1 - What's Going On?

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I was walking around the house packing his weekend bag knowing his father would be here any minute. He was sitting on the floor playing with the dog and I smiled with how gentle the dog was with my son...our son I guess. His father and I couldn't make it work, we never even tried marriage. We weren't even really together when I got pregnant but thanks to a drunk night after a dinner party at his grandfather's house, 9 months later our son was born.

We stayed out of court, we didn't feel like we wanted to involve lawyers, we knew how messy that could be and even though my son's father could be an arrogant asshole and be inconsiderate of other people he was different for our son and to me...mostly to our son. He never missed a weekend or child support payment. I still worked for his grandfather's publishing company, which was how I met him, Ransom Drysdale. He was charming and he knew it. We weren't together when I got pregnant with our son. Here we were 5 years later with a son and it was now his weekend with him and Oliver couldn't wait.

I finished packing the bag and placed it by the door. I looked at the clock and sighed.

-Calm down Willa, he is only 5 minutes late. There is always traffic.-

My mind always being the rational one, sometimes it got me out of a lot of trouble by being rational. Wish it had spoken up when I slept with Ransom.

"Mom is dad late?" Oliver asked and I sighed.

"Only a few minutes buddy. Maybe he got held up or something. I know he will come and get you. What are you and dad doing this weekend anyway?" I asked and he smiled.

"Dad said we could do whatever I wanted!" Oliver said excited and I smiled.

"Make it something messy please." I said and he laughed even knowing his dad hated being messy, dirty, disgusting...all of it. I looked at the clock when Oliver went back to playing with the dog Ransom got him a year ago but insisted, I keep at my house...like I said, he can't do mess. 10 minutes late now...

🕰 🕰 🕰

After 4 hours, plenty of unanswered text messages and calls, I came to the conclusion Ransom wasn't coming. Oliver was laying on the couch with his head in my lap. He was upset and I knew he was. I even tried calling Ransom's mother, grandfather and even though I hated him, his father. No one was answering which was pissing me off even more. Oliver dozed off on my lap and I was sitting on the couch contemplating taking him to his room since it was near his bedtime. As I was about to easily get up, there was a knock on the front door. I easily got up from the couch and opened the door with an attitude.

"What the fuck Ran-..." I started to say and then stopped seeing a cop and two guys standing there in suits.

"Willa Foster?" The one man asked.

"Yes..." I said as my heart sank thinking the worst.

"I'm Lieutenant Elliot. We were sent to get you by Mr. Drysdale. He would like you and your son to come to his grandfather's house."

"Can I ask why?" I asked and he shook his head.

"He asked for you to bring clothing for a few days for you and your son. He will explain when you get there." Lieutenant Elliot explained and I groaned.

"Can you watch my son while I go pack?" I asked and he gave a small nod and stepped inside to see Elliot asleep in the couch. I walked into my room and was highly annoyed at why Ransom was doing this. I packed some regular clothes, work clothes, pajamas...a little of everything unsure of how long I would be at Harlen Thrombey's house. I packed some essentials and personal belongings. I knew I had everything packed already for Oliver, but I went into his room and just grabbed some extra clothes, just in case.

I walked back to the living room and I saw Oliver just waking up.

"Hey buddy, this is Lieutenant Elliot and..." I trailed off looking at the other guy.

"Trooper Wagner." He said and I nodded.

"Trooper Wagner, they want us to go to Great-Grandpa Harlen's house." I said and Oliver smiled.

"Is dad there?" Oliver asked and I looked at the two men standing in my living room and Lieutenant Elliot nodded.

"Yep, so let's go see dad." I said and Oliver got off the couch and I grabbed both of our bags.

"Can the dog come?" Oliver asked and I nodded. I looked at the dog and grabbed his leash.

"Come on Dash. Car ride." I said and the dog, who was a German Shepard came running over and I hooked him up to the leash, we then walked out of the house.

"I can take my own car, right?" I asked and they nodded. I got Oliver and the dog loaded in, the bags and then got myself in the car.

I was terrified the whole drive to Harlen Thrombey's house. He was who I worked for, who introduced me to Ransom first. Who always loved Oliver so much. I mean we named or son Oliver Harlen Drysdale because we wanted the name to be carried on somewhere. I wasn't sure what we were walking into when we would get to the house. I stopped at redlight and I turned to look at Oliver.

"Hey, I know you will be excited to see dad when we get to great-grandpa's but I need you to be calm and just walk in with me and not run ahead okay?" I said and he nodded.

"Is daddy okay?" Oliver asked. I smiled.

"I'm sure he is." I said and turned around.

-Please let everyone and everything be okay...-

Once we got to the Thrombey house I got out of the car as the cops parked behind me. I grabbed the bags from the seat beside me, then opened Oliver's door. I held on to Dash's leash with one hand, had bags slung over my shoulder and holding Oliver's hand with my other hand...life of a mother, you learn to juggle. As I got to the door it was opened by Fran, the one housekeeper, she looked stunned and pale.

"Fran? You okay?" I asked and she gave a small nod. I started to panic.

"Everyone is in the sitting room. Let me take your bags to the bedroom." She said and I gave them to her. I looked at Oliver.

"Remember, calm." I said and he nodded. I let Dash off his leash and he ran in before us. We walked into the sitting room. Everyone was sitting around somber. I saw Dash run to Linda Drysdale, Ransom's mother and whimper at her feet.

"Ransom..." I said when I walked in and he looked up from the chair he was sitting in. He got up, rushing over to hug me then picked up Oliver and hugged him. He didn't put him down and sat down in the chair he had been with Oliver in his lap. I walked in and sat on the couch where Linda made me a spot next to Ransom's chair. I looked at the entire family.

"What is going on?" I asked confused. Ransom grabbed my hand the was on the arm on the couch.

"Willa, Harlan's dead." Ransom said.

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