Chapter Seven

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The man who lunged drops to the ground and the crowd goes wild, a referee or the spokesperson suddenly gets in the ring, "Annnnnd the winner is...Defacerrrrrr!" Yells the man.

The blonde man walks over to the one holding the microphone and turns around just as the man grabs his arm and holds it up.

My lips open of their own accord and a gasp flies out, the light blue eyes that I had gotten accustomed to seeing stared back at me, belonging to the blonde-haired man who had almost succeeded in stealing my heart.



Chapter Seven 

The pulsating music did nothing to slow the tempo of my heart, the longer Caiden and I were locked in a heated stare, the faster and harder my heart beat in my chest. 

I knew Helga had a brother, but she never talked about him other than in the past, so I figured it was a kid brother she just didn't really see anymore. I was wrong, Caiden is Helga's brother. 

My now bestfriends brother was my one night stand and the man to almost swoop me off my feet. 

How the hell did my life turn so fucked up? 

Caiden's electric blue eyes held me in place, the spokesperson was talking to him and trying to get his attention, but nothing was breaking him from staring at me. 

His eyes were wide, with alarm, panic, or both at seeing and the longing. It clung to his eyes and looks like a cloud settling over his face, his lips opened in shock and his breathing stopped momentarily. T

The stillness of his body indicated he took a moment to register me standing before him and then, just like that, Caiden whirls around upon hearing something, and our stare is broken.

"Trainwreck..." Holten says beside me, jarring me out of my pressing thoughts. 

I angle my head to the side and take in Holten's bare chest, my eyes widen when I feel His hand briefly touch my own idly swinging by my side, my heart gives a little jump when I feel him wrap his fingers in between mine. 

"Here." Holten says. 

With the other hand, he holds up a red solo cup filled with some kind of alcohol that smelt really strong, "Thank you." I say, taking it and in return curl my fingers around his, holding back my smile. I was finally getting to hold Holten's hand. 

"How long has Helga been fighting?" I ask, bringing the red solo cup to my lips, and taking a tiny sip, my throat instantly clenches, trying to force the liquid back up my throat, but I press it back down and shiver. 

"For all her life, she was raised in a household of wrestling fans, and then Helga and Caiden both got into fighting at a young age, they found they could fight and used this to their advantage." Holten replies.

"You knew Caiden?" I ask, turning back to face Holtens light green orbs.

"We were bestfriends...Once." Holten says, his voice heavy with emotion, and he lightly sways from side to side. 

"What happened?" I ask.

"Popularity in high school." Holten takes a sip of his own drink, my fingers instinctively start to trace circles on the palm of Holten's hand, and watch as his lips twitch up into the briefest of smiles, "I turned quote on quote, dorky to Caiden because I wanted to run my own business and he wanted to play the jock role and be a ladies man." Holten shrugs and chuckles lightly. 

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