15 - Always Be Mine

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I pulled up outside the dark house and sighed knowing everyone was asleep and I would have to be quiet walking in. I knew it wasn't too late so I didn't think Ransom would already be in bed, but I figured Oliver probably wore him out.

I unlocked the door and quietly shut it once I was inside. I didn't like the darkness. I made my way to the steps difficult and before I could even get my foot on one a lamp on the table clicked on and Ransom was sitting in a chair. I jumped nearly out of my skin trying to not scream.

"Fuck Ransom! Why are you sitting in the dark waiting for me?" I asked and he didn't say anything and just stood up.

"Have a good time on your date?" Ransom asked.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Did you have a good time on your date?" Ransom asked through gritted teeth this time. I just looked at him and put the keys on the small table.

"It wasn't a date Ransom. It was a business dinner. You know work, that thing you don't do..." I said and went to walk up the stairs. Ransom grabbed my arm.

"I saw you on your date." Ransom said.

"IT WASN'T A DATE!" I yelled and then groaned hoping I didn't wake Oliver.

"Well, I say it was when I saw him touching the small of your back, leaning down whispering in your ear. That's a date." Ransom said.

"How would you know, you don't date...you just fuck." I said.

"I know he was touching something that is mine." Ransom said. I just looked at him and huffed a laugh.

"Yours? What the shit Ransom?! You have got to be fucking kidding me. You say this shit but your actions don't meet your words. I wish to fuck they would, but they don't!" I said and Ransom just looked at the floor. I shook my head and started up the stairs to get ready for bed.

I didn't even hear Ransom's feet on the steps quickly behind me. Before I could get into my room he gripped my arm, turning me to pin me against the wall and passionately kiss me. My mind was screaming to push him away, he couldn't do this, he needed to be deprived and prove how he feels in more ways than just kissing me. Unfortunately, my heart was winning out as I gripped Ransom's shirt and was holding his body to mind, he reached down and lifted a leg to wrap around him as he was rubbing his bulge against my core, and I moaned. Then my stupid brain screamed at me.

"No!" I said and pushed Ransom off of me.

"What the fuck Willa?" Ransom asked pissed off.

"You're just being a jealous prick right now... honestly Ransom I know this game with you. You want to change for me, and Oliver. I can tell you do but after how you were acting downstairs and have been acting the past few nights you can't just run up on me the hallway and think all is forgiven and I'm going to fall back in." I said and Ransom growled.

"What more do I have to do Willa?! Fall on my knees and profess my love for you? Hire a skywriter? What?!" Ransom asked pissed off.

"I just want actions Ransom! Following me tonight wasn't showing me that your trusted me!" I said.

"I didn't follow you, Willa! Our son wanted ice cream, so I took him to that place downtown. As we were getting in the car, I saw you." Ransom said and then came back pinning me against the wall again. "I wanted to come down there and break his hand for touching you and I swear to god if I hadn't had Oliver with me, I would have! He has no right touching what's mine." Ransom said and I growled and pulled back and smacked Ransom on his check.

"I'm not, nor will I ever be your property." I said and glared at him.

"You will always be mine Willa, you want to know why? Before we even slept together to conceive the best kid in the world, I had talked to Harlan about wanting to be with you and going out with you, but I didn't think you would ever give me the time of day. Now getting drunk and sleeping together was never what I planned, I was really just trying to work up the courage to ask you out. After we slept together, I wanted to ask you out, I wanted to be with you, but Harlan said I should stay away for a few weeks and let things cool down. Then you got pregnant, I wanted to work on it once he was born when we all lived together but we just couldn't seem to get along. That was on me, and I just wish I could go back and tell myself to stop being a stupid douchebag. You're all I want Willa and I want to be with you fully. I want to sleep with you at night, hold you, kiss you, make love with you, I want it all. I just want you to be mine Willa, please..." Ransom said. I opened my mouth to answer but then I looked in Ransom's eyes. The lust look he had when he kissed me was gone but now it was a pleading, longing, loving look. I couldn't do this, my mind and heart were at war right now and I just needed to get away.

"I...I...good night, Ransom." I said and ducked under his arm and rushed to my room going inside and locking the door. I leaned against the closed door and slid down as tears filled my eyes. I pulled my knees to my chest.

Did he really feel this way or was this all a ploy? The look in his eyes matched everything that he was saying, and I knew he was trying to change. Could him seeing me with someone make him change so much that he was really going to be who I had always wanted him to be? Let's face it Ransom and I could be toxic together and we knew that we knew there were parts of us being together that could maybe never work but there were also parts of us that works so well together that it seemed impossible to stay away from each other.

When he kissed me, everything disappeared, and I could feel everything he ever felt for me. It felt like it did the night we created Oliver. The best part of Ransom and I. But then my brain kicks in with maybe this is just how he is acting because he is jealous, and he really doesn't want me but doesn't want anyone else to either.

I took a deep breath, calming myself, got up from the floor and changing for bed.

Maybe I could tackle this with a clearer head in the morning.

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