20 - Falling into Place

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Ransom, Oliver and I were waiting at the restaurant for Linda to join us. It had been weeks since we hired the private detective and he found us information and we were here to give it to Linda. We were willing to meet her in private, but she was busy showing a couple houses and insisted we meet at the diner near where she would be.

"Mom, I'm hungry..." Oliver whined, we were waiting for Linda to arrive to order. I looked at Ransom and he sighed.

"I know buddy, few more minutes, okay?" Ransom said and he slammed his fists on the table.

"I WANT TO EAT NOW!" He yelled. People looked at us and I looked at Oliver in shock.

"Hey..." I said in my best mom voice, and he looked at me.

"I WANT -..."

"Stop yelling." I said getting close to his face. "Use your inside voice." I said and he just glared at me, the Ransom glare, the glare he mastered.

"Oliver, stop." Ransom said from across the table. The waitress come over and I knew I had to get him something.

"Can we have a small plate of fries please?" I asked and she nodded. Linda came walking in as the waitress walked away.

"Well, this is a nice surprise. I didn't expect all of you." Linda said as she kissed Oliver's cheek, mine and then Ransom's as she sat next to him.

"Grandma..." Olive said.

"Yes, my sweet boy?" She asked.

"Mom and dad weren't letting me eat." Oliver said and I placed my head in my hands.

"Right because you're screaming and causing a scene was the better option than waiting." Ransom groaned.

"Oliver, were you giving mom and dad a hard time?" Linda asked.

"I'm just hungry." Oliver said looking down at the table.

"Well can't help a boy who is hungry." Linda said and winked at Oliver. I just shook my head with a small smile. "So, you two were adamant on meeting today. Got some news for me?" Linda asked and eyed me up and down and I knew what she was assuming.

"Not that." I said and she seemed upset.

"I'm not getting any younger you two." Linda said and Ransom groaned.

"Neither am I." I mumbled and Ransom just glared at me.

"We have a plan for that. Can we please get back on track though?" Ransom asked and we all nodded. The fries were brought for Oliver, so he was happy as I put ketchup on his plate, and he was then silent.

"Ransom and I have to show you something and we don't want it to upset you..." I started off saying to Linda and she sighed.

"Come one you two out with it." Linda said. Ransom pulled the file from beside him on the seat. He opened the folder once it was set in front of her and there was  silence.

She flipped through the pictures and everything in the file.

"What is this?" She asked annoyed.

"Linda, we didn't want to have to tell you this way..."

"Dad has been cheating on you for the past year with this girl. We hired a private detective to follow him and then talked to her when we got her info. She was more than willing to talk." Ransom said. Linda closed the folder and just started laughing. Ransom and I looked at each other and then looked at Linda.

"What is happening?" I asked and Ransom shrugged.

"Mom?" Ransom asked.

"Grandma?" Oliver asked, even confused.

"You two think I didn't know?!" Linda asked through laughter.

"What?!" We asked.

"You think I didn't know what your father was doing...or in this instance who?!"

"Well, we didn't know, I mean I walked into your place and found him with her in your bed. I didn't know if you knew..." I said and she groaned.

"I knew...I have been working on the divorce silently. I have everything already to go. I have a plan and I just need you both to keep your mouths shut." Linda said and Ransom groaned.

"Just dump his ass!" Ransom growled.

"I have a plan, just go with me. Just promise me to get a sitter when I ask you to." Linda said and I just nodded and looked at Ransom.

"We can work on it." I said putting my hand over Ransom's since he was about to speak up and most likely argue.

Linda then smiled and put her hand over ours on the table.

"I love you both so much that you wanted to find all of this out for me. You both are amazing I love you both. All I need you to worry about is moving on with your own lives and being together. You just need to work on you guys." Linda said and I looked at Ransom, he smiled at me and winked.

Before anything else could be said Oliver was poking me in my arm. I turned to look at him.

"I have to go to the bathroom." He whispered and I looked at Ransom.

"We'll be right back." I said and Ransom nodded as we got out of the booth.


I watched Willa and Oliver walk away to the bathroom and sighed.

"What's going on Ransom?" Linda asked and I just looked at her.

"She asked me about more kids a little bit ago. Said she always planned for more than Oliver and since we are back together...." I trailed off.

"Okay so she makes a logical point, what are you scared of?" Linda asked.

"I just want to make sure what we have is real and get it all before we have another kid. I mean when we had Oliver, it wasn't conventional. I want a life with her."

"So have a life with her. You're living together and raising a family. Don't you think you two have spent too much time beating around the bush and not getting any further when it's what you both want?" Linda asked.

"I just want to plan everything out perfectly. She deserves it for dealing with me for as long as she has." I said.

"She does, so what are you going to do?" Linda asked.

"Well, I need to get something from the lockbox that is now in Oliver's name at the bank since everything went to him." I said as Linda smiled.

"But left to his parents..." Linda said and I nodded.


"What do you need from the lock box?" Linda asked. I just smiled at her. She then nodded and knew exactly what I needed.

"Do you know if it's still in there?" I asked and she nodded.

"It is, I made sure of it right before dad died. He asked me to." Linda said and I smiled.

"Okay, good." I said as I saw Oliver and Willa come walking back. They sat down and I smiled at Willa, taking her hand and kissing the back of it. She blushed and I smiled knowing I still had that effect on her.

"Everything okay here?" Willa asked and I nodded.

"Perfect." I said.

"I say we get some lunch and all just talk about my plan to tell your father to get the hell out." Linda said and we smiled with a nod.

"Sounds wonderful." Willa said as I motioned for the waiter.

It was all falling into place.

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