Moving Is Never Easy

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Moving from state to state, is not easy for a 17 year old girl to do. I don't even know why we do, so I knew Jeffery Woods, so what,I played with him all the time when I was small, then we moved away. All of a sudden. Police start saying I am in danger and move me from different towns, to different states.

It was unfair. It was so very unfair. I hadn't saw hide nor hair of him in years.

"Are we staying here...I don't want to move ...not again..."

I asked my social worker, she sighed as she sat her pen down and looked at me with a soft smile.

"I know it's unfair to you. I do promise. This is the last time we move. You have my word ."

Her name was Mila, she was a short middle aged woman, very kind. My parents ...They could not handle the they gave me up...I'm not...mad...but Mila has been with me all through the police interviews, as I said....I don't barely know what Jeff's done...

"You started college a while ago, right? How is it?"

She asked kindly, I sighed, not much goes on, girls act like hoes, guys act like pricks and if you don't belong to a clique, you are an outcast of society. But yea. Other than that. I had a few friends that I spoke to.

"Not too bad."

I said with a casual lie. She saw right through it.

"Have you...been getting bullied again? Cause of...your scar..."

By scar, she means the gash on my cheek, I don't quite remember how I got it, I know Jefferey had something to do with it, but I am not very sure 'what' . It's been so long...I really don't know what I found so amazing in him, maybe it's cause I was small and I looked up to him. But now. He seemed weird....that way he always lurked at night.

"I know you still think of....HIM....don't you?"

Mila asked carefully. I just replied with a simple.


I only remember few things, like he wore a Halloween costume all the time. Also he spoke to himself like all the time. But other than that, I really can't recall much about the night I had the accident. I was told I fell off a roof.....but how could a 10 year old girl get on a roof by herself.

"You know...I also worked part of his case..if your in the dark, just ask me, okay?"

She smiled wide. She really was too nice a woman, I was sort of glad she adopted me...I do wonder at times, if my parents gave me up for my sake, or , because they were nervous for their own reputations.

"Thanks. But I'd rather, just drop the topic. Period...if he wanted to talk...then he would of by now."

A rather odd look crossed Mila's face, I was going to ask what. But I decided that it was best not known . I looked at my watch, I was due to meet my friend Kaleb. I'd been in an off/on relationship with him, but, we in the end , had decided to remain very good friends.

"Okay. I'll see you after then, have a fun time back by 11. You know the drill. If something happens, then use your tazer gun"

Mila stated as she rocked in her chair, I nodded calmly as I swung on my jacket then left the house. Kaleb was waiting on me at the bus stop, a cheeky grin on his pale face.

"Yo girl! Let's get going!"

He stated as he grabbed my arm and pulled me to, wherever he was planning to go, with this boy, anything was possible. Well, almost anything

"And we are off to. Where ? "

I asked with mock amazement. He snickered as he placed a finger on his lips. I sighed, I'd never get the answer out him. We were going way further than normal, my pulse was going slowly now. Why was I getting a real bad feeling?

"Whew! Got here finally, thought they closed it off... Oh well haha, now ain't this a tip, but this tip is where the latest murder took place!"

My eyes widened, he was kidding right? This was a joke. How could it be like that and not even have anything covered up , or no KEEP OUT?!? I was just getting more and more scared. I wanted to go home now. Seemed Kaleb had other ideas.

"Let's go up, I wanna scope this place out before night fall. You chicken?"

He dared with a grin. I frowned , I was not a coward...I was not...

"Let's do it..."

I stated following him up the way, there were loads of stairs...blood too. I just wanted to get home now, I was bout to turn when I heard a scream. I ran to it and growled at Kaleb, he was laughing as he stood in a old bedroom.

"You fucker?!? What the hell, you scared me shitless!? Well?!"

I yelled , but he just stared at me before he brought out a gun. I gaped widely. Was this happening?

"Shut your fucking trap....and strip...or I'll blow your god damned brains out..."

I was shaking so much, I turned to do it, but he held the gun to my head . In a raspy, sleazy tone, he spoke.

"Face me and strip. I want to see your face."

I was close to crying, I closed my eyes to strip, hands on my shirt, but as I did, I felt something fly right past me. Opening my eyes, Kaleb... He had a bloody hole in his face. My legs gave way and I was shaking. I felt my lower half get wet, I pissed myself. Looking up. I saw in the door way. My eyes widened in shock and disbelief .


I called out, but within a matter of moments, I blacked out. The last thing I saw, were two eyes watching my every move.


Well tell me how it sounds so far, it should get better as I write it hahaha

No Jeff is not Ooc

No he will not be lovey

No this is not an X Jeff fic

This is about one girls struggle to survive while dealing with captivity and kidnap.

Might have slight fluff but it's not meant to be a cute fic.

Oki thanks!

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