Tasting Poisons

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Krysta had pretty much not slept a wink despite her body trying it's hardest to force her . The idea of whatever it was that lay lurking under her bed and ready to strike was far too much for her mind to hold, as if worrying about Jeff having a relapse was hard enough, now she had to think of this too. She had contemplated on telling Jeff about it. But she opted not to, if it turned out to be a fluke or the dog messing with her, then she knew that Jeff would no doubt punish her severely.

"I can't risk him turning, if I can keep him sane enough, he may return me to my own reality and out of this one. Whatever is under there, I just have to avoid moving or aletrting it. As hard as that might be, I maybe can take a lunge out. Or maybe, it just doesn't like being seen and it won't mind me moving .. Damn it this is a very tricky situation.....maybe it is worth the risk telling Jeff..."

Gulping, the girl looked for something to throw at Jeff , something hard enough, but not deadly enough to seem like a weapon . Feeling around the bed, she settled on a rather mangled teddy bear that was falling at the hinges. With a javelin toss, it soared and smacked the back of the mans head. Jeff jolted up and looked left and right before landing a massive glare to the girls direction, this had changed, however when he saw the terror in her eyes. Terror that was not inflicted by him. Watching her hands, he noted as she pointed to the bed and made monster signs. Seeing this caused him to howl in laughter.

"A monster!? Serious...you woke me for this ?!"

He shouted as he stormed over, his mood now in a somewhat gleeful, but sadistic sense. Staring her in the eyes, he smirked wide.

"Okay, if there is such a monster under there, then I'll kill it. But if for any moment, you are fabricating this nonsense...then I will give on to you, the worst pain I can fucking muster at 6 fucking am in the damn morning!!!"

He sneered as he knelt down, however when he came face to face with a legit monster, he dragged it out by it's leg and slammed it into the wall. The large grey beast snarled in pain as the blade of the man pinned it's leg down while the other arm it had was cracked. Jeff glared at the monster and then glared at the girl.

"Fuck, you were not kidding. How did you not realise that there was a monster under the bloody bed? Did you not think to scream when you'd felt it or some shit?!"

Just as the girl was about to answer, the same dog reappeared and bowed it's head in what seemed like an apology. Jeff looked at him and then clocked on to what was happening. He gave the dog a stern glare before looking at the girl and then the monster.

"Oii, did you summon this thing ?"

He asked the dog and it yawned before walking over to him. It's yellow eyes solemn with guilt. That was all Jeff had needed to see, he turned back to the monster and then took his knife away. The monster looked up and hissed out.

"My time may be short, but rest assured, the walls of this plain will be painted in the blood of that human , all hail master Za-"

The monster never finished as with a single crack, it's neck was snapped. Krysta shook in more terror than what she'd ever felt possible in front of Jeff. The dog braced itself as well as the man walked over to him and knelt before his eyes. Lifting his finger, Jeff then flicked the dog roughly on the nose.

"Bad dog! Bringing monsters here ! Bad bad bad!"

Flick after flick got harder and harder until the dog howled in pain. Jeff looked over to the cowering Krysta and then back to the whimpering dog. He slipped on his hoodie and flicked his hair back.

"Now that's a way to start your morning, killing monsters and the sound of terror."

He mused to himself as he walked out the room.

"You two bad animals, acquaint each other, I'm gonna get pissed."


Krysta and the dog sat in a very awkward silence for what seemed like an eternity. It was the dog that broke the sugar bowl first. He explained that his name was SmileDog, Smiles for short and that Jeff was sort of his human, rather his owner. He also explained that the reasoning for summoning that monster, was just due to the fact that he did not know who she was and thought she was a monster of another being.

"I sincerely apologise. Seems my old head isn't how it used to be. Please, don't think ill of me miss."

The dog bowed in it's most sincere way. Krysta didn't know what was more strange, the fact that she was here with a deranged killer and being his prisoner, or the fact that there was a large mutated dog talking to her. All in all, she accepted that by the end of this ordeal. She was going to need a lot more than simple therapy for this torment.

"It's uh, it's okay Smile..."

She said as she fiddled with her fingers . Now what? She and the dog had spoken with each other, what else was she supposed to do other than think of a way to run and escape. As if reading her mind, the pooch shook his shaggy head and gave a soft whine of distain.

"If I was you, I'd focus more on keeping master calm other than enraging him. Trust me, if you think this is bad...well...you clearly haven't seen him at maximum 'Enraged' mode."

At these words, the girl blinked and looked at the hound. 'Enraged' mode what was that ? Was it a power or was it another name for a mood that he can go into. Wanting to know more, the girl pressed on at the dog.

"'Enraged' mode is a sort of ability that we, other beings, can get to if our hearts are over come with anger and rage. If we went full on Enrage mode on someone, that is normally our victims. Then they would die in the most horrendous way known to all man or beast. Think of that game...Mortal Komabat I often hear you human speak of. A brutality. Make sense?"

Krysta nodded, so in a way, if Jeff got so mad that he entered this state. He'd rip her apart with little to no remorse at all. Now that would be a sight but then again..thinking back, he HAD gone that way before...back in the sewers.

"Hmm...odd, if it was indeed his 'Enrage' mode, then you're damn lucky to live. Perhaps that is why he has a slight softness now. Slight , mind you, but don't hold it to him miss. He's suffered at your hand and at many others hands more than you realise."

SmileDog yawned and then curled up to sleep. What did he mean by that? Suffer , Jeff!? He's the one who causes the suffering, isn't he. Look at all he's done to Mila, he butchered her and then even to Kaleb. The boy may have been a pervert, but he was still just a teen.

Rubbing her head, she looked as the door clicked open but in front wasn't Jeff.

"I hear that idiot has a new toy, I wanna play with her too."



Who is it now?

What is 'Enrage' mode exactly.

Is this new face to be trusted

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