Chapter 84

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The seniors finally finished their finals and we were officially juniors. Everyone was excited except Diamond. Well she just didn't seem like it. Ever since she came back from her trip to Maryland she seemed detached from the world, 'not there' i guess you can say.
Her parents allowed her to join my family and i on a trip to our lake house just outside of Austin for part of the summer break thinking she needed some "fresh air.".
"Darius." Diamond said as we watched a movie.
"Its after 1. All nighter?"
That has to be the most words she has said thats her. Besides of please and thank you shes been completely silent.
After the movie was over we sat in the dark for a while, in silence.
"He broke up with me." Diamond spoke up.
"Hva?" I said shocked.
"You're doing it again."
"What? When?"
"When i went up there. Something about the distance."
"I think his uncle talked him into it."
"Why do you think that?" I asked eager for more information.
"Cause he was touching on me like he was ready to have sex. Then his uncle came. He totally ditched me. The next day he tried to play me as a fool by being so "happy" as though he thought that would work. Then he broke up with me like seriously?"
"Wow." I sat there wide eyed. "Maybe it was something else." I considered.
"Naw. Its that i could tell. But you know what? Its okay." She said trying to hide the fact that she's hurt.
"Its okay to cry." I said scooting closer to her and wraping her in my arms.
Diamond began to cry softly. I held her til she fell asleep.
Wow Diamond fell asleep. In my arms. This is great.
I leaned against the arm of the couch and managed to lay down. She fell in place in front of me. Asleep. I reached for the sheet and covered us both.

I woke up early. 5:30am. I layed there and i realized that i was laying with Darius. His hand in my shirt wrapped around my torso. He was breathing in my ear, ever so slowly, peacefully. I moved back into him because i was falling off the couch and to my surprise i felt a poke in my butt. My eyes widen.
What do i do? Do i stay or get off.
I slowly felt increasingly uncomfortable so i moved his arm a little and slid off the couch onto the floor. Once i was off i made my way upstairs to the bedroom i was staying in and went back to sleep.
After what seemed like 2 minutes, i was waken up by Ada.
"Diamond. Its after 12. Time to wake up."
I got up, did my morning routine then headed downstairs.
Darius looked at me as i came down. I sat on the couch and Darius' dad, John, gave me food. This trip was the first time i've met him. He stood tall with a brush cut. He was dark skin and a little buff. I can sure tell where Darius got his looks from.
"Here you go Diamond."
I took the food and began to eat.
"Lake later?" Darius asked sitting in the single chair.
"Uhh. Yeah sure." I smiled. Does he even know?
After a while everyone began to change into their bathing suits and swim trunks.
We went down to the lake and began to chill.
"I really needed this." I said to Ava.
"Midt i bevegelse og kaos, holde stillheten inne i deg." She said to me and smiled.
I smiled back trying not to be rude cause i had no idea what she said.
"You'll figure out." Ada said shortly after.
"Diamond!" I heard Darius yell my name just before his dad threw him in the water. I ran down the down the dock and pushed him in. I thought i was safe but just then his dad dragged me in with him.
After about an hour Darius and i sat on the deck.
"Im sorry about last night." He said. "For?"
"My situation." He said clearing his throat.
"Oh." I said after i had completely forgotten. "Its okay." I said smilng.
"I forgot to be honest."
"Oh." He said blushing.
"C'mon." We stood up and he looked at me.
I smiled and pushed him in and i jumped in after.

Ms. Love
While Diamond was gone i invited an old friend of mine over.
"Hey beautiful." He said walking into the house kissing me.
"Hey i missed you."
"Never have time for me?"
"You know with the kids and work. Im just so busy."
"Its okay" we kissed again and he took me upstairs.

I decided to take Sam to meet my family so i called up Jeremiah. He met Sam and i at the airport.
"Hey J." I said giving him a hug and a handshake. "You've grown little man."
"Nah. Im still the same."
"This is Samantha. My girlfriend."
Jeremiah stuck out his hand to shake hers.
"Sam." She said.
"Nice to meet you."
"Give me the keys." I said. I missed driving in these streets. Jeremiah tossed me the keys.
"Where's your lady?" I asked. Picking up our bags.
"At her summer house with her family. Im going up there tomorrow when Diamond comes back."
"Where is she?" Sam asked before i could as we got into the car.
"A lake house with Ava and Darius. I think they together."
"How you think so?" I asked driving off.
"Ever since she came back, shes been spending everyday with him."
"Oh really?" I said. Surprised that she didn't tell me.
Jeremiah directed me to the house. We pulled up to the same house i left it.
"Still here?"
"Yeah." We all got out.
"Some one else is here." Jeremiah said. "Probably one of my friends." He then unlocked the front door.
The house looked a little different. Instead of the old timely look my dad forever liked it was more modern.
"No one's here." Jeremiah said walking around.
I began to walk upstairs to my mom's room.
"Hey m-"
"Close the door!"
I slammed the door shut and walked down stairs past Jeremiah. "Don't go in there." I grabbed his arm and took him back downstairs.
"Lets go for lunch."
We left the house and drove to the closest restaurant.

After a few more hours at the lake house i packed up and was taken back to my house. Felt sad leaving the lake house and Darius but then i love the beach.
Darius rode with me so he could have the last goodbye. When the chauffeur pulled up to the house i noticed that there were one too many cars in the driveway. I thanked the man and Darius helped me with my bags. I opened the door and recognized a voice anywhere.
"Jeff!" I dropped my bag and ran to him. "I missed you so much."
"I missed you too." He said picking me up and spinning me a little.
"Hi Sam." I said hugging her shortly after.
"Hi J. Mom. Mr. Guman." They all waved.
"Who are you?" Jeff said walking up to Darius.
"Darius. Diamond's friend."
"Jeff. Diamond's eldest brother." He stuck out his hand and Darius shook it.
"Ive heard."
"Have you now?"
"Okay. Darius has to get going." I said walking Darius back to the door.
Everyone carried on with their conversations as we walked out.
"I had a fun time. Thank you." I said to him.
"Im glad you came."
I gave him a hug and he held onto me tight. He let me go and we shared a glance. In a split decision i got on my tippy toes and gave him a kiss on his cheek.
"I...i'll see you later." He said getting redder and redder. He smiled and walked back to the car.
I went in the house to 5 pair of eyes on me.

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