jeff just left her there on the bed and didn't bother to even check her over for any injury. He just up and left with not a single goodbye. For once...once in her life...Krysta had never felt the urge to cry as much as she did right there and then.

SmileDog limped back home from the area that he was released in. As soon as he did, he collapsed and stared up at the ceiling.

From somewhere far a way....a balloon could be heard popping.


what's gonna happen?!
Who's balloon popped?!
Why does NT want Zalgo rebirthed and why through Krysta?!


Will Jeff forgive Krysta for this.

See ya next time .

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