Crimson Shaded Thorns

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Jeff had learned from the previous night, that now his so called 'friend' was not to be trusted by herself. Instead, what he'd done was set cameras up to view her. Like his own little gallery. This way, he'd be able to catch on to any tricks that she'd try and perform.

Also, he'd need to remove that bitches body, the police would be in an uproar and he did not want to leave any trace that could lead back to himself . That would just be very sloppy of him.

"Let's get chopping"

Stated Jeff as he grabbed hold of the legs. The male then dragged the cops body through the hallway and past the room that Krysta was held in. Since that incident, she'd been very silent , not like it was anything to him. Less she spoke, the more easier it was to plan her demise. A win win for his situation.

"Damn bitch, why'd she need to make it so hard for me to kill her. Pft."

He'd cursed as he dragged the body into the basement and went to fetch his hack saw and also some white plastic bags for the body parts. Something then dawned on him too. If that woman had a police phone....then they'd track it. Another idea formed in his head from this plot.

"I need to see a man about a dog."

Jeff mused evilly to himself as he laid all his tools out and then walked up the basement steps , he turned once more and then he padlocked the door shut. The male made his way over to the girls room and peered in. She still lay there. Broken and weak.

"She's giving up slow and steady, will make it more fun to kill her."

Stated the man as he walked out the house with a new hoodie on, a black one this time. He figures, if he's being watched. They will look for a white hoodie, not a black one. Jeff hastily walked down to the old pet adoption and looked through the pups that they'd had. Choosing a small one, he looked both ways and then smashed the glass. Taking the dog and running as fast as he could.

The puppy whimpered and whined as Jeff ran from the pet store. The non stop whines had caused a migraine to grow inside of Jeff's brain. Stopping at a lamp post, the male looked at the pup and examined it. He then took out the cops phone and held it to the small animal , allowing it to grasp it in it's jaws.

"Go on boy, git!"

Jeff put the puppy down and watched as it just sat there. He began to walk away from the animal but it just followed him. Jeff grunted as he pushed the animal away.

"Listen mutt. I got one bitch at home, I don't need another, go on, shoo! Shoo!"

Roars the male to the small dog, who just yelped and ran in the opposite direction with the police woman's phone. For some reason, he felt like this was going to come back and literally bite him in the ass one day. But for now, those dumb cops would follow the dog. Not him.

Upon arriving home, he'd noticed that the door to his basement was wide open. This threw him off as he left it padlocked. Now how could it be opened without the keys...unless that crafty bitch was free from her cuffs. He'd need to think of harsher ways to bind her up.

"Why can't she act like a good dog?! Bitches these days."

Jeff frowned. He took out his knife and cautiously walked over to the door, it was pitch black down there. Would be very easy to make a costly mistake and fall down the stairs. Using his phone, he aimed the light towards the bottom. He could not see the other person down there at all and this made him rather worried. There was no way that anyone else can get in this house.

"Hay bitch, this isn't funny. Get the hell out here right now."

Jeff sneered but to his surprise, Krystal looked out from the other room groggily. Her face was a mix of tired and sick, plus she looked a mess more than usual. Jeff walks over to her and stares. Someone drugged her.

"Who the hell has been in here."

Asked Jeff but the girl was just confused as he was. Who the fuck was down there. The only thing there was a corpse, it couldn't have been that dead police. He blew her brain across the wall. Just then , the sound of steps from the lower corridor sounded and both people stare with wide eyes as the mysterious guest arrived up to the top.

"Looks like I missed a party."


Ooooohhhhh who can it be?!

Such suspense !!!!

Find out soon.

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