01x15: Me Time

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Remember how Liz is a blond because of those comics based on the show? Well, not anymore. Think of it how the Guardian of the Galaxy got a new look as well between Ultimate Spider-Man and Avengers Assemble/Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H.

Also, my first MCU book is out now. Check out Solivagant if you're interested.

Alternative Title: My First Blind-Date

"Yes, it is New York City, and no, tornado's don't tear up the avenues here everyday. Or ever. Luckily, New York has me, Spiderwoman, and luckily, I have my Spidey-Cycle."

"I love being me right now!" I grin as I rode on the side of building as I chase the tornado.

"Finally!" A villain, the one causing this disaster grunts. "I was starting to wonder how much damage it took to draw out a hero the shape of a punching bag."

"Hero? That's not a name I get called very often." I dramatically sigh, "now I'm gonna feel bad taking you down, Whirlwind."

Whirlwind just speeds up as I drive faster. I dodge the debris he tosses at me, and before I could jump him with my Spidey-Cycle, he uses to find to push me back. I fall off my Spidey-Cycle and toss around inside of the tornado.

"Come on out, Spider! Squashing you will be a breeze!"

I just causally jump on his back, "what gal has two thumbs and the courage to pull this thing off? This gal!" I struggle to pull his helmet off. "Go, me!" He starts spinning uncontrollably, making me let go as I almost barf.

I shoot a web at his helmet and pull the helmet off before swinging the web back and smacking Whirlwind across the face with his own helmet.

The tornado finally comes to a stop as Whirlwind lays on the street, I pick his helmet up.

Two kids run up to me, "Spiderwoman! Spiderwoman!"

"Hey, kids!" I smile weakly. "Stay in school!" I gulp down my barf before gagging.

"Textbook take-down of Whirlwind, kid," Fury lands next to me with a jet-pack. "But..."

"I'd stay downwind of my breath, Fury."

"But you're still doin' way too much collateral damage."

"Damage? What damage?" I look forward to see a mess. "That was Whirlwind, not me! That's not coming out of my allowance, is it?"

"Nothing a couple hours' training back at S.H.I.E.L.D. won't fix. Let's go."

"Uh, no. A few hours in Fury time means the rest of the weekend in real time. You said if I pulled this off, I'd get some me time. Call if there's a real emergency." I whistle and my Spidey-Cycle self-drives up to me. 

"Oh, cool! The Spider-Cycle!" The young boy grins.

"Oh, look at that!" The young girl gasps.

I get onto the cycle and hand the helmet to Fury. I wink at the kids before driving off.

"On my own, and no Nick Fury!"


I yawn as I open the fridge before realization hit, there's a note on the fridge. It's from Aunt May.

"Emma, got a call from the gals to do something in the great outdoors. Primrose is at a friend's house from her pre-school! Leftovers in the fridge. Back Sunday. Love, Aunt May."

"What's she doing this time? Never mind, I don't want to know. Wait! Prim's gone, May's gone!" I grin as I start pulling myself a black coffee. "Ginger, G-Twins, you know what this means?"

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