01x08: Back in Black by AC/DC

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As mentioned in "Marvel's Spiderwoman," I head-canon that Spider-Folks can't get sick.

Alternative Title: My Best Friend steals my Job!! (**What happens next will shock you!**)

"Emma, Emma!" Aunt May rips off my blanket. "Wake up, dear! How are you so tired?"

"I was out fighting crime, that's for sure."

"Homework?" I guess.

She sighs, "get dressed. I'll make you a coffee. School starts in twenty minutes you know."

"Fine!" I whine, getting up. I turn on the TV when I start to change. I change into a pair of skinny blue jeans, a cozy scarlet sweater cause it's December, and my regular vans. 

When I'm brushing my hair, I notice Ginger hissing at the TV. I look back at the TV to see a Spider-Man(?) in a full-body black suit and the crowd cheering for him. "Did I just get replaced? Holy shit-" I look at Ginger, who clearly does not like this new 'hero.'


My arms are crossed as I march down the street, ticked off. Everyone's fangirling over this Spider-Man while dissing me. Is it because I'm a woman? Is it because I'm bisexual? Is it because I still play with Legos?

"FINALLY, SOMEBODY'S DOING IT RIGHT!" I heard Jameson's voice while I pass a dude on his phone.

I scoff and I turn the alleyway for a shortcut. Three men are in the alleyway, smoking. I ignore them, but they don't ignore me.

"Hey, beautiful." One crook sticks his tongue out at me. I cringe and walk faster.

But I come to a false halt when one of them grabs my arm. I'm just going to address them by their hair color. So Blondie stuck his tongue out at me, Redhead grabbed my arm, and Brunette didn't do jack shit yet.

"Hey, he was talking to you. It's rude to ignore." Redhead smirks.

"I'm a child, y'know? Just turned fifteen." I rip my arm from his grasp.

"We don't care," Brunette chuckles. "We like them young."

"That's disgusting."

"It is, in fact, disgusting." 

Half-expecting an Avenger or X-Man, or even a member of the Fantastic Four when I turn around, but I immediately, internally groan when I see Spider-Man.

Before I know it, the three pedophiles were knocked out and webbed to the wall.

I press my lips together before turning around, only to come face-to-chest with Spider-Man.

He looks down at me, somewhat concerned. "Are you okay, Em- Ma'am?"

"Ma'am? Bitch, I'll have you know-"

Motherfucker chuckles, "glad to know your okay."

I roll my eyes and cross my arms once more. "Right. Thanks. Bye!" I start stomping away but he shoots a web at my wrist and pulls me back, I slam into his chest. "Ow-"

"What's wrong? You don't seem pleased to see me."

"Cause I'm not, now leave me alone. I'm gonna be late to school."


I watched as Flash tore down his Spiderwoman posters and put up a Spider-Man one instead. "Out with the old... and in with the awesome! Now that is the coolest superhero I've ever seen!"

"It turns out I'm not the only one pissed about the news of Spider-Man. 

The city is literally divided in half about whose better, Spiderwoman or Spider-Man?

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