01x14: Venomous

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So... the Avengers Assemble fic won't be coming until sometime during or after season two, what is coming is my MCU saga series, featuring April Carter and other OCs, 'cause by the time I get to Civil War Raimiverse Spiderwoman should be complete and The Amazing Spiderwoman should be close to finish.

And there will officially (as of now) be 30 episodes/chapters per season. Four of the thirty will be fan-made (obviously).

Alternative Title: Lying to my friends to save my best friend

I was putting my hair up in a ponytail when I heard my S.H.I.E.L.D. watch calling. I find it on my bed, only to discover I have one miss call from Fury and a voicemail too.

"Spiderwoman, I want to talk to you."

"Breakfast first, Fury later." I roll my eyes.


"Another day, another doughnut, Aunt May." My grin falls as I hear Jameson on the TV.

"Violating this individual's civil rights."

"What's the matter?" I ask.

"I just saw it on the news," she sounds in shock. "Spiderwoman... she brutally beat an innocent man."

"I did?- I mean, she did?" I gasp.

Primrose snorts. "Leap-leap goes beep-beep!"

"I'm so glad I decided to keep the fact I'm a mutant away from the public, otherwise this framing along with what I actually do would be used to target mutants."


"That wall-crawling menace has finally gone too far! Violating this individual's civil rights! Policemen aren't allowed to resort to violence. So what gives her the right? And an innocent French citizen, to boot! Look at all that webbing! Who made Spiderwoman judge and jury?"

"Innocent? Batroc? Oh, come on! You know it wasn't me, right? Because I really need someone on my side right now... who isn't proud of what 'I've' done. Besides, I've got a pretty good idea who it was."


I enter study hall, and notice an exhausted Harry.

"Studying in study hall?" I chuckle as I walk up to him. "Something is amiss here."

"Oh, hey, Em." He gives me a tired grin.

"Seen the news today, Harry? How 'bout the Bulge's rant on the evil Spiderwoman pounding on mild-mannered visitors to our fair city?"

"What do you mean?" He's sweating. "I- I don't know what you're talking about."

"Where's your watch?"

"Which watch?"

"Which watch? The Venom watch. Your little carrying case for that whacked out Symbiote you were so buddy-buddy with." I sigh, "come on, Harry. We're best friends. You can tell me anything."

"I told you I smashed that watched."

"So it wasn't you out there playing anti-hero? You sure?"

"Of course I'm sure."

"Are you sweating?"

"Listen, I appreciate your concern, but I'm all done with that Venom trip! You gotta trust me, Em!" He leaves the classroom.

"Oh, I trust you, Harry. It's Venom that I'm worried about."


"Harry's my best friend," I follow the Osborn car on my Spider-Cycle. "And I'm not going to let anything happen to him. But if Venom is involved, that's gonna make things difficult for your Friendly Neighborhood Spiderwoman."

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