Chapter 86

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We had breakfast and other people joined us at the beach house. Even Darius and his family came.
At around 12 everyone was down at the beach. I stayed with Kayla and Leslie and her new boy toy on the shore. He seemed okay.
"Where's Jeff?" I asked out loud.
"Hes not out here?" Leslie asked looking around.
"No i dont see him." Kayla said.
"He might be in the bathroom or banging his girlfriend." Leslie said standing up.

I wanted to surprise Diamond at the beach house but when i came i couldn't find her. So instead i found Jeremiah sitting in the sand with some friends.
"Hey Jeremiah." I said walking to him.
"Hey man." He said standing up. "What you doing here?"
"My mom invited them." A girl said looking up at me.
"Oh you must be Kayla."
"You're that Norwegian kid." A boy said.
"Yeah. That's me."
"Well welcome to the beach." Jeremiah said sitting back down.
"Thanks. Have you seen Diamond?"
"Yeah. Shes somewhere over there." He pointed to the right.
"Thanks." I walked to the right and there she was sitting under a tree on a towel.
"Hey." I said stepping in front of her.
She looked up at me. "Hi." She said sounding a bit upset.
"Whats wrong?" I sat down next to her.
"Im fine. Why are you here?"
"To surprise you."
"Well you did."
"Mission accomplished." I said with a smile.
"Has anyone told you that you have a great smile?" She asked.
"Well you're the first today."
She laughed and got on her phone. I got on mine.
"So Casper texted me this morning."
"What did he want?"
"Nothing. Just wanted to be friends. You know."
"Oh okay. Was he the reason why you seem upset?"
"No. Id rather leave that alone."
"What do you mean?"
"C'mon im not stupid."
"You're right."
"Thought so."

"Babe ill be back."
Jeff trudged through the water and made his way up to the house.
I stayed in the water for what seemed like 30 minutes. Still no Jeff.
"Did he forget about me?" I got out the water and walked through the house. No Jeff. So i went back out to Jeremiah.
"Hey Jeremiah where's Jeff?"
"I don't know. Last time i saw him was with you."
"Okay thanks." I walked back to the house and Diamond, well Dominique, rushed past me upset and Jeff shortly behind her.
"There you are. Forgot about me?"
We went back out to the shore. I tried to talk to Jeff but he was either day dreaming or looking at Diamond.
"What's up?"
"You're not being you.
"And what is me?" He said then kissed me.
"I dont know." I said with a smile.
The sun began to go down and everyone beagn to leave the beach.
Jeff and I were one of the last to leave the beach. He let me take a shower and stuff first. I got dressed in an all white summer dress for the dinner party that was gonna happen soon.
After about 40 minutes Jeff came to me.
"Im sorry." He said butting in my conversation. "Please come with me." Jeff insisted. He took me by the hand and took me to the jeep. We got in and he began to drive.
"Where are we going?"
"You'll see."
"We're going to miss the dinner."
"Nah. Its not your scene. Wonder if Diamond's gonna hold up."
"Speaking of Diamond. Did you tell her? She looked up-" i stopped talking when we pulled up to this movie perfect set up. A single table with two chairs over looking the beach.
Jeff got out and walked to the table.
So he wasn't going to open my door?
I got out and we sat down. A waiter came and poured us some wine.
"What's all this for?" I said as though i didn't know.
"I wanted to test this out."
"Test what out?"
"I was planning on bringing Diamond here to tell her. Just in case she gets loud. But then she might run off and ill lose her."
"Yeah what if she just jumps off the cliff and swims home." I said sarcastically and gulped down my wine.
Cant believe thats why he brought me here.
"Excuse me can i have more?" I said to the waiter.
Jeff went on about how hes going to tell Diamond and i just kept on drinking.
"Why you drinking so much?"
"Taste good." I said sarcastically once again.
"Ain't no bathrooms out here." He told me.
The waiter came over with food and left the bottle at the table.
I ate the food carefully thinking that Jeff put the ring in the food but nope.
"Wanna go back?" He asked after we finished eating.
"Please." I stood up and began walking to the car.
"Wait." Jeff said getting up.
I turned around to see Jeff getting up. But his foot clipped the chair leg and he fell. I ran over to him laughing. He sat there on the ground laughing and patted the ground for me to sit.
"Remember when we first met?" He said as i sat.
"Online." I said laughing.
"No met met."
"Yeah. You tripped and fell getting out your car." I laughed some more.
"Yeah cause i fell in love with you." He smoothly pulled out a beautiful ring.
"Samantha Abigail Johnson will you marry me?"
"Yes." I said laughing and crying. He slid the ring on my finger and kissed me.
He stood up then helped me up.
" "Yeah cause i fell in love with you." Thats so corny." I said as we walked to the car.
"Jeremiah's idea."
"But its cute though." I kissed him again.
"Yeah yeah." We got in and drove back to the beach house.

I saw Jeff and Samantha leave but i also saw some dude all over Diamond and looked like she wasn't having it.
"Hey guys." I said walking over to them.
"Hey Jeremiah." Diamond said relieved.
"Can i borrow her?"
"Sure." He let go of her hand and she walked away so quick.
"Thank you so much. He was ready to marry me."
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"What do you mean?"
"Okay? Well i peeped Jeff and Sam leave."
"They're so cute. Cant wait for the wedding."
"You knew?"
"Of course. I had to help him choose a ring."
"Diamond." I girl said from a far.
"How much longer is this party?" She asked.
I laughed and waved bye as she put on a fake smile and walked to the girl.
"Come." Kayla said to me pulling me up stairs.
"Where we going?"
She took me to the bathroom and locked the door. Kayla kissed me then sat on the sink and i proceeded to lay the wood.

Ever since we left the house Jeff's been acting so weird towards me. So while everyone was outside at the beach i finally got Jeff alone and confronted him.
"Jeff what did i do?"
"What did i do? You're acting weird.
"Then why does i seem like you've been avoiding me?"
"Im not. If i was avoiding you i wouldn't be talking to you right now."
"Well you've haven't talked to me ever since we got here."
"I just have alot on my mind right now." He said very annoyed. Almost like he didn't want to talk to me.
"What ever Jeff." I grabbed a coke and stormed out.
"Excuse me." I said running into Sam.
I went over to a spot under a tree so i could be alone.
When the dinner party started it was ok. Then it got interesting when some guy started talking to me but then he was all over me. I tried to get him off me but he just wouldn't let up. Good thing i have a Jeremiah. Soon after the touchy interaction i was called into a conversation i had nothing to do with me. When i hear a dinner party i didn't imagine a bunch of people.
"I heard Darius was hooking up with Karla. Wait, Diamond isn't Darius your friend?" One of the girls said.
"Yeah. He is."
"Well is that true?"
When she said that i spotted Darius going upstairs with a girl. Maybe Karla i dont know.
"No. Its not true."
"I think Diamond has a little crush." Another said. "Dont you think so girls?"
"Guys stop." I said looking at them. "I don't have a crush on him." I cracked a smile.
"Oooh Diamond. Dont worry ill get that bi-" she began to say when an adult stepped up to the group.
"Ill see you guys later." I said separating myself.
I began walking to the stairs to see where Darius went.
If hes messing with a girl why wouldn't he tell me? I got all these mushy gushy feelings for him from that trip. Ill be dammed if he was just with playing me.

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