01x13: Uncanny

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Not as much effort was put into this as the Daughters of Liberty arc, because of the sole purpose of this chapter contains vital information about Emma.

"So... this is the X-Mansion?" I raise a brow.

"No, this is the Baxter Building." Wolverine deadpans.

"Fantastic." I grin.

"I hate you."

"So, you may be wondering. Why is Emma Parker- out of her Spidey duds- at the X-Mansion, Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, the home of the X-Men? Well, you see... yesterday, me and the Wolf-Boy over here had our minds(?)... bodies(?) swapped. Very complicated stuff. But after we got back to our normal selves, Mesmero- who swapped us- revealed he could only swap mutants. So here Wild Man and I are, at the X-Mansion, here to see if I'm actually a mutant or if Mesmero just got stronger... why couldn't we have done this at S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

I just grin in response and we enter the school.

A sudden gush of wind passes us, and I notice my hair was suddenly in a Katniss-Everdeen-braid. I blink, "what the fuck-" Suddenly there was a Jewish boy around my age in front of me, with silver hair and blue eyes, he was grinning at me. "Uh, hi?" Suddenly he was gone.

"Come on, kid." Wolverine groans. "Keep walking."

"Did you not just-"

"Let's go."

"Someone just-"

"Shut up."

*Insert epic intro here*

We stand in Professor Charles Xavier's office with Jean Grey- Jane's older sister, Scott Summers aka Cyclops and Storm.

"So, let me get this straight, you faced Mesmero in New York, he body-swapped you two, you two fought Sabretooth, and then Elizabeth Stark informed you that Mesmero can only body-swap mutants?" Cyclops raises a brow.

"Well, we don't know exactly if Mesmero.. well... had an upgrade on that ability." Jean sighs. "It is very well possible he grew stronger to body-swap mutates as well."

"Take a genetics test," Xavier states. "We'll have Hank take a sample of your blood and look over your genes, to see if you have the X-Gene or not. For Hank, the test will take over four to six hours. If you don't have the X-Gene, we'll send you home. But we'll decide from there if you do, indeed, have the X-Gene."

I nod, "aight. I'm down."

"Perfect," Xavier smiles softly. "Storm, would you ever be so kind, and take Miss. Parker to Hank?"

"Of course, Professor," Storm links arms with me. "With me, my child." She smiles warmly at me while leading me down the hall and into a mini lab.

The second we are out of hearing range, Jean asks Wolverine.

"So... do you think she's related to her... to them?" 

"I... don't know, Red."

"Hank," Storm knocks on the door. "The Professor has a request for you."

We heard a semi-loud crash before the door opens, revealing a large furry blue... beast?

"Hank, this is Emma Parker, better known as Spiderwoman. The Professor has asked for you to check if she has the X-Gene or not."

"So... secret identities? Thrown out the window. Okay."


Beast studies a couple of samples of my blood as I chill by sitting on the ceiling. But right now he's currently examining my web-shooters.

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