Pushing Limits

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Krysta was getting weaker as of the past 5 days , her stress was beginning to rise. Jeff kept punishing her everytime she so much as blinked, there was nothing in his eyes at all , nothing but resent and anger. Krysta truly believed, that this was the day, she'd die. But as soon as he had begun, he quickly ended his enraged attack and just studied her face for anything.

Jeff was growing more annoyed, why the fuck couldn't he murder her ? What was stopping him from just slitting her throat and watch the blood spew, he knew it was not for loving her, the mere thought of that had made him want to puke. So what had stopped him. It just made not a lick of sense, he'd had an array of victim, all lasted a week tops...this one had lasted longer.

"Maybe , it's cause she's the only one left from the massacre that night, so many years ago...that could be it. I don't know"

The male slammed his fist into he desk and groaned . He knew he had to kill and fast or he'd end up having that feeling back, the same one he'd had when he commited the crime of murdering his entire family. Standing up, he turned to leave, the girl was not moving much at all lately.

"I'm going out, don't move, not like you have that issue anyhow."

Jeff said and left her to her misery. What Jeff did not know, was that the girl had taken a knife from a previous attack that he'd laid on her. For a killer, he'd been very clumsy. The weak state that she'd been in had gave her a perfect cover while he'd been distracted with his thoughts of her demise, she knew the next time that he was near, she'd stab him and run.

"If I'm gonna die, I'm gonna deliver the final bite, right to that maniacs neck."

Krysta growled as she lay there, chained up. Thoughts of her carer, Mila, passed through her head, was she ok? Did she think her dead? Has she sent a search task out? All this and even more , is what she yearned to know. Krysta knew that Jeff was to be late in as when he'd been pissed, he tended to be out longer. This gave her time to look for more ways of escape.

Dragging herself on the floor, the girl noted that there was broken bottles of vodka as far as the eye could see. Jeff must be a very heavy drinker... But this made her think of a bloodied trap that she could utilize together. If she could somehow convince him to undo her shackles then, when his guard was down, she would use her knife to stab his jugular, causing him to fall into the broken glass shard.

It wasn't the most efficient plan, but so far it'd been her best bet. Either that or die at the hands of the maniac that held her captive. She'd rather die a fighter than die a coward. Since it was going to be a while before Jeff got in, Krysta decided to rest a bit . She closed her eyes and dreamt of a happier time when her mother and father had lived in a happy existence. Long before the fights and that horrible attack. The vision of Jeff attacking and killing them had caused her to bolt up, only to be choked by the chains.

"I'm gonna make him pay, for taking my childhood. That I promise."

She sneered to herself as she returned to watching the door for any sign of opening.


Mila sat with a sick feeling in her stomach.

Something felt so off that she could smell it, like it was right outside her door. With feelings of nervousness, she walked to the door and then proceeded to open it. Mila had her gun cocked and ready to kill whoever was there in her porch but to her shock, no one was there at all.

"I'm getting way too paranoid..."

She let out a breath and turned, however, as she did this , she failed to see the shadow that loomed from behind her until it clamped a bloodied hand over her mouth. Mila screamed and screamed as she struggled in the grasp of her assailant.

"What's the matter whore? Don't wanna see your daughter alive? "

Came the rough voice of an unknown assailant, it was not the man that she'd expected to hear from that night. Said man had tried to undress her, but was cut short by a knife to the skull. Mila shook violently as she stared up into the eyes of Jeff the killer. His smirk was immense as he grabbed a fist full of her hair and brought his face to hers.

"Now, this is the face.. You wanted to see, right bitch?"

He grinned to her, with no warnings . The male plunged his knife into her side, wounding her . It was no use killing her not yet and he had pretty much expected that other little bitch to be hiding a secret motive to her sick act, so why not play dirty with dirty. If she pulled tricks, so could he.

"Let's see how much she's got to smile for after this."

Jeff smirked as he dragged Mila by the hair and out to his truck. He bound and gagged her in the back before he drove off back to his lair. The male had made sure to bind the woman's eyes as he dragged her through the house and to the master room that he slept in. Her gag muffled her cries and sobs.

"Sorry, you need to speak up, I can't understand dogs."

Laughed the man insanely as he took out his knife and placed it to her throat, that shut her right up as he spoke to her, with venom in his tone.

"You and that other little bitch, played major parts in fucking up my life. Her's wasn't intentional, but you never believed for a moment that it was me who was the one that beat up those pricks, you took my brother from me. Remember that huh? Well you took my brother, I took your foster daughter. Get the fucking picture."

Mila felt her eyes go wide, he was after revenge.

After all the years of thinking what he'd been up to, this was his plan.

They took his life from him, now he was going to pay her back.

By killing the last survivor of his massacre.

Jeff dragged Mila to the room where Krysta lay gagged , blind folded and bound, with a smile and a laugh, he announced.

"It's show time!"

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