Alternate Ending

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Ok, parrarell to the whole... TIME WARP, thing... I started to think. That may not make too much sense in the end of the whole story. Even if it was a confusing mess... So here is an alternate ending of the story. I know this is finished, and I am onto my sequel for it.

BUT, I thought I'd give it a proper end.

So here.

The TRUE end of Dying To Know You


Jeff sat silently as he observed the unconscious girl and the state that she'd been in. 

He had done this to her, he caused her.. to be... tainted, why did he have so much issues with her. She was just a damned girl, nothing different from any victim he'd ever killed in the past...But then that in itself was a bullshit lie.

She was one of the people that he'd known who never tried to run from him. As a child, she trusted his word with no second thoughts. That was what stopped him from slitting her throat there and then. It wasn't a feeling he liked feeling...this..caring one..He'd be better off shutting it out and just killing her.

"....I have to ..."

Jeff mumbled as he fiddled with his knife. If he just...slit her throat...then she'd not have to put up with his torment any longer...She could be with that stupid carer that she loved so much and he... he would never have to feel that stabbing feeling of wanting to care again.

Looming over her, he raised his blade and bit his lip softly while staring at her face. Why the hell did she seem so fucking innocent?! Humans were vile, cruel monsters...they take any sense of love and turn it into why the hell was this one girl... making him question his murderous ways?!


Snarled the killer as he stabbed his blade into the wooden floor. The girl that was once unconsious, began to come to again and felt extremely confused. Jeff..What was he doing, why did he look so angry..had..had his 'Enragement' over came him again...she didn't want to have to run from him in that state again...


Came her groggy reply. Jeff halted and stared down at her...those same..fucking innocent eyes gazed into his own...It was filling him with anger. He didn't want to see those eyes...he'd rather they be filled with terror...or or even malice for him..not...genuine care.

"Stop it...."

He muttered as he backed away from her and sneered. Why could she not just be scared and hate him like every other did...It was making the feeling stronger now.

"Just..stop it... I can't take... those eyes... any longer.."

Jeff fell down on his rear and gripped his hair. Krystal didn't understand what was happening, why was he acting so erratic? Well more than his normal actions. It made very little sense to her already confused and scrambled brain.

"J-Jeff... you're... you're creepin' me out more than normal...t-tell me what's happening? Why does my head hurt?"

Krytal pleaded to him in his nonsenical state. He just looked up at her and lunged with his knife, scaring the girl half to death. His nails were digging into her face as his other hand held up the blade. He was crying as well as laughing.

"W-We're both gonna goto sleep! T-Then, we can play forever, you can see your carer and I can see my whole family, d-doesn't that sound lovely, friends forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever ever ever ever!"

Jeff was drawing blood from her now, she was so scared that she kicked his balls and tried to run but Jeff grabbed her leg and yanked her back .

"Come on, it'll be one slice and then eternal sleep! No more pain, or suffering and just us two forever!"

Krystal had pissed herself royally and was shaking so hard that she thought her heart would explode. What happened to that other Jeff that was calm for a second..he was being so crazy right now and it was out of the blue.


Screamed Krystal as she shoved him with all her strength. Jeff landed on his rear again and stared up at her , seemingly dazed.

"You're... You're not the Jeff that I've known.. BRING HIM BACK!"

She screamed at him.

"The Jeff that taunts  me, the Jeff that constantly belittles me, the one that makes me so mad that I wanna scream... I WANT HIM BACK!"

The girl was in shock at her own words, they just flew out without meaning..but they had seemed to affect Jeff in some way as he was just staying still and not moving.. had..had she gotten through to him?


He mouthed. 

Staring at him as he stood, she was bracing for anything , any attack but nothing came. Just a large grin.

"...You are so funny to see flustered..."

Jeff said as he passed out on the spot, leaving Krystal paralysed. What could she do now?! She'd been so used to him caring for her in some morbid sense of state...How could she care for him in the same sense?!

Krystal was about to place his arm over her shoulder, when the most unexpected...occurance happened to her. Jeff came out of his fake facade.. and kissed her...on the forehead...W-Wha..was that an illusion. Did she fabricate that?! She also could of heard him say.

"Thank You"

Whatever the reason, she hoisted him onto his bed and went to fetch a cloth with cold water on it. She didn't know if she could pull it off...but if it meant that somehow, she could get the old Jeff back...then it would be well worth it.

Looking around quickly, she planted a fast kiss on Jeff's cheek.

"You're welcome."


A few years pass on and Krysta had grown fairly used to her life in the 'Nega-Verse' 

She didn't leave the house much unless she had needed to and she was still pretty much confused about her fate so far in this new world. But Jeff had suffered no relapses or backlash nor had he entered 'Enragement' Mode for a life stayed peaceful for her.

Smiledog lived with them too, his wound fully healed from the stab that NightTerrors had bestowed upon him. He was a good dog. Rather mischeivious at times. But over all he was a good help with clean up. Speaking of that...It seemed that Jeff had reduced her from a friend to a damned maid.

"Y'Missed that"

He called out as he threw one of his beers on the floor. Krystal lost it and started to yell at him angrilly. This just resulted in laughs coming from him.

"It is so easy to rile you up...Such a fun bitch."

Without warning, Jeff was splashed in the face with a mop. His black hair was now drenched with soap and water.

"Well, least I never missed that spot."

She laughed as she then proceeded to run from a pissed off Jeff.



Well this was the true ending.

I think it wraps things up a little more than the other ending of my story.

But of course, it's down to you guys. 

Which end do you like the best.

The one I did originally or this one?

This is the end of the story , but not the last of Krystal and Jeff!

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