Trust Is Like Glass

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Krysta had not been eating well, she'd stopped doing the toilet too. Normally this wouldn't bother the murderer too much, but he had a goal to complete and he'd not allow her to die before he'd had his fill from her. After that, he'd create another 'perfect' doll.

"Come on bitch, into the bucket."

He said as he pushed it under her rump but she just fell over and never moved, her ribs started to show and it was clear that she'd been intentionally making herself Ill over the past few days. Jeff ran his hand through his hair and then glared at her as he pulled her to the dining table.

"You won't eat like a fucking human, I'll feed you like a dog"

He said as he smashed her face into the food that sat on the table, parts of it mangled into her hair and dribbled off of her chin. What the fuck was wrong with her, she'd been just fine about two days ago and now she'd been acting so selfish. Getting pissed off and shouting, then crying now starving herself ...

Something had then dawned on to the killer, something he'd not like to have on his conscious , should any...unwanted accident happen and he were to break her by a different means. This would need to be checked out as soon as he could.

"Okay, c'mere..."

He muttered as he grabbed her, she made no use to struggle until he yanked his hand down her lower end, then she started to get more lively. It was as he'd suspected, she was on her time...which explained the severe mood and the possible lack of appetite. Jeff smereared the blood on her and walked off to get a bucket. No use in having her be filthy.


Krysta felt no need to fight right now, her energy was gone and she just couldn't bring any forward too. Jeff had been very brutal since the past few days, maybe he would be generous and kill her fast. Make it not painful.

"....why are you keeping me ...alive?"

She asked after a long pause, the male that she'd been with had gone to the near by bathroom to get a bucket of some sort . Jeff replied with the brief answer of.

"I don't want you to die yet."

He stated as he dragged the bucket through to the area that she was in, the man then proceeded to dunk a sponge into the waters and turn his head back to her.

"Get naked"

Jeff stated bluntly only to recieve a shocked glare from the terrified girl, he cast his own annoyed glance aswell and continued to test the heat of the water on his skin.

"Don't give me that look, I don't find you in the least sexual appealing, I don't want your period blood staining anything, you've had them for days...and you've never even said. God and I thought you reeked from the lack of showering . You gotta put some more trust in me , Krysta."

At the last few words, the file found herself feeling very aggrivated .. Trust?..he was lecturing her about trust and believing in one another, he was clearly out of his mind and if she was going to die...she'd die speaking her mind out loud. Jeff frowned a bit as he faced her once again.

"If you want to say something, I suggest you hold that little tongue, before I end up making you a mute prisoner, and I don't wanna do this ...mutes are so not the most fun to kill. So if it's real important. Spit it out."

Jeff said as he dragged her over to the bucket of water, he'd wait on her answer..if it was not to his liking then in goes her head. The water was boiling hot, so she'd need to think very carefully about lying to him. He was well aware that she'd known this though, after seeing his brutality in the first week.

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