27 - Wedding Planning

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"So, I'm envisioning a winter wedding. Have it at the Bostonian Hotel in the Seasons Ballroom. A light snowfall with all the windows would be perfect. Wedding at a winter sunset is gorgeous. Then the pictures..." Audrey Browning, the wedding planner that Linda hired was saying as I sat at the desk in her office with Linda beside me.

I stopped listening when they started talking about the food options the hotel had.

"Well salmon is a must..." Audrey said.

"Uh no, can't do salmon. Oliver is allergic." I spoke up. "He is actually allergic to most seafood." I continued. Linda and Audrey just looked at me.

"If you don't have an option of seafood, people won't be happy." Audrey said.

"Well, I want my son to live so they can get over it."  I snapped. Linda placed a hand over mine in my lap.

"We can figure something out." Linda smiled. I just sighed and looked down at my lap again. I felt my phone vibrate in my small purse I had sitting in my lap so when Linda and Audrey were enthralled in looking over invitation designs, I pulled out my phone.

Ransom: How's it going?

I knew he wasn't being sarcastic. Ransom and I were both bombarded about this meeting. Linda came over and said she was taking me, and I didn't really have a say in this saying she had to pull some strings to get this meeting. Linda pulled me from the house, and I just went along. I wanted Ransom to come and help make decisions, but Linda insisted we go alone.

Willa: SOS! They want a winter wedding at the Bostonian.

Ransom: Willa, shut this shit down. That isn't what we want!

Willa: I know Ransom and I'm trying! This is out of hand, and I don't have a say, being the bride doesn't matter. They were talking seafood and when I mentioned Oliver being allergic this wedding planner didn't seem to care.

Ransom: Are you fucking serious?! I'm on my way to give this woman a piece of my mind.

Willa: No Ransom, it's okay. I'll speak up and see what I can do.

Ransom: Willa, please just tell my mother you want to come home. Tell her you're not feeling well or something.

"Willa..." I heard Linda's voice say and I looked up. I knew they noticed me texting.

"Sorry. I was checking in on Oliver." I said and Linda smiled.

"He okay?" Linda asked.

"Yeah, everything is fine." I said and Linda nodded and then showed me some invitation designs.

"I mean I guess it's nice..." I said.

"You guess? My dear, you need to have an opinion. With the number of invitations, we will need to order, we have to make a decision today." Audrey said.

"I wouldn't think that many...like 50 maybe..." I said and Linda looked at her a little shocked.

"Willa, there are way more than that to invite. Friends of the family, Harlan's associates that are now your associates would expect to be invited, the society...all of it will have to be invited. Probably close to 300 people." Linda said and I looked at her in shock.

"What?! 300 people! Linda that isn't what Ransom and I were thinking at all." I snapped.

"Well, that's why we got Audrey, so you don't have to think about it and don't overlook anything. You are so busy with Oliver and the publishing company..." Linda said, and I groaned pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Ransom and I wanted something small, maybe at the house in the garden in a few weeks. Just about him and I with Oliver included." I said.

"We could certainly have an engagement party in a few weeks in the gardens at the house. You should have an engagement party." Audrey said and I groaned.

"We don't want an engagement party..." I trailed off. "Again, something small. Family, some friends and that's it. All about Ransom and me with Oliver, finally becoming an official family." I said.

"That's another thing. I know you have a child together but what if we did a child free wedding and reception..." Audrey said. I snapped my head to look at her.

"What?!" I asked.

"Well children can be a problem at weddings and cause destruction. I think it would better for you and Ransom to do something special with your son before or after the wedding, but it should be a child-free wedding and reception.

I stood up and looked at Linda.

"I can't do this anymore. I'm sorry. I was willing to try and talk Ransom into this circus of 300 people wedding at the Bostonian and I was willing to go alone with the high-end wedding and top of the line wedding dress but telling me to cut my son out is the last straw. Ransom and I want Oliver there. We want our entire family there. I will not exclude him from finally seeing his mom and dad get married." I burst, I couldn't hold it in anymore.

Linda and Audrey just looked at each other seeming shocked about my outburst.

"Why don't we go home, give Ransom all this information and see what he thinks?" Linda said and I groaned.

"Fine, let's do that." I said. Audrey handed me a folder of everything, and we left. Once we got to the car, I looked at Linda. "I will discuss this with Ransom myself, it will be easier." I said and Linda nodded.

The drive to the house was silent and I got out of the car. As I was walking to the house Linda rolled down her window.

"Please consider everything in that package Willa. It's what people expect from Ransom and the family." Linda said. I just half nodded as she drove away. Before I could reach the front door, it was opening, and Ransom was standing there. I just fell into his arms, and he wrapped me in a hug. I buried my face in his chest as I wrapped my arms around him.

"Willa, talk to me." Ransom said and I groaned. I released him and we walked into the office after he shut the front door.

"Well final straw for me was when she suggested a child-free wedding and reception." I said and Ransom greeted his teeth and shook his head.

"Hell no! Oliver has to be there." Ransom snapped and I nodded as we sat by the fireplace that was lit.

"I know, I told her that." I said and Ransom sighed. He beckoned for me with his finger, and I got up from the chair I was in and got in his lap as he wrapped his arms around me and looked at the wedding folder I placed on the table between the chairs.

Ransom just held on to me as I curled myself up in his lap.

"Your mom said this is what's expected..." I trailed off and he sighed shaking his head.

"I don't care about what's expected anymore. I just want to be married to you, have a family with you. Make more babies and just be us." Ransom said and I smiled at him as I leaned in and passionately kissed him. Once we broke apart, he just looked at me.

"Marry me." Ransom said and I laughed.

"Ransom, I already said yes. You don't have to ask me again." I said and he shook his head.

"Not what I mean sweetie. Marry me now, we get Oliver and ourselves packed up, run away and get married. Take Marta and Meg with us as witnesses and we just get married and then have a small family vacation." Ransom said and I just looked at him like he was crazy.

"Ransom, I have work I already took off today." I said. He nuzzled against my neck, and I moaned as he started placing kisses on my neck.

"Let's run away Willa." Ransom whispered in my ear. I fluttered my eyes closed and gently bit my lower lip. He kept kissing me lightly on my neck.

"Let's do it." I whispered out after a few more kisses.

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