Thanks For The Memories..

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Jeff from where he'd stood, could see that he was now in a white clouded area, where was this and what had just happened? Where was that crazy possessed bitch?! Did they actually get killed or something?

"Ugh, my head is pounding."

The killer muttered as he looked around for any sources of life apart from that of his own. But none could be found it had seemed. What about that hound of his? Had he gotten the help they'd needed. It was then that he felt a large tremor and had to steady himself.

"What the actual fuck?"

Jeff yelped as he jerked his head up. When he did so, his eyes widened...he..he was back to that day, the day he'd met Krysta. How the hell was that and why was he so small now?! What was this?! A Christmas carol?!

"Next I'll be getting a visit from a freaking ghost to mend my terror ways!"

He joked but right enough, a voice did echo out.

"Jefferey...Jefferey can you hear!? It's Slenderman."

Jeff looked left and right but couldn't see the faceless demon anywhere at all, was this a drunken stupor, had he actually just drank too much and he'd been imaginging this from the start?!

"Look, I fucked up. But I might have sent you into a kind of mind scape inside of the girls brain, she's fighting for control of her body. You have to find her inner self and make her win , at this point she's losing her soul and if she does she won't only die. But Zalgo will be reborn...neither is a cost I'd like. So, find the girl, try and get her in control long enough for me to seal Zalgo back. We are currently on the move to the Dark Relics where he was sealed years ago. Time is of the essance-"

The link was severed but at least he'd known what to do in some sense . Jeff looked around and tried to focus, if this was her mind...then he had to go through stages of her life he had guessed...would this mean, he'd finally know the truth behind her and if she really was as innocent as she claimed from the start.

"Only one way to find that out...and that's to go through the phases I guess..."


Walking forth, he entered the memory and felt a cold shiver run through his body. This sense of déjà vu was nerve wracking. But he guessed if it helped him in any sense, it was good enough. This memory was not one he remembered well, what part of the night was this one?


Called the girls mother as she waited on her at the porch, the young child Krysta waved bye to Jeff and ran in to greet her mother.

"Honey, listen I don't want you hanging with that boy anymore."

Stated the woman as she looked out the window.

"Why? He's the only real friend I have here!"

Insisted the annoyed 10 year old to her mother as she huffed and puffed her cheeks, how dare her mother order her what to do and who to speak to. Krystal's mother just sneered and slapped her across the face.

"I said no, so I mean it damnit, he's not a good person!"

The memory faded with a very upset Krysta running to her room and crying.


Jeff was standing there in shock, so...her mother had ordered her not to speak to him...yet she'd still snuck out to see him anyhow...she'd lied..but she'd lied to spend time with him.

A feeling of confusement washed over his body and he just stared at the white space around him. Was this what he was supposed to do? Walk into events of her life that surrounded him and find out the real truth, would this help her regain her control? Or would this set his own mind to ease.

Dying To Know You [Jeff The Killer]Where stories live. Discover now