01x06: Why I Hate the Gym

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Alternative Title: There is no Alternative Title, I hate Gym, period sis

I'm on the Spider-Cycle chasing this annoying villain... Batroc.

"Leap, forward leap. Flip!" He laughs as he says all his moves out loud. "C'est bon. C'est magnique." 

"STOP SPEAKING FRENCH!" I wonder if he would've gotten pissed if I screamed, STOP SPEAKING ITALIAN. I shot a web at Batroc's foot. "Your suckitude knows no bounds, Batroc." The web pulls me off of the Spider-Cycle.

He keeps jumping around, basically tossing me around. He slides underneath a billboard and I hit the center of the billboard, letting out a mega oof.

"Batroc the Leaper. So off the radar, S.H.I.E.L.D. doesn't even have a real file on him. What's to know? He's French, he leaps, he's annoying."

"And zee bug goes splat!" Batroc tries to run away but I land on his back and then jump as he slides to the small edge wall of the roof.

White Tiger, who witnessed everything, looks at me. "Spiderwoman. Nick Fury says get back to S.H.I.E.L.D. HQ for training."

I walk up to her and cross my arms. I lean forward, closer to her face. "Just because he's Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. doesn't mean he can boss me around." I scoff. "Besides, Fury would be the first to say going solo on B-Listers like Batroc is good training. Don't be so official, White Tiger. When life gives you Batroc, make French Toast." Suddenly Batroc kicks me into the air.

"A BOOT IN THE FACE," he grins. White Tigers tries to grab him but falls to the ground as he leaps towards me, he hits his head against my stomach and I land into a DBC giant TV billboard.

"To expose to all this new threat. We won't rest until-"

"Way to go in alone. Get lazy and even the lame ones can splatter you." White Tigers says on my watch. "That's what training's for! That and mastering new tools like Electric Claws." She gets chased by Batroc.

She claws down a water tower and I make a giant web. As Batroc washes away, he lands in my web and then flies back.

"Is Spiderwoman a student at Midtown High?" Batroc lands into another DBC TV.

"Where does he get this stuff?" I ask.

"I have no idea," White Tiger answers.


"And so all city campuses are on high alert," acting principal Coulson explains to the school, in the cafeteria. "Report any suspicious persons immediately."

I enter the cafeteria and Flash laughs, "huh, I see one now!" His friends laugh.

I roll my eyes and walk up to Ava. "Pretty good show with Batroc ze Leaper last night, huh, Ava?"

"Lapse of training, late for school. Good show, Parker." She turns away from me. I give her annoyed bunny ears before going to sit down between my two good friends Harry and MJ.

MJ and Harry turn to me as Harry says, "hey, Em. They're saying Spidey goes to the school. Chicks love heroes, so help me spread the rumor that she's my bestie or something."

"You probably do know her, Harry." MJ chuckles, "how else is she getting the money to afford all those webs."

"Oh my Thor, I didn't realize Harry was Spidey's sugar daddy." I grin, jokingly.

"WHOA!" Harry's mouth drops as our friend, who is sitting across from me, Liz Allan laughs.

"Harry," I turn to him. "I don't it's a good idea for you to be Spidey's sugar daddy, the villains might come after you."

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