Day 2: Apprehension

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Krystal stared at the man as he rummaged through items, she was gagged and now, he had painted lines across her lips in a smile, she had no idea what he was going to do with her, but she had the feeling, it was far from pleasant.

Shimmering eyes scanned the area of the room, trying to locate a form of light, or anything that she could use to help her at all. Little could be found, it was the slap that had brought her back to her terrifying reality.

"Oii, it's rude to ignore people that are giving you a make over, I might mess up and make you look hideous. I want to make you beautiful, like me."

He smiled madly, the girl shook in terror and started her flood of tears once again, this was a nightmare. It was a horrible joke that someone was playing, but the other more rational side of her mentality, knew this was far from a joke.

Her cheeks were stained with black from the eye liner that dripped down from her once lively eyes, now they were panic stricken and filled with immense horror, she noticed her captor bring out a large butcher knife and went deathly still.

"This, this is the same knife I used on myself , it's the most precious thing I own, rarely I let my victim know about it, but, you and me , we're old pals, and pals, they never hide anything, right?! Krysta !?"

Asked the clearly insane man to the young woman shaking before him, she had pissed her pants, at this point in time, she didn't give two fucks, this madman was going to butcher her. She knew that she'd never get found, her poor carer, she must be petrified.

"Oh god, please no..."

She wept, earning a snort from the man kneeling before her, he took his knife and he traced her lips as he stared her dead in her eyes.

"God, does not exist in this room, in this room, I am your god. I can decide to keep you living, kill you or ensure you suffer till your last breath, no man in white will come for you and your carer will never find the area you are in. So remember this. You are mines, my toy to keep and do as I see fit."

He stared her in the eyes with no love, no capacity, nothing but unrelenting hatred for humanity was burning in his eyes, this made no sense, why do this, why even keep her living if he despised her to that extent. Jeff seemed to grasp on to her thought and replied.

"I am doing this, not only for the fact that your terror is amusing, but I had a job to do all the years ago we met, I was going to have you fall off that roof, easy kill . But no, no no no no, I see now that we were meant to find one another again. I am going to finish what was started, all those years ago."

The man then pushed her down onto the ground and got on top of her, she tried to scream through the gag as he brought the knife up and then traced her mouth, his eyes wide with excitement.

"Don't fear, this will only sting a lot and last forever."

He stated , with no warning, he dug the blade into her flesh, pain seared through every inch of her body as she screamed out in unbearable agony ,her porcelain skin bled crimson as the man on top of her sliced the blade up her mouth, if they could, she knew her eyes would be popping out .

The pain never ended as the male moved to her other corner, his evil gaze always on her, he made her feel tainted and dirty, like his gaze was a snake coiling around her and constricting her body. Layer upon layer of blood dribbled down her lips until it was staining the floor, he stopped momentarily as if to gaze at his work.

Krysta by now was barely moving, she was living but the shock of it all had caused her to freeze as though her body was a block of ice and could, smash at any moment given, this bothered the male as he shook her.

"Come on, it's no fun having a broken toy."

He growled as he stabbed her in the shoulder , this brought the feeling back to her and she screamed out, shouted and sobbed at his treatment, his smile returned full throttle as he stood up and tossed her a bloodied cloth, he turned to leave her be for a while.

"I'm going out, I don't know when I'll be back , might be never, maybe I'll leave you to rot here. Who knows, just don't try and escape, or I'll punish you a lot worse, compared to what I done to my whole family, you got off mighty lucky, Krystal . Ciao."

He stated as he left, he smirked and didn't lock the door, deciding to test whether she'd be stupid enough to escape him or not, he knew she couldn't, but finding more ways to torture her was always a fun experience. For now, he'd just wait, he did have other things to take care of.

Starting with that damned annoying cop that never left him alone! that bitch was going to have her comeuppance , he'd make damn well sure that she suffered more than he did in that stupid facility they locked him in. Beside, his friend needed alone time, he should be nice and leave her a gift.

"Let's see how much of a smiler she still is after I show her my latest present!"

With that, he left.


Another one done!!!!


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