8 - Time For Lawyers

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Ransom and I quickly broke apart. I could tell he wanted to keep going to, but I pulled away.

"Fuck...Ransom I'm sorry." I said and he just looked at me.

"For what? Kissing me? It wasn't that bad." Ransom said with a scoff.

"I can't be kissing you! This was a mistake. Stress from the first day here and everything...I just...I don't know. Just a mistake." I said and Ransom slammed the glass on my desk.

"Fine, mistake. I get it." Ransom said and went to leave the office. "I'll go pick up Oliver and take him to my place tonight. You don't need to worry about getting him. Worry about this precious job." Ransom said and walked to the door.

"Ransom! Wait!" I said rushing up to him and standing in front of the door.

"What Willa?" Ransom asked annoyed.

"I didn't mean to hurt you." I said and he groaned.

"Hurt me?! You think you fucking hurt me?! Please, takes a lot more than that to hurt me." Ransom said pissed off. He moved me from the door, and I sighed.

"I'm sorry." I said.

"Yeah, fuck it." Ransom said and walked out. He left the office building and I groaned. I closed my office door and put away the whiskey. I placed my head in my hands. Why did I feel the urge to kiss him, why did I ruin this? Ransom and I were doing perfectly fine and now I just screwed everything up.

I sat at my desk and just finished going through some emails and figuring everything out, trying to distract my mind from everything involving Ransom.

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The next morning, I made a stop by Ransom's house to see Oliver before I went to work. I had a key to his house in case of emergencies. I just wanted to get in and get out, so I pulled out my key. As I unlocked the door and opened it, I almost ran into a blonde...for lack of better term...slut sneaking out of the house. I just groaned.

"Who are you?" She asked. I knew what I needed to do, Ransom could kill me for it later. I worked up some tears really fast.

"I'm the wife...who are you?" I asked.

"He's married?!" She asked shocked as tears streamed down my face.

"We have a son and one on the way." I said placing my hand on my stomach.

"Oh, that fucker! I'm so sorry." She said and rushed out. I noticed she got in a car that had just pulled up. I quickly wiped the fake tears away and walked into the house. I was pissed. Ransom had someone here and he had Oliver all night. No sluts when he had Oliver, that was the rule. I walked upstairs and opened the door to Ransom's room to find him sleeping. I rolled my eyes. I then walked to Oliver's room. I leaned down and kissed his cheek and he stirred in his sleep.

"Ollie..." I whispered and he slowly opened his eyes.

"Mama?" He questioned sleepily. I smiled. I put my finger to my lips.

"Shhh. I don't want to wake daddy, but we need to get you dressed and you're coming to the office with me today." I said and he got excited. I quickly helped him get dressed, packed up for the day so he had things to do. Once he was ready, I reset the house alarm and we left.

Once I got to the office Meg was already there and ready to work. She smiled when she saw Oliver.

"Meggie!" Oliver said running over to her and hugging her.

"Hey Ollie, I thought your dad, had you?" Meg asked and I rolled my eyes, and she knew there was a story.

"He will just be with me today in my office." I said and Meg nodded.

"Kids at the office, very unprofessional." Walt said.

"Eat shit Walt." I said and walked into my office with Oliver. Once I got him set up, I got out my cellphone.

Willa: If you realize something is missing from your house, don't worry I have him.

Ransom: WHAT THE FUCK WILLA! I was about to call the police!

Willa: Yeah, well you know when I come to see my son before work and a blonde slut is walking out of your house, I figure you will be too tired to take care of him, so I have him.

Ransom: You're being an unreasonable bitch, you know that?

Willa: Yeah, maybe but you can't keep it in your fucking pants. I'm done Ransom. I'm done with our arrangement of not involving lawyers. I think it's time. Co-parenting is not working.

Ransom: Fine! I hope you enjoy losing custody of Oliver.

I sighed knowing whatever lawyers he had I had to get first even though I wasn't sure what money I could offer. I did the only thing I knew to do. I dialed a number.

"Willa?" She answered. "Is Oliver okay?! Ransom called me panicking." Linda said and I groaned.

"He is fine, he is with me. I went to see him before work at Ransom's and a girl was walking out, one of his many conquests." I said and Linda groaned.

"So, you took Oliver?!" She asked.

"Yeah, he is here with me at the office." I said and looked at Oliver who was coloring a picture.

"Well, I get why you did it. Is everything okay though?" Linda asked and I sighed.

"No, I need help...I need a good lawyer." I said and she groaned.

"You're taking him to court for custody, aren't you?" Linda asked.

"I don't know any other way right now." I said and she sighed.

"Meet me at Harlan's tonight. There is something at the house I was hoping I could have. I know it was all left to Oliver, you and Ransom. Which means I have to go through you. Meet me there after work tonight and we will talk lawyers." Linda said and I sighed.

"Sounds good. Tonight around 6?" I asked.

"Sounds great. See you there." Linda said.

"Thanks Linda." I said.

"No problem sweetheart. I love you." Linda said.

"I love you too." I said and hung up.

"Meg, make sure my schedule is clear so I can be out of here by 5:15." I called out to her.

"Will do." She said and I looked at Oliver.

"We are going to see Grammy Linda tonight." I said.

"Grammy Linda!" Oliver said excitedly. I smiled, knowing taking legal action may take my happy boy away from me if I took him from his father but I was doing what I had to.

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