22 - Time Has Come

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"Might be? What do you mean might be?!" Ransom asked as we sat down at the coffee shop we drove to once we left the driveway. Ransom refused to stay in the car talking about it.

"What I said, I might be pregnant. I haven't taken a test or anything, but I've missed my period, and I just haven't been feeling the best. Kind of how it was right at the start with Oliver." I said and Ransom groaned.

"How did this happen?" Ransom asked running his hand over his face and I just looked at him.

"Really?" I asked. "You did not just ask that..." I asked and he groaned.

"I mean I know how it happened, but I thought we were being careful." Ransom said and I just looked at him.

"Ransom, we weren't using condoms, I'm not on the pill nor do I have the implant so yeah...no protection, not being safe." I said.

"So, can you take a test? Is it too soon?" Ransom asked and I shook my head.

"I can take one, I just have Oliver and work all week. I didn't have time to get one." I said as Ransom got up and threw a tip on the table.

"Then come on." Ransom said taking my hand and pulling me up from my chair as we got in the car and drove to the local drugstore. We both got out and I looked at Ransom.

"You really want to come in while I buy one?" I asked and he sighed stopping and leaning on the car.

"No, just get the best one. Hell get two or three." Ransom said and I groaned as I walked into the store. I went directly to the aisle and started looking for the best pregnancy test. I never thought I would be here again. I was with Ransom, after some wild and crazy sex I was now looking at pregnancy tests again...

I grabbed the brand I used before, and it gave me two tests in the box. I walked to the register and paid. Once I got outside Ransom was still leaning on the car.

"You get it?" Ransom asked and I rolled my eyes.

"Yes Ransom." I said and as I got in the car, and we headed home...again in silence.

As we got home Oliver came running outside and Ransom picked him up.

"Marta and I made you and mommy cupcakes!" Oliver said excitedly and we smiled at him.

"That's great buddy, thank you." Ransom said and put him down.

I looked at Marta as I walked up to her.

"Can you keep him occupied for about ten more minutes?" I asked and she nodded.

"Hey Oliver, you want to take Dash for a quick walk?" Marta asked and he got excited running to get the leash. Ransom and I headed upstairs to the bathroom in his room. I walked in and took the test. I set them both on the counter and opened the bathroom door to see Ransom pacing.

"How long?" Ransom asked.

"Three minutes..." I said as I sat on the bed. Ransom continued to pace.

"What happens if it's positive?" I spoke up to break the silence.

"What do you mean what happens?"

"I mean what happens. I mean this isn't what you wanted..." I said. I was looking down at my hands in my lap. Ransom rushed over and crouched down in front of me taking my hands.

"Willa, I never said I didn't want this, what I said was I didn't want it right now. I know in therapy it sounded bad but what I meant was Oliver is perfect and great and if we were only blessed with him, I would be happy with it. I just didn't want you to pin all your hopes on having another kid." Ransom said and I half nodded.

Ransom stood back up and went back to pacing. No matter what he said or not Ransom wasn't ready for a second kid. We were just getting settled with us together and Oliver. All I could think about was Ransom or someone else thinking I was really just trying to pin him down even more.

I heard the timer go off on my phone that I sat beside me on the bed. Ransom looked at me as I got up and walked into the bathroom. Ransom didn't come in but stayed in the doorway as I looked at both tests.

"Negative." I stated.

"Negative?! Yes! Thank you, lord!" Ransom exclaimed and I just looked at him.

"Congratulations." I pushed past him and walked out of the room. I heard Ransom groan as he quickly went downstairs as I walked into the kitchen and started to fill up the tea kettle.

"Willa..." Ransom said.

"It's fine Ransom. You're happy, you have every right to be." I said putting the kettle on the stove. There was a slight mess from the cupcakes, and I started cleaning everything up. Ransom walked over to me and grabbed my hands turning me to look at him.

"Stop for a second please. I need to apologize to you." Ransom said as he saw the unshed tears welling in my eyes. "I'm sorry Willa I didn't know how important this was to you." Ransom said and I shook my head.

"It's fine Ransom, it would have been nice to think of another baby." I said, Ransom pulled me into a hug.

"I promise you Willa, there will be another baby in this house and soon." Ransom said and I smiled at him. He leaned down and kissed me as the tea kettle went off as did Ransom's phone.

"Who it is?" I asked as I started to pour me a cup of tea.

"Mom." Ransom said answering the phone on speaker phone. "Mother." Ransom answered and I rolled my eyes.

"Ransom, you with Willa?" Linda asked.

"Yeah, you're on speaker phone." Ransom said.

"Okay well I need you guys to get a sitter and meet me for dinner on Saturday 7pm at Toscano." Linda said. I saw Ransom's face light up.

"Is it happening?"

"Just meet me there, both of you. See you Saturday." Linda said and hung up. Ransom put his phone in his pocket and rushed over to me, picked me up and spinning me around.

"The time has come!" Ransom cheered as I laughed.

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