12 - Infuriating

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Ransom and I sat at the small kitchen table with the food and started dishing it all out on plates in silence.

"You get moved in?" Ransom asked and I nodded.

"I did but if we're really going to make this work here we may have to work on making it our own a little bit." I said.

"Not so cold and old man-ish." Ransom said and I nodded.

"I loved Harlan but his taste was -..."

"Odd." Ransom said and we laughed.

"Yeah. I mean I want to keep some places the same. Like the library, the upstairs small library and his office." I said.

"Yeah I think those are going to be the best places to keep the same. I just think the sitting room, living, dining room, the bedrooms. They can all be changed. Will cost a pretty penny to do so." Ransom said and I nodded.

"Yeah but we can figure it out, I'm sure." I said and he smiled at me.

We were silent for a few minutes.

"So...we discussed the house and plans going further with that. Now can we discuss the elephant in the room?" Ransom asked and I sighed and just put my fork down.

"Ransom..." I said and he shook his head.

"No Willa! We are talking about this, talking about us, talking about being together and what it means for Oliver." Ransom said and I sighed.

"You know what I was thinking about earlier?" I asked.

"Oh, this should be good..." Ransom replied sarcastically.

"I was thinking about the night Oliver was conceived and how I called you a bad decision." I said and Ransom chuckled.

"That was a fun night. Starting on the balcony...ending up in my room." Ransom said and I nodded.

"Yeah exactly. Drunk sex was great...leaving the next morning and Harlan seeing me not so fun." I said and we both laughed.

"You never told me that! What did he say?" Ransom asked and I sighed.

"Nothing. He was sitting in his office, he saw me head to the door and just smiled and waved as I left. I don't think he really knew anything happened until I got pregnant and said it was yours." I said and Ransom smiled.

"We did make a pretty amazing kid." Ransom said and I nodded.

"We did. He is so smart and adorable...he knows it though." I said and Ransom nodded. "He is like his father in that aspect." I said and Ransom feigned shock.


"Don't act dumb Ransom." I said and he laughed.

"You found me adorable at one point in time..." Ransom said and I sighed.

"Nothing says I still don't..." I trailed off. Ransom reached a hand across the table for me to take a hold of his. I accepted, placing my hand in his.

"Wils..." Ransom trailed off running his thumb over my knuckles. "I know you're scared and I know you don't trust me. I want to change and I want to change for you and Oliver." Ransom said and I nodded. I swallowed back the tears that were threatening my eyes.

"The trust and hurt are all there Ransom. I mean it's no lie that we slept together and had Oliver but we tried to make it work when he was born and there was no hope. We were young and stupid then." I said and Ransom gave a small nod.

"We're grown-ups now." Ransom said and I huffed a laugh.

"I am, I'm now running a publishing company and raising our son. You still bring woman over all the time and can't go without sex for more than two days." I said and Ransom pulled his hand away from mine.

"Seriously Willa?! That's what you think of me?!"

"I don't have to think it Ransom when I know it's true! I mean I can't help but think you are just acting this way to get sex from me because you don't want to have to go out." I said and Ransom growled angrily pushing away from the table.

"You know what, I can't believe I even fucking try with you! You're infuriating! You drive me insane! The only reason I keep coming around you is because of our son! But you know what he isn't fucking here right now so I don't know why I'm even fucking here!" Ransom yelled, stormed out of the kitchen and I heard the front door slam as the tears I tried to fight away started to fall.


I didn't know what the hell Willa was playing at, but she was absolutely driving me insane. I wanted to change for her, I wanted everything to be fine between us, but she wouldn't let me. She wanted to believe that was me, then fine. I will sit here at this bar I'm at, get some drinks, pick up someone and take her back to my house in the beamer and take out all the frustrations on them and get what I needed from somewhere.

As I sat at the bar plenty of women made themselves known to me. No one seemed to appeal to me, which proved I wasn't drunk enough. I had a couple more glasses of whiskey. Then there was a blonde girl down the bar who had been making eye contact with me all night. I finally beckoned her to me with my finger and she walked over as sultry as possible, she really didn't need to do all that.

"Hey handsome." She said placing her hand on my upper arm.

"You wanna get outta here? My car is outside." I said and she smiled.

"You don't even know my name." She giggled.

"It's not necessary." I said and she smiled. I took her hand pulled her to me while I sat on the stool and I passionately kissed her. She moaned in the kissed and finally I pulled away from her.

"Let's go." I said as I threw some money on the bar and rushed out to the Beamer with this new girl.

As I drove this girl was rubbing my hardening cock through my pants while kissing my neck. This is everything I needed tonight. Once we arrived at my old house I pulled this girl inside and we started stripping off clothing the minute we walked in the door. Her lips on mine. He body was something to marvel at, We made it to the room and I pushed her down on the bed and hovered over her. I went to kiss her neck and as she giggled I instantly stopped.

"Damnit..." I said pulling away from the girl.

"Baby, what happened..." She whimpered.

"Get the fuck out." I growled.

"But baby..." She whined.

"I'm not your baby! Get the fuck out! Call a car! Get the fuck out!" My voice boomed and she quickly scampered out of the bed and was gone quickly. I got up and started pacing. When I was kissing that woman all I saw was Willa's face. I wanted it to be Willa under me, moaning and calling out my name. I stopped pacing and punched a hole in the wall.

"Son of a bitch!" I yelled shaking my hand.

I needed to get home, my new home, I needed to get to Willa and make this right. I quickly got dressed and rushed back to the new house. Once I drove home I busted through the front door and went looking for Willa. I finally figured out she had gone to bed when the house was dark and empty. I rushed up to her room and went to her room. As I got to the door I heard her inside, crying...there was no doubt about it, she was crying and the other known fact was it was because of me and my actions.

I tried the handle to go into the room to try and make this better, but the door was locked. I placed my forehead against the door.

"God Willa I'm so sorry."  I said and I heard her sobbing. This was our life now...I needed to change and show I could change.

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