01x16: A Strange Hex

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Alternative Title: Pythoness beats up the Iron Fist

I let out a scream as I narrowly dodged the katana-arm-thing this robot had going on. I was in civilian clothing and without my webbing shooters, so I couldn't do anything. I had to wait for somebody to come save my ass.

I start running down the street and burst through the door of a small cafe- Cup-O-Joe's or something like that- but I somehow end up in the Midtown High gym. Only to let out a blood-curling scream.

The ceiling looked endless, but what startled me the most was the mutants hanging, dead still, both mutants I know, heard of, seen on TV, and ones I haven't.

I jump when I felt a hand grab my shoulder, I quickly whip around and almost punch... Kurt Wagner.

"Kurt!" I cry out. "What's going on?!"

"Emma, we gotta go- Trask Industries- they... they... Senator Robert Kelly is now President! He had Trask Industries teamed up with S.H.I.E.L.D. The- the Sentinels are coming! Oh, Emma, they've already killed the X-Men and our mutant alli-" Suddenly a rope wraps Kurt's neck, and he's swung up with the rest, being killed instantly.

"KURT!" I scream.

"MUTIE!" I hear someone shout behind me. I turn around to see everyone I know and care about that's not a mutant standing there, all equally angry at me- as any anti-mutant protester would be.

"Wha- what?" I felt my heart break.

"Monster!" Harry shouts.

"Freak!" MJ joins him.

"Thank God we aren't related by blood!" Aunt May scoffs.

"Why did I ever want a mutant-freak like you to join S.H.I.E.L.D.?" Fury glares at me before pointing. "Sentinel, do us all a favor and kill that menace."

The same Sentinel from before lands in front of me. 

"Oh, fuck no-" I'm cut off by somebody shouting.


"Danny?" I raise a brow, both shocked and relieved as the Iron Fist punches the Sentinel down. He looks around then at me before punching me across the face.

And that's when I woke up.


I gasp when I wake up. "WHAT THE FU-" I stop shouting when I realize I'm in class, but then I notice everyone is asleep. "Wait, we got naptime today?" I look at Danny, who is still awake. "Dude, I had the scariest dream."

"Sentinels killed off the X-Men in the school gym?" His face is completely serious.

"Okay, that's also creepy. What the fuck? How did you know that?"

"I was there, Em, dream-walking. But it wasn't natural. Took nearly all of my Chi energy to wake us up before we wound up like them." Danny and I look at our sleeping classmates.

"Why? They're just asl- oh, no."

"Is Lilith back? But she's taking it out on the entire human race? She was a bitch to deal with last time, but from the looks of it, I ain't getting the rest of the Daughters of Liberty up. Remember what Ah-Lam said, pretend to be clueless about magic until it's revealed to you once again. I guess, that'll be easy. Knowing I still can't believe it."

"You're gonna say something all weird and foreboding now, aren't you?"

"Dreams are the window to the soul," Danny states. "Someone has slammed them all shut."

"And there it is," I sigh.


We ride on my Spidey-Cycle down the streets on New York, Iron Fist had his hands on my shoulders.

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