6 - Letters

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After the will was read everyone but Ransom, the lawyer and I left the library. There were words exchanged between everyone in the family and everyone blamed Ransom and I for the change. Finally everyone just decided to split up and cool off.

"Okay I cannot take over the publishing company..." I said and the lawyer pulled out an envelope.

"There are strict instructions for you to go to his office upstairs and read this. Not now but eventually. Then there is this..." he said and handed Ransom something with both our names on it.

"This is to be read now." He said leaving, giving us privacy. Ransom opened the letter and we sat down.

"Ransom and Willa,
You two are some of the most stubborn, hardheaded people I know and that's why I'm making you live together with Oliver. This house was always a place of comfort and Oliver needs that. You two are not to bring anyone home to this house to confuse Oliver, he needs stable parents and if you both would pull yours heads out of your asses you could be that for him...-"

"What did I ever do to piss him off?!" I interrupted.

"Obviously slept with me." Ransom said and smiled at me.

"That there! That's why! That damn smile gets me every time." I said. He just huffed a laugh and continued.

"I know you both will thank me for this in the long run. You need each other I just need you two to understand that.
Ransom, man up with Willa. You have done amazing so far and been wonderful with Ollie but they will both need you now more than ever and not just a weekend father.
Willa, I always thought of you as family even before you and Ransom had Oliver. You're an amazing mother and Ollie is lucky to have you.
I want you and Ransom both happy. I want Ollie to have a better childhood than Ransom ever had. This house will help with that. I love you both so much! You both mean so much to me and please don't let Ollie forget me.
Grandpa Harlan"

Ransom finished reading the letter and I was wiping tears away.

"He really expects us to do this? Live together and raise Oliver?" Ransom asked and I nodded.

"We can do it Ransom. I mean once everyone is gone I can pick my own room. You have yours and Oliver has his..." I said and Ransom sighed, getting up and running his hand through his hair.

"What about my life Wils?!" Ransom semi yelled.

"What life Ransom?! Fucking whores?! Sorry but you heard Harlan, you can't bring them here." I said.

"Oh don't worry sweetness I won't be. My house is paid for I will be taking them back there." Ransom said and I just half nodded.

"Whatever Ransom. I'm going to follow Harlan's wishes." I said.

"Yeah and live like a nun until Oliver is 18. Hell by the time you get back to having sex you'll have cobwebs down there." Ransom said. I smacked him across his face and left the library.

I took my note and quickly ran to the upstairs office without being seen. I sat in the chair as tears threatened my eyes. Why did Ransom have to be this way? I looked at the letter from Harlan for me and I opened the envelope.

You are probably now in the office because you and Ransom read your joint letter and he said something out of line...yeah I know you two so well. Did you smack him? I hope you did...if he deserved it...-

I shook my head and gave a small laugh. He knew us too much and it was scary.

-What I need you to understand is I'm not making you two move in here together to punish you. I did it because I love you both and you need to co-parent together and raise Oliver with 2 parents who love him.
Now, on to my real reason for this note. I left you everything to Blood Like Wine. I know you probably don't think you deserve it but you do. There was no way I was going to leave it to Walt, he would have run it into the ground. Willa, you were basically doing my job the last couple of years anyway. You know what to do. You got this and I trust you. Blood Like Wine is now in your hands and I expect great things from it.
Walt gives you any trouble there is a termination paper for him in the bottom desk drawer, all filed out, just sign it now that you own the company.
I love you Willa. You were the best surrogate granddaughter I could have asked for. You and Oliver will be just fine now.

I sat there and just cried. Harlan was giving me too much and too much credit.

"Mama?" I heard Oliver say from the bottom of the office stairs I cleaned my face off in enough time to see Ransom carry him in.

"There is one more letter." Ransom said and saw that I had been crying.

"Where did it come from?" I asked.

"There was an envelope in our envelope. It's addressed to Oliver." Ransom said. Ransom handed me Oliver and he sat on my lap. Ransom opened the envelope and sighed. Enclosed was a photo collage of Harlan with Oliver. He handed me the picture.

You are my first great grandson. You are the best kid and I don't know if I could have asked for anyone better.
Your mom and dad love you so much but they will need you right now little man. Mom and dad are hurting and you are going to be their source of light and happiness like you were for me when you were born.
I love you Oliver, take care of your mom and dad. They may fight, they may argue and they may make mean comments to each other and say they don't like each other but somewhere deep down they really love each other. I'll be watching over you little man. Be good.
Love you always,
Grandpa Harlan."

Ransom read and I was doing my best not to cry. Ollie turned to see me fighting off tears and wrapped his arms around his neck.

"Thank you sweetie. Go give dad a hug." I said seeing Ransom trying not to cry. Oliver jumped from my lap and crawled into Ransoms hugging him.

"Thanks buddy, this is a big help." Ransom said.

"What did your letter say?" Ransom asked. I looked at it in my hands and then passed it to Ransom. He read it to himself and laughed at the first part. "He knew us all too well." Ransom said and I nodded. He continued reading and once he finished he handed it back. "I'm sorry for what I said downstairs it was uncalled for." Ransom said and I just half nodded. I didn't want to talk about it.

"So I have a publishing company..." I said changing the subject.

"You will do amazing." Ransom said.

"And what if no one wants to work for me or thinks I got this job for some horrible reason...." I trailed off and Ransom grabbed my one hand from my lap.

"Hey, you got this. Like he said you were running this company recently. Just have a staff meeting the first morning you go back and go from there. Whoever doesn't like it can leave." Ransom said. I smiled at him then at Oliver.

"At least I'm making a life for him." I said and Ransom sighed.

"He will never want for anything." Ransom said and I nodded.

"So when do we move in here?" I asked and Ransom groaned.

"We will talk about that. There has to be some way out of it." Ransom said and groaned getting up.

"Move in here with me or not Ransom but Harlan wants Oliver raised in this house by his parents." I said and left the office.

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