3 - How Can We Do This Without You?

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Once Oliver said good night to everyone we walked up the stairs to his room that Harlan made for him. I saw his bag sitting in his room and I walked to it as Ransom took him to the bathroom to get him washed up for bed as I got him pajamas. Dash jumped on the foot of the bed and laid down and I smiled.

"Good boy Dash." I said and he sighed. Ransom brought Oliver in and we got him changed then tucked in.

"Mom, are you staying here?" Oliver asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, I will be across the hall in dads room if you need me okay?" I asked and he nodded. Ransom and I both gave him a kiss goodnight then we walked out. Once we closed his door Joni, Ransom's Aunt was coming up the stairs and saw us.

"You two sharing a room?" Joni asked in a girly voice.

"Up your ass Joni." I said and she just shook her head.

"Time for Oliver to have a sibling." Joni taunted in a sing-song voice.

"Eat shit." Ransom said. We walked into his room shutting the door. I groaned and then looked at Ransom.

"Why am I staying here? I mean I could have gone home." I said he just shook his head and walked up to me taking my hands.

"I need you here Wils, I need you here with me, with the family and mostly with Oliver. This is going to be a lot the next couple of days." Ransom said and I nodded.

"Okay, you guys got me for whatever you need." I said and Ransom raised his eyebrows causing me to shake my head. "Within reason asshole." I said and he smiled, leaned in and kissed my cheek. I grabbed my bag, pulled out my pajamas and headed to the connecting bathroom. Once I changed into my shorts and tank top, washed off my make-up, put my hair in a braid and walked into the bedroom. Ransom was wearing a white t-shirt and pajama pants. We got into bed and just laid down, both on our back staring at the ceiling.

"Ransom...can I asked an odd question?" I asked.

"No, I'm not seeing anyone." Ransom said and I shook my head.

"Not what I was asking jackass." I said causing us both to laugh.

"Okay what then." Ransom said.

"What will happen with Blood Like Wine? I mean I work there Ransom, I need the job." I said and he groaned, turning his head head to look at me.

"You don't need to work sweetie. I have told you that." Ransom said and I shook my head.

"I do Ransom, I need to work to support myself. The child support is for Oliver." I said and Ransom groaned.

"If you need money, anything, I got you covered Wils." Ransom said and I sighed.

"I know, I just like working too." I said.

"I know. I mean everything is now up in the air who the publishing company will go to because of his death. I mean I'm guessing it will go to Walt since he works there and is like a step under Harlan." Ransom said and I groaned.

"I can't work for him...I will quit if he gets the company." I said and Ransom chuckled.

"We will figure it out, I promise." Ransom said turning to look at me and I rolled over to face him. I saw Ransom's face and I placed my hand on his cheek.

"I don't think I have asked how are you feeling?" I asked and Ransom sighed.

"I can't believe he is gone." Ransom said and I sighed with a small nod.

"It's unreal." I said and he nodded.

"We got all this time with him and all I can think is Oliver won't get it. I had so much time, you did...he won't. All I could think about today was all the time I got with him. I'm sorry I ignored you all day. I was trying to figure out how to do this and how to bring it up to you. I figured I would come and get Oliver and tell you then but I couldn't leave, I didn't trust myself to drive." Ransom said and I nodded.

"I know Ransom, I get it. I don't mind being here for everyone." I said and he gave a small smile. Before I could figure out what happened Ransom was leaning in and pressing his lips gently to mine. I pulled away.

"Ransom...no..." I whispered, he sighed.

"I know, I'm sorry..." Ransom said and I shook my head.

"Let's just got to bed." I said and Ransom nodded. He pulled me close to him and we cuddled which I didn't care, I knew he needed it.

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I woke up the next morning almost being pushed off the bed. I looked and saw that Oliver was in bed with us. Sprawled out on the bed and I shook my head with a small smile. I looked at Ransom and Oliver sleeping and noticed how much they looked alike. I grabbed the cable knit sweater of Ransoms I saw laying over a chair and put it on over my tank top and shorts. I left the bedroom and walked up to the third floor. I looked in Harlan's bedroom hoping to see him sleeping in the bed and all this was a bad dream but he wasn't. I then turned and went down the hallway and opened the secret door up to the small library. I smiled thinking of all the times I was in this room with Harlan. One in particular stood out...


"So, I finished those books you gave me to read." I said and Harlan looked at me.

"That was fast, I figured with Ollie, you wouldn't have a chance." Harlan said and I laughed.

"Well Ransom had him all last week actually. I had so much time on my hands." I said and Harlan sighed.

"I never thought I would see the day that Ransom grew up. I see so much of myself in him it's scary and it took me getting married in my life to realize growing up was the only option." Harlan said and I huffed a laugh.

"Well Ransom will never get married." I said and Harlan laughed.

"So you don't think the two of you could ever make it work?" Harlan asked and I shook my head.

"Hell no. I love Ransom as him being the father of my child. There will always be love there for him. As far as being with him, I can't do it. He just knocked me up when we were drunk. He may have maned up when I got pregnant and had Oliver but he can still be an arrogant asshole sometimes." I said and Harlan sighed.

"I just want to see the both of you happy before I die." Harlan said and I shook my head with a groaned.

"I'm happy Harlan. So happy." I said with a smile placing one of my hands over his and Harlan smiled.

"That's all that matters." Harlan said.


I sat down in the one chair in there and just sighed.

"How can we do this without you Harlan?" I asked in a whisper and started crying.

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