01x01: Great Power

951 16 5

Edited: 2/2/2023
Edited Again: 6/28/2023

Alternative Title: The Frightful Three likes Midtown Highs food a lot

"I know you're out there, you wall-crawling-menace! It is the duty of every New Yorker to report the actions of these masked miscreants, so listen up! As long as J. Jonah Jameson is CEO of Daily Bugle Communications I won't rest until New York has seen the last of Spiderwoman-"

I shot a web at the big screen, "shut the hell up." I mutter. "It's too early in the morning for this bullshit, and I still haven't had my daily morning coffee." I jump off the edge of the building and swing through the streets of New York City.

"Other kids I know start their day off with orange juice and waffles, sometimes eggs. Me? I get yelled at by 100-foot-tall man who thinks he's rocking that mustache."

"So what gives her the right? That wall-crawling menace, Spiderwoman!"

"Where's the love for your friendly neighborhood, Spiderwoman?" I ask. 

"I'm out here alone every day, doing the best I can at this hero routine. It's not easy, and it doesn't make it easier that I'm a high school student. Speaking of school, I still have to pick up a cake for Aunt May before the first period. But first, I'd better save that cop in the skidding car."

I shot a web right at the window of a cake shop- ironic- saving most of the shop from the cop car.

An officer climbs out and looks at me. "I'm starting to think Jameson's wrong about you, Spidey."

"Spread the word, Chief!" I grin at him. I jump and land on the street, right in front of a truck that's being held down by glue. Glue, it's held down by glue. Welcome to New York City, bitches.

"Hiya, Bug-Brain." Oh, my Gawd, bro- it's the Trapster. "I knew that would draw you out."

"I've been Spiderwoman for about a year now, and I've already fought this glue stick three times. Let's see if I learned anything from my mistakes. The fourth time gotta be the charm I need to throw this bozo in prison."

He fires his glue gun at me and I dodge it, I land right in front of him and punch him across the face. He crashes into a car, gets up, and looks pissed. He grins as he presses two big buttons on glue bombs and throws them at me, I kick both away as they explode. One manages to get glue on me as I landed on the side of a building. Shit, I'm stuck. I hate glue.

I notice Trapster is about to shoot me with a glue gun so I shoot a web to the muzzle of the gun. Dumbass keep clicking away at the trigger and his backpack full of glue exploded. Trapping him in glue as I break free.

I land before him, "this is when I leave the Friendly Neighborhood Spiderwoman note. Can I borrow a pen?" I ask, smirking at him. His eyes widened. "Interesting. Villain's eye widened in terror, but Spidey-Sense not tingling. Am I that intimidating?"

"No!" Some jackass shouts.

"For those of you new to the Spiderwoman franchise, allow me to explain the whole Spidey-Sense deal. It's basically an early warning system that kicks in whenever there's danger approaching. And I swear to Thor, if it's taking a v-cay, I'm firing it and replacing it."

I look up, "whoa. The S.H.I.E.L.D. helicarrier is coming in low."

"Spiderwoman," a new voice says.

"HOLY SHI-" I gasp as I turned around so fast that Quicksilver would be impressed. 

"Nick Fury, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. That's the Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement and Logistics Division. The super spies."

"You super spies make it a point to sneak up on hard-working heroes?" I ask, crossing my arms.

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