Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

Holtens POV

Raven Jocelynna, is a beautiful heart-felt woman.

She is everything I've ever wanted in a woman, she is caring, she is strong-willed and she's beginning to speak up for herself.

I couldn't have been more proud of her, she has come a long way from a month ago, scared to speak her mind. But she's changed, something within her seems to have retreated and the confident bravado she wears in her actual skin now.

I didn't want to tell Raven about Marley, not because I had something to hide, or wanted to hide it. I just didn't want to be the one to come in between the two women this time.

They have their own fight, and yes if I was a couple of years younger, I would still be in this ring, fighting out my anger and problems, instead, I looked for a better outlet...My business.

I don't want to cause any more problems between them than there already are.

I heard Marley when she uttered 'The chat'. I had no idea what she was talking about, the only time I knew these two had even talked over the summer, was the last day I saw Raven.

She ran out of the treehouse so fast, I thought somebody had died, but then I hear Marley scream to Raven that she should run and never return.

I knew deep in my gut that Marley had something to do with Raven leaving and speeding up the engagement, but I threw it to the side.

Caiden had excused himself to go back into the cabin and get ready for the wedding, and Marley had slunk back upstairs to the kitchen. Where I went to after Raven left, there was no use in trying to run after her, she would have been long gone by now.

Marley then decided to throw a fit, saying Raven ruined her engagement, I asked why and she said she knew Raven was doing things with Caiden over the weekend and wanted her to leave.

I knew that was only scratching the surface of Marley's endless hatred for Raven, but since Raven had left and Marley and I had no connection, there was nothing holding me to the engagement parties anymore.

I got up to leave and Marley was at my side instantly, her fingers curling around my arm. I felt the ever-so flutter of my heart from her touch.

It made me angry, she made me angry.

I wrenched my arm from her grasp but she was relentless, she toyed with my brain, asking me elusive questions, pushing me back until I hit a wall, and then she trailed her hands over my chest, down to my stomach.

I knew what her plan was, so I held my breath, grabbed her hand quickly, and spun her around so her back was up against the wall.

Marley's whole face changes, desire and lust cloud her face, her blue eyes melt and her body instantly relaxes in my hold.

"Stop, tormenting everybody in your life." I said, my voice cold and empty as I lean close to Marley, my eyes staring daggers into hers.

"You'll never have her." Marley says, as I turn around and walk out of the treehouse, wanting to go congratulate my best friend.

On marrying the worst person in the world.

A manipulative and sexual weapon.

Marley knew what she was capable of, she knew I liked her at one point and because of the resounding tingles being left over from her touch, I knew this was far from being over.

I knew what Marley's plan was and I was not going to let her hurt Raven, she does not deserve what she is doing to her, she deserves a life without immature drama about who gets to have the man.

I hate her, my heart has filled up with malice and hatred for Marley.

When Raven went up and outside, I knew it was my time to follow her and maybe have a moment alone with her, without anybody around like Marley to interject.

But as soon as I opened the door to the back parking lot, the woods surrounded the area and I heard Ravens screams along with Samsons painful yowls.

I ran straight to her and noticed the man still hadn't gotten off Raven, so I ran up to him and kicked him in the stomach, I only had a second and not long enough to check on Raven.

I square off with the guy as he picks himself up, his hands go up and he starts to back away.

"After you beat on an innocent pup and woman, you're done with your violent antics? Nu-huh." I say, beyond livid.

My blood starts to boil and my whole entire body warms up with anger and adrenaline.

I roll up my sleeves and get into a fighting position, my feet a few feet apart, and my hands come up and ball into fists.

"Marley sends her regards." The masked man says and turns around, sprinting off into the darkness.


My head turns immediately towards Raven and Samson, I pull out my phone and call Helga.

She answers on the fifth ring, "What's up Holten?" She asks, her voice a little foggy, the music from the underground club was pumping the bass right through the phone.

"Raven got attacked out here, and so did Samson, I need your help to bring him to the emergency vet and help me take Raven home." I say, I take a deep inhale, my hand shaking.

Raven hasn't made a sound, her eyelids flutter every which way, my mind was befuddled, and was my heart, I got scared he would have done worse and I wouldn't have been able to get there in time.

"Raven got-what! I'll be right there." Helga screeches into the phone.

A small smile places itself on my lips at hearing Helga's concern and alarm for both Raven and Samson.

Helga was a lot like Raven when I first met her, shy and quiet. I thought I could have been happy and I tried to force the feelings toward Helga out.

I even went so far as to kiss her and even though it wasn't awkward and it was a comfortable kiss. There was nothing there, no sparks, nothing to make my skin tingle and come alive, there was nothing but friendship and respect between us, but I felt guilty.

I knew Helga liked me, or had a crush on me. I just wanted to be happy and thought I could be happy with her.

But the only one I knew was really in my heart, is Raven.

Her green eyes, light freckles, and jet-black hair have stayed in my mind constantly for that whole month.

When I discovered her in my office as my new assistant, my heart soared, my heart instantly turned warm instead of cold, it beat faster, faster than it has in a long time and my hands were sweating.

I lean down to the tar, and bundle Raven up in my arms and have to stop myself from letting tears well in my eyes upon seeing her throat and face.

It wasn't bad, but the left side of Raven's face was bruised and swollen and her throat had many red marks and bruises on them, my heart called out to her.

I won't let anything else happen to you Raven, I swear to it.' I think and vow to myself, I will protect her with my dying breath.

If it's the last thing I do.

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