Chapter Eight

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Helga with little snake fangs poking out of her mouth and adorned in a flashy pink fighting outfit with gloves on, circles the cage with a woman about the same size but with a lot more muscles than she does standing the opposite of her.

How did I not notice it before? Helgas light honey blonde hair and bright blue eyes were identical to Caidens.

My heart pounds in my chest with heavy thoughts pushed to the side as I watch my newfound best friend fight for the first time.


Chapter Eight

Holten and I stay wrapped in each other, Samson stands by my side and Caiden stands on Samson's other side as we all watch Helga fight her opponent. 

Helga was so fluid in her motions, swiftly jerking this way and that, landing certain punch after punch and coordinating her attacks so smoothly she takes down her opponent in no time and has the crowd going absolutely wild. 

"Raven! How do you think I did?" Helga yells and throws her arms over me, pulling me away from Holtens comforting warmth. 

"Helgs! I didn't know you could fight like that! You were amazing." I tell her, hugging her back tightly and giggling as she bounces back on her feet looking at us three, her eyes finally registering the award position we were all in and she clears her throat after a moment. 

"Caiden this is Raven, Raven this is Cai-" 

"We've met before Hellie." Caiden replies, jerking forward to wrap his sister in a hug. 

"Oh my goodness, you're the Raven my brother has been nonstopping talking about for months, I told him not to go through with it, you know. I told him 'Caiden you're going to be so much happier marrying Raven, if you could find her." Helga says, but my heart screwed up tight in my chest. 

Caiden went through with it? 

"You married Marley?" I ask, turning my attention to Caiden, who had been silently watching this whole ordeal go down. 

Caidens jaw tenses and his teeth come out to chew on his bottom lip, "Yeah." He says. 

"Speaking of the bitch, where is she?" Helga says, rolling her eyes, she spats out the word 'bitch' 

Well, Marleys just making friends everywhere she goes, now isn't she? 

"Helga! Watch your words, she'll be here any minute." Caiden snaps, avoiding my eyes, choosing instead to only stare down daggers at Helga

My stomach starts to roll in on itself and I begin to back away, my feet having a mind of their own. 

"Caiden!" A voice I hadn't heard in a long time speaks out of nowhere and long blonde locks fly across my vision as Marley bounces into Caidens arms, and the pair are locked in a heavy makeout session in no time. 

A wave of deja vu hit me, along with a nice dose of vomit as I scramble around the pair and run all the way to the bathrooms, not hesitating as I run into one of the stalls and crouched to throw up what I had been drinking. 

"Trainwreck, are you okay?" Holtens voice floats through my ears, my head still down into the toilet.

My stomach flip-flopped and once again I was throwing up more contents of my stomach into the porcelain white bowl of the toilet

I heard shuffling and could feel Holten's hands on my back, moving around in comforting circles. I smile and groan, settling myself on the floor and up against Holtens chest. 

"You're too good to me." I say, groaning again as I gag. 

"You only deserve the best." Holten replies, his deep voice tingling my ear, his hands wind around my body, and we sway back and forth in a soothing way. 

We sat there in silence as my breathing goes back to normal and my heart beats normally in my chest again, we get up off the floor, yet again in silence as I wash my mouth out with water, and bring the red solo cup full of the last few sips of the alcohol and dip it backdown my throat. 

Feeling giggly and light-headed, I smile as I see Holten coming up behind me, his lips tugged up into a smile. 

I stand in front of the mirrors as Holten walks up to me, our gaze is locked on one another through the glass as Holten comes up to rest behind me, pressing his bare hot chest against my back. 

My breath hitches when I see one of the Holtens hands come out to lazily drag up my leg and around my hip, to my back and back down to my core, brushing his hand over it, and back up in a loop. Over and over, rubbing and feeling my body as the tightness in my gut twists more and more. 

I couldn't take it any longer after a few minutes of it and apparently, neither could Holten, I whirl around and snake my hands around his neck as his hands go down to my waist and cups my butt, pulling me closer and our lips collide in a frenzy.\

There was nothing slow or gentle in our kiss, it was one of full need. We had been rudely interrupted earlier and my body called out to his, my hands had been yearning to touch him,. I had wanted to feel him against me again for what seemed like an eternity but what only hours.  

Holten pulls away and lets out a loud groan his head coming down and latches around my neck, his hands go up and down on my sides, and eventually move up to my chest, grabbing fistfuls. 

I throw my head back and moan, even through the fabric the feeling of his hands on me was what I had needed.

"If we don't slow down right now Trainwreck, I won't be able to stop." Holten says, his voice shaking and so was his hands against my hips. 

"I don't want you to stop. I never want you to stop." I whisper moan out, and that's all it took for Holten to lose control. 

Holten grips one side of my face with one hand and with the other, he was gripping his pants, undoing them, my own shaky hands going down to unbottom my shorts, our hands sloppily messing up as we were too excited. 

We giggle through our mistakes and Holten falls on the toilet, trying to step out of his pants, I fall onto his lap, and then I decided right then and there, I was tired of the games, I needed Holten and I needed him now. 

With a frustrated cry, I lean up on my feet and sit down, instantly groaning feeling the fullness of Holten, with my head back I begin to move, riding Holten. 

When I feel his hands come down to latch around my hips and guide the tempo, my head comes down and my eyes open and find Holten had already been looking at me. 

"Raven." Holten moans out, his face contorts with pleasure and his lips tumble open in pleasure. 

"Holten." I moaned back, increasing my tempo, feeling my core tighten with more pleasure, as a large wave rolls through me, almost causing me to lose it.

"Raven, come for me baby." Holten says, his voice like honey dripping around my head, as I do just that. I come undone right on him, and feel Holtens thighs tighten and he groans, signaling he had been brought to his own release. 

"Wow. Did we just have bathroom sex like rutting teenagers?" Holten breathes out, whistling at the end. 

Our eyes instantly meet and a giggle leaks out of my lips, Holten joins in with me giggling, and then suddenly we were full-out belly laughing. 

Holten was my medicine, the one I needed by my side. My heart called for him and this moment was something I wouldn't have traded for the world, I would have given anything to have stayed in this one moment forever. 

But we all know happy moments never last that long.

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