5 - The Will

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The next few days were a whirlwind and everything was insane. We had a funeral and memorial service for Harlan. I was still staying with Ransom but now at his house since I couldn't be in Harlan's place anymore, too many memories and it was too hard. Things were getting out of control and we were starting to realize why we couldn't work or live together.

"FUCKING HELL! DASH!" Ransom yelled from his bedroom. Dash went running down the hall when I opened the door to the bedroom I was staying in. I groaned and walked to Ransom's room.

"Problem?" I asked and Ransom whipped around to look at me.

"Yeah there is a fucking problem! That damn dog!" Ransom yelled and chucked a pair of his shoes across the room that were chewed up.

"He isn't comfortable here Ransom! Why can't Oliver and I just got home?" I asked and he groaned.

"Because I need you here!" Ransom said and I sighed.

"Damnit Ransom! You need to grow up! I understand Harlan died and yes it was sad and I'm not over it either but I have a life Ransom. I have things in my life. We can't live together obviously. Shit has been tense since you made us come here with you! I want my own place Ransom!" I said slightly raising my voice and he growled.

"You can go home after the will reading today! You ready to go?" Ransom asked and I groaned.

"Yeah, who is watching Oliver during the reading?" I asked.

"Marta." Ransom said.

"I don't know why I have to be there anyways." I said as we left his room and headed downstairs where Oliver was sitting watching a cartoon. Ransom went and put Dash in his cage.

"In case he left something to Oliver, you and I have to decide what we are doing with it." Ransom explained and I groaned.

"I don't know anything about this Ransom..." I said.

"Which is why we have lawyers." Ransom smugly stated and I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah sure, whatever." I said. I went to walk to get Oliver but Ransom grabbed my arm and pulled me into a hallway out of view and pinned me against the wall.

"What is wrong with you?" Ransom asked and I pushed him off of me.

"You think I didn't hear you last night? You think I don't know you had someone here?! What the shit Ransom!" I said. He just hung his head.

"I was stressed...." Ransom said and I just shook my head.

"So jerk off like a normal person! I don't want your sluts and random hook ups around my son." I said and he just glared at me.

"Our son." Ransom said.

"Mine when you act like a douche bag!" I said going to walk away. He pinned against the wall again.

"You didn't get yourself pregnant princess." Ransom said gruffly.

"Wish I had." I said getting in his face pushing him off of me again. I walked out of the hallway and up to Oliver.

"Let's go." I said. He jumped off the couch and walked over to me.

"I want to ride with dad!" Oliver said upset.

"Yeah well you can't because your father never got a family friendly car. He would rather pick up who-..." I was saying.

"Don't even think about finishing that sentence." Ransom growled as we walked out of the house. I loaded Oliver into my car and Ransom walked over to me taking my keys.

"I'm riding with you, I'm driving." Ransom said and I groaned and got in the car. The ride was silent on the way to Harlan's where the will was being read. Once we got there I got out of the car and let Oliver out. He ran up to the front door to Linda, who was already waiting for us outside and hugged her.

"Were you really going to say that to Oliver before we left?" Ransom asked and I turned to look at him since he had stopped walking.

"If the shoes fits..." I said.

"God that must be your favorite fucking line!" Ransom yelled.

"When it describes the situation." I said and Ransom groaned. Ransom didn't know what else to say which pissed me off more. I wanted him to come back at me, I wanted to argue, I wasn't sure why. I wanted to hit him where it hurt, he hurt me with bringing the girl home last night. "I wish I had never slept with you and gotten pregnant. I don't want to be tied down to you for 18 years!" I said.

"Feelings mutual princess! I can't believe I even fucked you! Way out of my league!" Ransom yelled.

"HEY! STOP!" Linda yelled ushering Oliver inside and rushing over to us.

"What the hell is going on?" Linda asked.

"Your son won't let me go to my house with my son but is insistent on bringing over his fuck buddies with me and his son in his house." I said and Linda looked at Ransom.

"We talked about this Ransom. Not when Oliver is there, especially not with Willa there!" Linda said.

"Yeah well it's okay Linda, he was stressed..." I said in a mocking tone. Ransom just rolled his eyes and started to walk away. "Use your hand like a normal person Ransom!" I yelled. He stopped walking and I saw him thinking but then just walked into the house. Linda looked at me.

"Really?" Linda asked and I groaned.

"He started this with the loud sex." I said and walked into the house. I saw everyone sitting in the sitting room and were trying to look like they didn't hear the whole argument but they did.

"Where's Oliver?" I asked.

"Kitchen." Walt said. I nodded and walked over to the drink cart pouring me a glass of whiskey.

"Day drinking Willa? I bet I could use that against you in court if I went for custody." Ransom said and I just looked at him.

"We never were supposed to involve lawyers Ransom! Also you want to get on me for day drinking...do we need to mention last night?!" I asked and he looked at the ground. "Yeah exactly so shut the fuck up!" I said. Before anything could be said by anyone the lawyer walked in.

"Are we ready?" He asked and we all walked into the library where the will would be read. I sat on the opposite side of the room than Ransom.

"Okay what you all need to realize is about a month ago Harlan changed his entire will, signed, dated and sealed it in this envelope to be read upon his demise." The lawyer said and we all nodded. I looked around the room at this family. All money hungry, greedy assholes and they were all going to get what they thought they deserved from their dead father, it would never make them happy though.

"Okay in the state of the publishing company Blood Like Wine including entire ownership, the copywrite of its catalogue likewise and anything else pertaining to the publishing company I leave in its entirety to Willa Foster." The lawyer read and my head snapped up to look at him as everyone looked at me.

"What?!" I asked and the lawyer nodded. I rushed over to him and grabbed the paper from him to read it.

"What the hell Willa?! You force him to change it?!" Walt yelled. "It was supposed to be mine!" Walt yelled and I shook my head.

"I have no clue why he did this!" I yelled. Walt stood up and went to walk over to me. I took a few steps back and I saw Ransom start to come to my defense.

"I'm not finished." The lawyer said taking the paper back from me. He continued reading. We all sat back down.

"All assets liquid and otherwise are to be split between my children and grandchildren after 75% is placed in a trust for Oliver Harlan Drysdale." The lawyer read and I looked at Ransom who looked in shock like I was.

"What the fuck?" I mumbled confused.

"Now about house. 2 Deerborn Drive and all belongings therein I leave to Oliver Harlan Drysdale. In the case if he is underage at the time of my death it will be left to Ransom Drysdale and Willa Foster. Stipulation being they have to live in the house together and be a family raising their son together. The house cannot under any circumstances be sold." The lawyer read and everyone was looking at us.

"What the shit?!" Ransom and I said together.

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