Flickers Of Red

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Krysta had known she'd done it now. She's truly got herself a death warrant from that maniac of a killer and now, she was on the run from him. But she had to fight. She had to try anything to get away from all the pain and torment . That man took her life from her for Christs sake. There was no way in hell that she'd let herself be murderered so easily.

There were little option, but she had to think where he'd least look. There was a shed, a sewage outlet and there was a treehouse. Neither really had good outcomes but time was of the essence and there was a maniac after her . So she chose the sewage outlet . Using all her might, she pushed the manhole open and began to climb, slowly closing the door as she looked out for Jeff. Using her phone as a light. She made her way through the smelly sewer.

A roar had made her blood go cold and her adrenaline rise as she held her breath.


Came the aggravated roar of Jeff from above. He had lost it now, that little whore was going to die. Fuck being templacent, no that just made him grow fond. Now she'd die in the most agonising way imaginable. That was something he was going to see to on this night. And he'd ensure she suffered until her last agonising breath.

He'd looked all over , and there was no sight of her anywhere at all. Not in the damn shed and not in the stupid treehouse. There was no way that she could have gotten that manhole open...was there? It made him so angry that all she did was run away. He tried to be reminiscent of the past they had shared. But no, she didn't listen...this was always to be the outcome. He had just forgotten that momentarily.

"I will paint the fucking street with that little whores blood."

Jeff sneered as he used both his hands to grab the man hole and give it a rough shove.


Krysta had long since fled into the darker parts of the sewer. She knew that he'd be in hot per suit , not looking where she'd been walking. She tripped and fell into the filthy sludge, only to realise that it was blood. Her urge to scream over came her as she looked at Mila's decapitated body. But it was also at that point, she saw Mila's gun.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry"

She repeats as she took the gun and put in her pouch. Wasting no time, she began to move quickly . Her eyes scanned all corners of the sewers until she saw a small dent. Big enough for her to fit in. Krysta squatted down and then crawled into the slot, there she waited. Memories of her family flooded into her head. Memories of Mila showing her how to bake. Memories of her mother feeding her muffins. Memories of her and her father shooting ducks. Then....the memory of her meeting Jeff for the first time...

It was actually one of the only memories, she could remember exceedingly well....


The sun was shining bright on that day, I can still remember the image of my house. Vaguely. I was still very young, but I can remember him arriving that night at my house. He was slinking in front of the yard and I was playing with my puppy. His awkward stance had made , for a 10 year old girl. It was like curiousity had killed the cat. I know , don't open the door to strangers and such. But in my area. There was no real crime rate, we trusted each other.


I spoke out, spooking the other boy. He just stood there with a silent look in his eyes. His hair was jet black and swayed over his face. I put my puppy down and I walked to him , only standing on my porch with the gate locked. I stared at him and he stared at me until he spoke.

"Little girls , shouldn't talk to strange men."

He said with a slight smirk. I just looked very confused and retorted.

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