Chapter Twenty-Four

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Once again, I am yet again challenged by a conniving person.

Only this time, she's not my best friend.

But, instead...

It is Scarlett fucking Jones.


{Authors Note}

We're nearing end of this book.

Please enjoy the rest of the updates!

Chapter Twenty-Four

We had quickly driven away from Mystic Whisper's dark and looming building, getting to my house within twenty minutes, which was a lot less time to wait in traffic and dodge around slowing cars than usual.

The traffic nowadays is really helping me in the long run, not making me late for anything and keeping me more level-headed.

Scarlett was on my mind, the pressuring thoughts of wondering how she and Holten met, how long they had been married, what had really happened between them. So many questions and thoughts that ran wild in my head kept me from talking.

I mostly stared out my window, watching the scenery go by, heavily stuck in my thoughts. I wanted to ask Holten all the questions that were burning my brain, but I didn't know if talking about it would hurt him, or make him darker towards their relationship by bringing up old memories.

I didn't know how asking would affect Holten, so I just screwed my lips up tight and utter not a single sound or word until we stepped foot into my small but beautiful house.

Samson starts barking and whining, flying out of his bed and running, not towards me, but instead, Samson went straight for Holten, wagging his tail and whining like crazy. 

"You just saw him earlier...Jeez, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you two were in a relationship." I mutter under my breath as I hear Holten drop to the floor and start to pet Samson and coo at him.

My lips tug up into a smile as I turn the corner and enter my small but cozy white and grey granite-themed kitchen and I go right straight for my liquor cabinet. 

I open the light wooden door to reveal shelf after shelf after shelf of alcohol bottles, all from different colors of the rainbow, blue, red, yellow, and green etc, all lining the five shelves I have.

My eyes fly around until they settle on an alcoholic beverage I hadn't had in a very long time, a Red White & Berry Smirnoff six pack sat on one shelf, I wrap my left hand around the handle of the box and picked it up, my eyes scouring for another type of drink.

My eyes zero in on the bright blue hue of the Skyy Vodka and take that out as well.

I grab some leftover lemonade I had from a couple of days ago and make Holten a Vodka Lemonade, giving Holten a few drops of extracted vanilla, I bring the bottle to my nose and inhale the sweet smell.

If anyone has owned a bottle of straight vanilla you all know, it smells really good, and very sweet.

I put the bottle down and bring Holtens drink with one hand, and my six-pack in the other as I turn the corner into the living room and see Holten up on my couch with Samson.

"How are you two lovebirds doing?" I tease, setting Holten's drink on the table in front of the couch. 

"Good, now that you're here." Holten cheekily says. 

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