01x07: Exclusive

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Alternative Title: The Hulk crashes my Interview 

Third Person POV

Mary-Jane Watson turns on her camera, and has it face her. "The exclusive interview is conducted for Daily Bulge Communications by rookie reporter Mary-Jane Watson." She tries again, "Mary-Jane. By Mary Watson. By Jane Watson. By MJ Wat- Hmm. I think I'll just stick with Mary-Jane Watson."

The scene cuts to her filming her best friend since childhood aka her crush, Emma Parker, whose just trying to enjoy her lunch.

"So... Emma Parker, what does the woman on the street think?"

"What's to think?" Emma Parker asks. "Oh, is it about your interview with Spiderwoman? Spidey would have to be a bigger fan of yours than I am."

"I believe you, MJ." Harry Osborn cuts in. "That's awesome. But how did you get Spiderwoman to agree to an interview?"

"I... can't reveal my sources, Harry."

"Yeah, Parker." Sam Alexander has MJ turn her camera and attention to the two teens. In the background, Luke Cage is chowing down his lunch very aggressively as Ava Ayala steals his milk. Danny Rand just watches both of the scenes unfold while looking very bored. "How did she get it?"

Emma shrugs, "probably because of Nova." She smirks as Sam glares at her.

The scene cuts to Mary-Jane standing on a roof while Spiderwoman films her.

"So how long have you wanted to be a reporter?" Spiderwoman asks in an unusually low voice.

"Uh, forever," Mary-Jane replies. "But I don't know why I'm answering your questions." She grabs the camera. "You're the one who agreed to be interviewed." She turns the camera to face Spiderwoman, whose sitting criss-cross apple sauce, drinking apple juice. "My audience wants to know. Why now? Why me?"

"It's important for your friendly neighborhood superhero to know the top media movers and shakers. Speaking of which-" The Webhead grabs the Redhead and starts swinging, making the Redhead scream.

The scene cuts to them on a roof again.

"That was... amazing!" Mary-Jane says, breathless. "It was like-"

"Flying?" The brunette grins.

"Your voice sounds familiar." Mary-Jane notes. "But I can't quite place it. Are you a public figure in real life?"

"This is real life," the girl mimics J. Jonah Jameson's voice.

"You know it's not much of a story if you won't answer my questions. Any chance you'll give me the ultimate scoop and unmask?"

"Sure!" The girl grins before ripping off her mask to reveal another mask. "Ta-da!"

"Cute. But winning The Bugle's 'You Are The News' contest could be a huge break for me, so thanks."

"Hey, there's something in it for me too! Finally getting an unbiased source to prove I'm not the menace some people claim I am."

Behind Spiderwoman, the news turns on, revealing J. Jonah Jameson.

"... And that's why I'm turning my airwaves over to you, Manhattan! You find the proof! You bring me the video that will lock this Spider-Threat up once and for all! You are the news!"

"Three words: Nose Hair Trimmer." Spiderwoman jokes. "You don't think I'm a menace, do you?"

Behind the Webhead- was a shit ton of smoke, just a few blocks away.

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