Pin Pricks.

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When Krysta woke up, she was extremley groggy and had no clue as to where her surroundings were. Her vision was blurred and she could make little sense of the situation that she was in. She knew that she shot Jeff's ear and that she was shot in the shoulder. But as to how she'd gotten here was a mystery....Where..WAS here?

She tried sitting up but she'd found that she was tied down to something. Using her eyes, she glanced to see that it was a hospital bed of some sorts. Her head was pounding wildly as she tried to force it upwards. The sound of a door opening had caused all her blood to freeze.

It couldn't... It couldn't be....

"Wakey wakey..Sunshine..."

Krysta was shaking violently at that voice...It was how can he still be alive...this made no sense...nothing to her made sense now... She watched him..fall..She watched him bleed out and collapse...SO HOW CAN HE BE STANDING IN FRONT OF HER.


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"Hmm...shocked, eh?"

Jeff said as he walked to her hospital bed. The blood that was in her veins was beyond frozen solid, it made her so scared...She'd never get free of him. He was like her demon, he'd never stop haunting her until she was dead. Krysta began to laugh softly and then it escalated to full on crying.

"You're going to follow me...until...I die...aren'"

She said between her gasps and then Jeff burst out in a fit of laughter as he walked beside her.

"Oh you poor...delusional...saud..."

He said softly as he looked at her and then bent down to her level.

"How much of this, do you think I've did out of spite?"

Was the question that arised and Krysta felt completely lost for words now, what was he trying to pull with this? Was he trying to confuse her beyond the state that she'd already been in? If so, it was working

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Was the question that arised and Krysta felt completely lost for words now, what was he trying to pull with this? Was he trying to confuse her beyond the state that she'd already been in? If so, it was working.

"I don't...what...what do you?"

He was making her uneasy with how soft he was being, this had to be a coma or something...This wasn't the real Jeff...was it? Sensing her utter confusion, Jeff snickered and then stood up.

Dying To Know You [Jeff The Killer]Where stories live. Discover now