01x09: Field Trip

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I do plan for an Avengers Assemble fanfic with one of my other OCs, obviously it'll be connected to this universe. And somethings will be change, for example, more of the Team in it. 

LMAO I got @Lizzy_Stark-1 to watch Ultimate Spider-Man, she didn't like it but since she's my bestie she'll read this book. She likes Sam, likes Ava, she loves Luke but she hates Danny-

And Fun Fact, I have a basset hound named Loki. 

Alternative Title: Danny fucks up our Field Trip

"A Nordic rune stone," Coulson starts off as I drink a Capri-Sun in the back. "We used to believe that the legends of Asgard were myth. Names like Odin, Loki, and, of course, the mighty Thor."

"I know what you're thinking. Normally Emma Parker's the bookworm at the head of class. What's she doing back here? Answer: It's a field trip. And Emma Parker hates field trips." I got bitten by a goat, a dolphin and a spider. "Okay, so the spider bite worked out. But it's a good thing that goat didn't have radioactive powers. But today, things change, today we're at a museum, so nothing can bite me... as long as I stay away from the children."

"What? It's a rock." Sam grins as Ava, Luke, and Danny stare intensely at the Nordic rune stone.

"I studied ancient texts in K'un-Lun. Let me see," Danny starts reading the text. "Warrior... be afraid... of the coming winter?" The stone just glows up in a bright white color. 

It suddenly feels like there is a blizzard inside, so I open my eyes... only to see a literal Ice Giant.

I groan, "field trips.." I roll my eyes and cross my arms as the Ice Giant roars and slams his ice-cub against the floor.

Students and bystanders scream as Coulson shouts, "buddy system! Now! No man gets left behind!" He then turns to us, "you're on." Then runs away.

"I have never been more grateful for MJ being sick then right now, since she's my buddy."

"What is that thing?" Danny asks.

"You read the rock," Luke shrugs.

"Oh, this is your fault?" I raise a brow. "Your reading privileges are provoked!"


"Whatever. While you guys try to figure whatever the hell this thing is, I'm gonna go mano-a-gianto." I take off my shirt, revealing my Spidey-suit.

"Oh, yeah? Get in line!" White Tiger jumps on his head, before dodging his attacks. "Spidey, you're up!"

"We need to get Frosty to chill out!" I say as I swing pass the Ice Giant and land on a wooden ship. I jump off the wooden ship in time as he punches the it down.

Nova sends a blast at the Ice Giant, "stand down, Bug Girl! I can handle this!" He and the rest are finally changed.

He flies towards the Ice Giant- who was smashing things- only to get smacked back by the Ice Giant's club like a baseball.

"I don't know about you guys, but I want to see how Nova handled this in slo-mo." I replay it in my mind. "Ooh! Totally not handled!"

Nova stumbles towards me, "uhh... who are you talkin' to?" He turns to face the invisable camera man- who honestly needs a better paycheck. "Come out! I'll go sunlight all over you..." He falls backwards. 

"Bruh, leave Jerry alone." I roll my eyes.

"You must have a weak spot," Iron Fist observes the Ice Giant. Just as the Ice Giant is about to crush Iron Fist with his club, Power Man catches the club.

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