Twisted Dillusions

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Krysta stared up at the extortionately tall being and backed away in terror from him. This wasn't Jeff, it , he , whatever they were .. Was far too large to be him. SmileDog bared his teeth and growled loudly at the being.

"You're of no right to enter here. I never allowed you clearance and neither did HE so be gone!"

The dog stood with the fur on his back standing on it's end. Now she knew, this was not a friendly, nor an expected visitor. Backing away, the girl felt the urine run down her leg. This seemed to make the other being laugh.

"Oh , I'm so very scared...a talking furr bag is threatening me, what ever shall I do?"

It mocked as it raised a leg and kicked the dog right in the stomach, sending him flying. Krysta ran to the dog and looked about in terror, was this a nightmare? Was this Jeff in his rage mode ?! No, it was much too tall to be Jeff in any shape or form.

"My my, such a rude dog. But I myself, am being rude.... My name, is NightTerror. I sense that you are unhappy with the way you're living here and I also sense, that this is not your own tell me...would you like to go home?"

This took her completely by shock. Go home? This person ...would he do that? Take her away from this hell ? No.. No he was like Jeff, he was a monster like him and he couldn't be trusted. SmileDog used his remaining energy to talk while he could.

"Don't believe the lies he spouts. He works with the enemy. Don't heed his words...please!"

He yowled as he felt pain ceasing up inside of him. Krysta looks at the red balloon animal that the..the mime was squeezing. That balloon, was hurting the dog and she felt her inside going tight.

"St-Stop it!"

The girl yelled out as she stood with the dog. NightTerror merely released the balloon and the dog could breathe again. He bowed in a fake apology.

"I shall keep my words true. Do as I ask and I'll rescue you from here."

Taking a moment to think, the girl looked up and then bit her lip.

"What do I have to do?"


Jeff watched as the blood splattered over him. It was so easy to travel from dimension to dimension thanks to that nerds device. He'd really need to thank the boss for allowing him to own one.

"Wonder how the little bitch is enjoying her silence. Maybe I'll be kind and bring her something. Then again, after all she did, she deserves the silence. Waking me up at 6 fucking am...nerve of her!"

The male grumbled and then breathed in deeply as the smell of blood filled his nostrils.

"But maybe, since it is her birthday in a week. I can be somewhat sentimental and allow her to see a sunset.....then kill her. That'd be a lovely present. Killed by your best friend......nah that's too kind."

He snickered and went to kill the last of the people that lived in the house he'd targeted. Just as he was walking out, his brain began to feel like it was being fried from the inside as the voice of SmileDog scratched at his ears.

"Master, come home now. The girl is gone! NigthTerror he-"

The line cut off as loud metal screeching was heard and Jeff fell to his knees clutching his ears. That hurt like a mother fucker. NightTerror? That was a name he'd not heard for years and what the hell did he want with his toy?! Dropping the bloodied body, Jeff took out a small ring and pressed a button that instantly opened a hole.

"Nega Verse , Slums"

He said as the hole lit up and he jumped down it. When he got his hands on that mime and on that dumb bitch, he didn't know who was going to be more sorry. Either way, he knew that the punishment delivered, would not be one to recieve lightly...not for pulling him away from a hunt. That was something one should never do.

"I've been too kind, now I need to show her...just who the hell she's really dealing with here."


Krysta sat on the floor with the syringe in her hand.

Could she do this...could she trick Jeff in the way that the mime had ordered her too...could she risk this and risk her own well being for knocking out Jeff...this was what she'd planned. But not to.. To do it in this way. The more that she thought,the more the terror filled her until her hands were shaking.

The real question being...

Could she betray everything that Jeff had put in her and let him be captured by NightTerror? It was a scary thought. But going home was something she'd longed to do.

"Then again...what do I really have in reality..Mila is dead...and Kaleb is too. Over there, I've got little to nothing...but here.. Here I could possibly build a new life...try and help Jeff regain his sanity..and remember who he was...what the fuck am I doing agreeing to this.."

As she thought all this, the room flashed and stood there, covered in blood was a clearly unhappy Jeff. The knife he gripped, dripped with fresh blood and this sight made the girl lose all her bravery. She couldn't do this, she couldn't betray this maniac. He'd slay her.

"I'm gonna ask you as nice as I can."

He said with heavvy breaths, taking staggering steps towards her. Blood slipped off his body like rain and he seemed somewhat calm. Krysta had no energy to retaliate or move. Her heart was frozen.

"What the fuck happened"

He said as he leant down and eyes her face to face. The adrenaline kicked in and she jabbed the needle into his neck before apologising and running as fast as she could out the door. Jeff screamed out for a moment but then..then he was calm. His eyes slowly cast up to the image of her running and he began to laugh like a maniac.

"The hell was I hoping for, course she's gonna run...course she's not gonna want to help me..she's not a kid now. She's just like the rest of this corrupt world..."

He stood up and walked over to the door , his hand gripping it before he felt the wood crack from the anger he was letting out.

"She wants to run like a piggy...then I'll be the fucking big bad wolf. And . Hunt. Her. DOWN"


NightTerror stood with his balloon and began to mold two of them while staring into a mirror. His face was cracked with a demented smile.

"What's wrong, Pop? Sad that your friend is being consumed by rage? Now now, stop pounding on the glass... You had your freedom. Now.. Now it's time I run the circus. Just you be good and sit there, after all...what good is a master, without his puppets ...hmmmm?"

Placing the baloons down before the mirror, he watched the reflection of his other self slump down.

"Now, let's see what the power of rage can truly do. After all....when there's nothing fuelling him. It shows that he is already becoming over thrown. Haha...ahahahahhahahahwhahwhawhhaahahahah!!!!"

SmileDog watched from his prison and whines softly . He just hoped, that his master could overcome this rage and see the light before it shrouded him in darkeness.


Uh oh

So this was... Bet you didn't expect to see this character huh?
But thought it'd be interesting to use them

Jeff is slowly letting rage consume him
What the hell was Krysta thinking ?!

See you next chapter.

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