The Last Resort...

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Jeff had managed to reach the cocoon where that blasted girl was. She looked so, pained and so conflicted. How dare that demon hurt her...that was his job!

The male was about to walk forwards , but a ringing in his ear halted his progress. Slenderman? The big boss was trying to contact him, but why? Did they set the ritual up already?

"Jefferey, listen..I've hit a malfunction. One of the shrine pieces's broken. I need you to stall until I regenerate one... It'll not take too long. But try and get to her humanity. I know this will be hard. Make her remember . The more that Zalgo contaminates her mind. The more she's lost. Again.....we're all counting on you!"

Looking at the cocoon, Jeff laughed nervously.

"Yea, sure, no pressure whatsoever....thanks boss."

He said as he advanced forwards


It was do or die time. Jeff walked over to the cocoon but was blasted by a dark hand, growling, he took out his knife. With a swift motion , he slashed the hand and smirked as the sound of wails were released. So the demon had a weakness after all.

Cut after cut and stab after stab, Jeff kept at it until he was hit with a startling scene....Krysta, she was being covered in cuts....the cuts...he was delivering. What in the name was going on?!

"You poor, dimwitted fool. Did you forget, that the cocoon she's my own being, is merging.. With her, so if you want me simply have to kill her, but doing so...means that her body is my own to possess. I. Am. KRYSTA."

Zalgo shouted and laughed maniacally .


Jeff said not looking up.

"I am, her body is not fighting me . I will be her. This realm will be mines and so will the feeble human realm."

"You may look like her. But you're not her."

Jeff looked up and stated Zalgo in the eyes.

"You can't cry like can't get embarrassed like can't...FEAR me like her..."

Jeff kept walking to the cocoon, amidst the flurry of slashes that Zalgo was sending his way. He had to wake her up..he had to see her terror again, he had to show her...who she really should obey.

"All this time, I thought I could kill her. I thought I could erase her like a memory card. I was so very adamant that I didn't need her."

Using his hands, he gripped the cocoon, the amount of pain he felt from the electricity that now pulsed from Zalgos body, was making him see spots. But he had to stall just enough to let Slenderman repair that piece.

"I realised. I was a fucking idiot."

Zalgo didn't know what was happening, that stupid girl was waking up...this wasn't what he'd planned out...damn that killer. Damn him to hell.

"You see, I do need her..."

Jeff grit his teeth and pulled at the ribs of the cocoon. If he could pry it open and replace her with him...then she'd be free....she would be happy...she'd see...he was still human.

"I need her tears."


"I need her angry , embarrased, scared glances"


"I need her stupid , retarded witty comments...."


"But most importantly....I need...I need..."

He grit his teeth and forced the cocoon open, Krysta looked at him and felt air fill her lungs, she could breathe again.

"I need her to know...IM SORRY"

Jeff pulled Krysta from the cocoon and into him as Zalgo screamed in agony from the pain, it seemed Slenderman had sorted the relic. Jeff and Krysta floated in the debris of the alternate reality. Neither saying a word, nor did they move.

Looking her in the eyes, the male smiled as his body began to fade, Krysta didn't understand. What was going on. Why was he vanishing.

"You that if I truly...cared...I'd let go of the past....and that's what I'm doing..."

Jeff for the first time was crying but he was happy, he didn't feel pained anymore. He for once felt freed.

"I don't...I don't understand...I don't know what you mean Jeff!?"

The tears flowed from her eyes, she didn't want him to die, that's what was happening right?! He was dying. Jeff faded more and more until only his voice was heard.

"I set you free."


Krysta woke up hours later, her head was pounding and her chest ached .
That's right...Jeff where was he?! Where was she actually?? This was not the place he'd had her captive....was this...was this her own reality?

Walking back , she entered the house and stopped dead in her tracks.......Mila....Mila was there. was that possible...did...did she go back in time? Was this Jeff's doing...she didn't know. But all she could do was cry with utter joy.

"Wow kiddo, haven't seen you this emotional since Lassie."

Mila laughed but became overly worried when the girl just clung to her. It was like, if she never....she'd never see her again. Sighing, the woman pet the girls hair and smiled.

"Geez...what would you do without me?"

Laughed Mila, Krysta tightened her grip on the woman's shirt.

"I'm glad...I'm not going to find out...."


Ben sat with Jeff and didn't speak for quite a while. The male had been a mute more or less ever since the shrine being fixed...which was actually a portal.

" didn't have to send her back....y' could have kept her."

Stated the elf but, he knew that it wasn't of any use. Jeff was dead set on her being returned to the past. A past....he would not be going near. He could have wiped her memory. Given her a clean slate....but was his turn to wait.

"If she wishes....she can return to me at any time."

Jeff smiled as he looked at a locket of the old day with him and her.

"A bitch....will always know who she listens to."

Closing the locket, Jeff grinned.


Well, this I have something up my sleeve.
So, Jeff let her go.
Zalgo was sealed away
And Krysta was given her life back.
But...will she still try to find Jeff?

Stay and see.

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