Chapter 102

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Ive been at Bowie State for months now and it is great i really feel at home here. My roommate is awesome and my classes are too. I get to go see Jeff and his family regularly. This is great.
One day when i was at Jeff's house i ran into Dwayne's step mom.
"Dominique?" She said as i walked to my car, from her car.
"Hey." I said waving.
"What are you doing here?"
"I go to school here now."
"Oh really where?"
"Bowie State."
"Nice. Its almost about that time for the boys and Star to graduate."
"Really? Seemed so long."
"Yeah. Then im all by myself." She said sadly. "But what are you up to?"
"Im on my way back home."
"Oh okay. When last you talked to Dwayne?"
"I dont know really. A couple weeks."
"Oh okay. You should call him."
"Ill see you later Dominique safe drive."
"Thank you."
She rolled up her window and drove off.

Not talking to Dominique is talking a toll on me. Its like shes a drug and im going through withdrawal. I cant concentrate knowing that she's pissed at me and not answering my calls. I never wanted to catch feelings for her again but she makes it impossible for me. It's like she makes me like her without knowing. If only i was there or if she was here. With me.
I earned time to fly out to Texas to go see Dominique. Since she wont answer me ill just surprise her.
Once i got to Texas i went to the college to find out she transferred to another school nobody seems to know where.
I went to my aunt's house and stayed there for the rest of my stay. I tried to call her but once again, no answer. Lemme call Jeff.
"Hello." I said as he answered.
"Whats up?"
"Nothing really. Hows it going?" I asked.
"Good. Good."
"I got a question."
"Where's Dominique?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean i came to Texas to visit her and she aint here. Im heated."
"Hold on." He said. I could hear him yelling for someone. She better not be there. "Just talk." Jeff said more auditable.
"Okay." Dominique said. "Hello."
"Well hey stranger thanks for telling me that you left Texas." i said sarcastically.
"Why do you care?"
"Well maybe cause im in Texas right now trying to surprise you. Instead im at my aunt's house. And im kind of heated"
There was a silence. "Dominique."
"Nobody told you to try and sutprise me. You know we're not talking. What you thought that coming to see me would change my mind?"
"Obviously and honestly yes."
She started to laugh. "Dwayne you're a joke."
"I dont see whats funny right now. I wasted my time and money." i said slightly annoyed.
"What do you want me to do? Want me to give you back money cause that's what 'rich people do'." She said sarcastically.
"No i dont want your money. But if you're offering compensation. Hear me out."
There was a pause again. "What." she said as a way of accepting.
"Look i apologize for that night and the night i called drunk. I wasn't thinking and my judgment was blurred. Im still working on my anger issue and its hard for me. Honestly the last thing i need is for you, the one person in my life i really care about, to be mad with me. I solely apologize for everything that i have done in the present past and things of the future." there was a pause.
"Did you look that up on Google?" She asked in a joking matter.
She started to laugh. "I forgive you."
"So since that's over with. Where are you?"
"Bowie State."
"Wow my choices was Texas or Maryland."
"Awe man want me to come there and get you?" She said in a voice you would use to talk to babies.
"Shut up. I really-" i began to say when she cut me off.
"I'll call you on my phone."
"Okay." She hung up.
After about an hour in a half the phone rang.
"Hello? Dwayne."
"Yea." i said in a sleepy voice.
"Did i wake you? I know its after 1 there." She said softly.
"Its cool."
"Okay. Sorry it took so long. I had to drive back and shower and stuff."
"It's cool. What i was saying before you hung up was that i really wish you were here."
"I wish you were here. With me." She replied back.
"And im really sorry. For everything."
"You already apologized."
"No. Dom let me do this. I apologize for everything. Fighting Matthew, getting on your nerves, taking you to the court that one day lastly, breaking up with you."
Her end went silent, i heard a slight sniffle, then she spoke. "You don't have to be sorry. Yes it all hurt but its okay. I lo- appreciate you and i fully understand all the decisions you had to make."
"I regret going to the Air Force Dominique."
"You. You're why. You got me whipped."
"How?" She asked.
"I can't explain."
"You still shouldn't regret the air force. Thats where you believe that you need to be. You know im always in your corner no matter what."
"Thanks Dom."
"You're welcome." She said yawning.
"Get some rest. Ill talk to you later."
"No no im good."
After talking for about 30 minutes she began to fall asleep.
"Night Dominique." I said softly then hung up the phone. Damn.

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