Chapter Twenty-Five

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We didn't stop for hours, until the morning sun threatened to blind us by peeking over the horizon, and then and only then did we collapse in between the bedsheets, sweat rolling off our bodies and our heart beating like crazy out of our chests did we stop having wild love.

But even then, my body wanted more. My hands wouldn't leave Holten alone, and my lips wouldn't stay off his skin, for the first time since falling for Holten, I felt like everything was perfectly in place.


Chapter Twenty-Five

The next couple of days went by in a blur, by the next night of my first match, everybody had heard and seen pictures of Holten and me in magazines and blogs, no doubt gossiping about our relationship.

Caiden and Marley had backed off, I heard nothing from either of them, which includes Caiden avoiding me and my entire existence whenever I come around him. He never officially told me he was no longer my trainer, but I didn't think it needed to be said at this point. 

I got the message loud and clear.

I had a few matches since my first, and only a couple of ties Scarlett and I would fight, but only a couple. I guess the people who run the arena and building decided we were not fit to fight against each other. 

I was in the middle of typing up another one of my own articles and Holten was in the middle of a meeting, when I get a call from Marley.

The loud tone interrupted Holten in the middle of a meeting, as all pairs of eyes turn to me from the long rectangle table in the corner of the office room.

"Sorry I gotta take this." I say, walking out of the room.

Why the hell was she calling me after all this time? Was it to threaten me again?

"What do you want Marley?" I say, answering the phone and walking down the hall to the elevator.

I walk in and turn around to lean over and press the G for the ground floor when I see Holten dart into the elevator just as the doors close.

"That's a tough call Raven, see you may think you have won, but you will know what is it like to be stuck with nowhere to go, you will know what is has been like to be our entire lives." Marley snarls through the phone.

I had ignored Holtens presence this entire time but upon hearing him clear his throat my eyes swept up toward him to see he was staring at me.

"What's wrong Holten?" I ask.

"Marley told me to come with you." Holten says, his whole body tense and his face was set into almost nothing.

No emotion was flickering in his dark green eyes, and that worried me.

"Aah, so Holty did as he was told...Good. Caiden and I are waiting outside of this wretched building, you and Holten meet us in the back, this place has so graciously gifted people with a back parking lot..."

"Wait, Marley, why-"


She hung up, leaving me with my questions.

"Do you know why she wants us both to go out there?" I ask.

Holten sighs shaking his head and he steps close, his arms encircle me and pull me into his chest and I gladly accept the unexpected hug, throwing my arms around his middle and look up at him with a smile.

"No, I don't know. But with whatever she has up her sleeves, I want you to know am still with you Trainwreck, I always will be." Holten says staring down at me.

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