Chapter 83

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I cant believe Casper broke up with me. We were supposed to be forever. At least i thought we were. He's the only person who said we'd be forever and i believed in him. When he said those words my heart shattered. I gave him so much of much of my time and love. I dont even know how to feel right now.
I ran home crying my eyes out. When i got home i sat in the bathroom in the dark crying. Trying to figure out how i would pass this. This is all my dad's fault. If he didnt take me away this wouldn't have happened.
"Diamond?" Jeff said. I haven't noticed what time it was. 7:30pm. "Diamond." Jeff said opening the bathroom door. "Whats wrong?"
"Leave me alone please."
"What's wrong?"
"Okay." He said leaving the bathroom.
I sat there crying til about 10 when Sam came inside with me she closed and locked the door.
"Hey Diamond. Are you okay?"
"No but i will be."
"Whats wrong?" Sam sat down on the ground across from me.
"C'mon woman to woman. Tell me."
I took a deep breath and wiped my tears away.
"Casper." I took another breath. "Casper broke up with me. I just wanna go back to Texas."
Sam crawled and sat next to me and wrapped me in her arms.
"I know it hurts now. But soon it wont any more. Youll forget all about him. But for now its okay to cry. Just let it all out. Ill stay as long as i need to."
"Its okay Sam. Im gonna be okay." I said with a smile. She let me go and stood up with her hand out to help me up.
"Just give me a minute."
"Okay. Jeff's cooking so come down."
I nodded and she left.
I got up, turned on the bathroom light, and looked at myself in the mirror.
"Hey Diamond. This isnt you." I said softly. "Stop crying and go downstairs." I wet my face. "Okay."
I dried my face and walked out the bathroom.

After i saw Diamond on the ground crying i knew exactly why. I was on my way out the house when Sam pulled into the drive way.
"Where you going?" She said as she got out the car.
"To beat a 16 year old ass."
"What?" She said getting infront of me.
"Sam. Move."
"No go inside. You know how stupid you sound?"
She led me inside. "You sound so stupid Jeff. You're going to beat a 16 year old's ass. Grow up."
I just looked at her go on and on. Like dam she was turning me on.
"Whats going on!?"
"Oh Casper broke up with Diamond. Now she upstairs bawling her eyes out. I told him if he ever break my sister's heart ill hurt him so im keeping my promise." I walked back to the door.
"The hell you wont." Sam stood in front of the door.
"Iight fine you win." I put my hands up and went into the kitchen.
"Your priority right now is seeing if your sister is okay. Where is she?"
I guided Sam upstairs to the bathroom. "Im going to start to cook?" I walked back downstairs to the kitchen as the bathroom door closed. After about 30 minutes sam came and joined me downstairs.
"Breakfast for dinner?"
"Breakfast for dinner." I replied
"Okay. She's coming down soon."
Sam and i began to eat when Diamond came downstairs.
"Aye! Breakfast for dinner." She gave a high five.
Diamond got herself some food and joined us. Her eyes were glossy and puffy but she had a smile on her face.
"You good Diamond?" I asked to break the silence.
Sam gave me the 'really' look as Diamond answered.
"Yeah im good." She smiled at me then continued to eat. "Great choice of breakfast for dinner."
"Thanks. See she agrees with breakfast for dinner."
"Yeah okay weirdos."
"We're your favorite weirdos though." Diamond said.
Sam looked at us and laughed. "You're right."

I felt that i really connected with Diamond. I cant wait to spend the rest of the week with her. Shes really fun to be around. She's like a miny Jeff.
"Oh guys. Im going back tomorrow night." Diamond said unknowingly crushing all my plans.
"Why?" I asked.
"I dont know just seems like there's no point of being here."
"Diamond, you just got here. Brush this off you're a woman." Jeff said.
"Its not that easy." Diamond said getting up angrily and she went upstairs.
After a while we went to bed. Jeff wanted to have sex but i wasn't in the mood.
A knock sounded on the bedroom door. "Can i come in?"
"Yeah." Jeff said sitting up and turning on the light.
Diamond walked in. "Hi. I talked to mom and I'm going home tomorrow morning."
"Awe okay." I said.
"Alright. Get a good night's rest." Jeff said.

I got up early to take Diamond to the airport. I gave her a hug and a kiss and she left. Again. But this time it didnt hurt as much.
The only thing on my mind is how im gonna confront Dwayne without hitting him. I gotta learn how to be a man and not a little boy.

I got back to Texas at around 3 in the afternoon. Jeremiah and his girlfriend came for me and took me home.
Once we got home i went straight to my to my room and sat on the floor. "Diamond." My mom said coming in the room. "What's wrong?" Once she realized i was crying.
"Somethings wrong."
"I said nothing okay."
"Come downstairs to eat."
I got up and walked downstairs to see Darius, his mother, and Mr. Guman sitting at the table.
"Hi." I said to everyone.
"Hello." Mr. Guman said and everyone else smiled at me.
I got food and went to the livingroom.
"Hey Diamond." Darius said joining me.
"Not today." I said beginning to eat.
"What im just saying hi." He said sitting.
"Hi." I said.
"How was New York?"
"It was okay."
"Why did you come back so early?"
"No need for me to stay long."
"Oh okay."
"How's your brother?" Mr. Guman said walking in.
"Jeff's fine. Got a girlfriend."
"That's good."
"Kom igjen" "Come on." Darius' mother said walking to the door.
"Kommer." "Coming" Darius replied. "She said come." He said realizing the look on my face.
"Oh okay."
"Im gonna teach you." Darius said hugging me then getting up to leave.
Darius and his mother left and Mr. Guman was the only one left.
"How are you Dominique." Mr. Guman said. "Err. Diamond. Sorry."
"Im okay. Just kinda glad to be here."
"How come all of a sudden?" Jeremiah asked.
I looked at him and rolled my eyes.
"I thought this is prison."
"Yeah it still is i can just bare it a little more."
"Wow okay. Well im going to bed. Good night Mr. Guman. Night D."
"Good night."
"Night J."
Jeremiah walked up the stairs.
"So how's Maryland?"
"It's okay same old place."
"I shall go up and visit your brother. Ill bring you along."
"Thanks but i don't want to go back for a while."
"I Just dont."
"Okay. Well im going to be heading on home. Good night Diamond. Night Maxine."
"Good night Mr. Guman."
He stood up and exited the house and my mom walked in.
"Anything special you want to do tomorrow?" My mom said walking in
"No." I walked upstairs and into my room. I don't know how im gonna move on from this relationship.

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